OPTIONS ======= Track Selection --------------- ``--alang=`` Specify a priority list of audio languages to use. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two-letter language codes, Matroska, MPEG-TS and NUT use ISO 639-2 three-letter language codes, while OGM uses a free-form identifier. See also ``--aid``. .. admonition:: Examples ``mpv dvd://1 --alang=hu,en`` Chooses the Hungarian language track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. ``mpv --alang=jpn example.mkv`` Plays a Matroska file in Japanese. ``--slang=`` Specify a priority list of subtitle languages to use. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, Matroska uses ISO 639-2 three letter language codes while OGM uses a free-form identifier. See also ``--sid``. .. admonition:: Examples - ``mpv dvd://1 --slang=hu,en`` chooses the Hungarian subtitle track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. - ``mpv --slang=jpn example.mkv`` plays a Matroska file with Japanese subtitles. ``--aid=`` Select audio track. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables audio. See also ``--alang``. mpv normally prints available audio tracks on the terminal when starting playback of a file. ``--sid=`` Display the subtitle stream specified by ````. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables subtitles. See also ``--slang``, ``--no-sub``. ``--vid=`` Select video channel. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables video. ``--ff-aid=``, ``--ff-sid=``, ``--ff-vid=`` Select audio/subtitle/video streams by the FFmpeg stream index. The FFmpeg stream index is relatively arbitrary, but useful when interacting with other software using FFmpeg (consider ``ffprobe``). Note that with external tracks (added with ``--sub-file`` and similar options) will have duplicate IDs. In that case, the first stream in order is selected. ``--edition=`` (Matroska files only) Specify the edition (set of chapters) to use, where 0 is the first. If set to ``auto`` (the default), mpv will choose the first edition declared as a default, or if there is no default, the first edition defined. Playback Control ---------------- ``--start=`` Seek to given time position. The general format for absolute times is ``[[hh:]mm:]ss[.ms]``. If the time is given with a prefix of ``+`` or ``-``, the seek is relative from the start or end of the file. ``pp%`` seeks to percent position pp (0-100). ``#c`` seeks to chapter number c. (Chapters start from 1.) .. admonition:: Examples ``--start=+56``, ``--start=+00:56`` Seeks to the start time + 56 seconds. ``--start=-56``, ``--start=-00:56`` Seeks to the end time - 56 seconds. ``--start=01:10:00`` Seeks to 1 hour 10 min. ``--start=50%`` Seeks to the middle of the file. ``--start=30 --end=40`` Seeks to 30 seconds, plays 10 seconds, and exits. ``--start=-3:20 --length=10`` Seeks to 3 minutes and 20 seconds before the end of the file, plays 10 seconds, and exits. ``--start='#2' --end='#4'`` Plays chapters 2 and 3, and exits. ``--end=