path: root/video/out/vulkan/malloc.c
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1 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/video/out/vulkan/malloc.c b/video/out/vulkan/malloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31fcd36ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/out/vulkan/malloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+#include "malloc.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "osdep/timer.h"
+// Controls the multiplication factor for new slab allocations. The new slab
+// will always be allocated such that the size of the slab is this factor times
+// the previous slab. Higher values make it grow faster.
+// Controls the minimum slab size, to reduce the frequency at which very small
+// slabs would need to get allocated when allocating the first few buffers.
+// (Default: 1 MB)
+#define MPVK_HEAP_MINIMUM_SLAB_SIZE (1 << 20)
+// Controls the maximum slab size, to reduce the effect of unbounded slab
+// growth exhausting memory. If the application needs a single allocation
+// that's bigger than this value, it will be allocated directly from the
+// device. (Default: 512 MB)
+#define MPVK_HEAP_MAXIMUM_SLAB_SIZE (1 << 29)
+// Controls the minimum free region size, to reduce thrashing the free space
+// map with lots of small buffers during uninit. (Default: 1 KB)
+// Represents a region of available memory
+struct vk_region {
+ size_t start; // first offset in region
+ size_t end; // first offset *not* in region
+static inline size_t region_len(struct vk_region r)
+ return r.end - r.start;
+// A single slab represents a contiguous region of allocated memory. Actual
+// allocations are served as slices of this. Slabs are organized into linked
+// lists, which represent individual heaps.
+struct vk_slab {
+ VkDeviceMemory mem; // underlying device allocation
+ size_t size; // total size of `slab`
+ size_t used; // number of bytes actually in use (for GC accounting)
+ bool dedicated; // slab is allocated specifically for one object
+ // free space map: a sorted list of memory regions that are available
+ struct vk_region *regions;
+ int num_regions;
+ // optional, depends on the memory type:
+ VkBuffer buffer; // buffer spanning the entire slab
+ void *data; // mapped memory corresponding to `mem`
+// Represents a single memory heap. We keep track of a vk_heap for each
+// combination of buffer type and memory selection parameters. This shouldn't
+// actually be that many in practice, because some combinations simply never
+// occur, and others will generally be the same for the same objects.
+struct vk_heap {
+ VkBufferUsageFlagBits usage; // the buffer usage type (or 0)
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags; // the memory type flags (or 0)
+ uint32_t typeBits; // the memory type index requirements (or 0)
+ struct vk_slab **slabs; // array of slabs sorted by size
+ int num_slabs;
+// The overall state of the allocator, which keeps track of a vk_heap for each
+// memory type.
+struct vk_malloc {
+ VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties props;
+ struct vk_heap *heaps;
+ int num_heaps;
+static void slab_free(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_slab *slab)
+ if (!slab)
+ return;
+ assert(slab->used == 0);
+ int64_t start = mp_time_us();
+ vkDestroyBuffer(vk->dev, slab->buffer, MPVK_ALLOCATOR);
+ // also implicitly unmaps the memory if needed
+ vkFreeMemory(vk->dev, slab->mem, MPVK_ALLOCATOR);
+ int64_t stop = mp_time_us();
+ MP_VERBOSE(vk, "Freeing slab of size %zu took %lld μs.\n",
+ slab->size, (long long)(stop - start));
+ talloc_free(slab);
+static bool find_best_memtype(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, uint32_t typeBits,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags,
+ VkMemoryType *out_type, int *out_index)
+ struct vk_malloc *ma = vk->alloc;
+ // The vulkan spec requires memory types to be sorted in the "optimal"
+ // order, so the first matching type we find will be the best/fastest one.
+ for (int i = 0; i < ma->props.memoryTypeCount; i++) {
+ // The memory type flags must include our properties
+ if ((ma->props.memoryTypes[i].propertyFlags & flags) != flags)
+ continue;
+ // The memory type must be supported by the requirements (bitfield)
+ if (typeBits && !(typeBits & (1 << i)))
+ continue;
+ *out_type = ma->props.memoryTypes[i];
+ *out_index = i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ MP_ERR(vk, "Found no memory type matching property flags 0x%x and type "
+ "bits 0x%x!\n", flags, (unsigned)typeBits);
+ return false;
+static struct vk_slab *slab_alloc(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_heap *heap,
+ size_t size)
+ struct vk_slab *slab = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, slab);
+ *slab = (struct vk_slab) {
+ .size = size,
+ };
+ MP_TARRAY_APPEND(slab, slab->regions, slab->num_regions, (struct vk_region) {
+ .start = 0,
+ .end = slab->size,
+ });
+ VkMemoryAllocateInfo minfo = {
+ .allocationSize = slab->size,
+ };
+ uint32_t typeBits = heap->typeBits ? heap->typeBits : UINT32_MAX;
+ if (heap->usage) {
+ VkBufferCreateInfo binfo = {
+ .size = slab->size,
+ .usage = heap->usage,
+ };
+ VK(vkCreateBuffer(vk->dev, &binfo, MPVK_ALLOCATOR, &slab->buffer));
+ VkMemoryRequirements reqs;
+ vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(vk->dev, slab->buffer, &reqs);
+ minfo.allocationSize = reqs.size; // this can be larger than slab->size
+ typeBits &= reqs.memoryTypeBits; // this can restrict the types
+ }
+ VkMemoryType type;
+ int index;
+ if (!find_best_memtype(vk, typeBits, heap->flags, &type, &index))
+ goto error;
+ MP_VERBOSE(vk, "Allocating %zu memory of type 0x%x (id %d) in heap %d.\n",
+ slab->size, type.propertyFlags, index, (int)type.heapIndex);
+ minfo.memoryTypeIndex = index;
+ VK(vkAllocateMemory(vk->dev, &minfo, MPVK_ALLOCATOR, &slab->mem));
+ VK(vkMapMemory(vk->dev, slab->mem, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0, &slab->data));
+ if (slab->buffer)
+ VK(vkBindBufferMemory(vk->dev, slab->buffer, slab->mem, 0));
+ return slab;
+ slab_free(vk, slab);
+ return NULL;
+static void insert_region(struct vk_slab *slab, struct vk_region region)
+ if (region.start == region.end)
+ return;
+ bool big_enough = region_len(region) >= MPVK_HEAP_MINIMUM_REGION_SIZE;
+ // Find the index of the first region that comes after this
+ for (int i = 0; i < slab->num_regions; i++) {
+ struct vk_region *r = &slab->regions[i];
+ // Check for a few special cases which can be coalesced
+ if (r->end == region.start) {
+ // The new region is at the tail of this region. In addition to
+ // modifying this region, we also need to coalesce all the following
+ // regions for as long as possible
+ r->end = region.end;
+ struct vk_region *next = &slab->regions[i+1];
+ while (i+1 < slab->num_regions && r->end == next->start) {
+ r->end = next->end;
+ MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(slab->regions, slab->num_regions, i+1);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (r->start == region.end) {
+ // The new region is at the head of this region. We don't need to
+ // do anything special here - because if this could be further
+ // coalesced backwards, the previous loop iteration would already
+ // have caught it.
+ r->start = region.start;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (r->start > region.start) {
+ // The new region comes somewhere before this region, so insert
+ // it into this index in the array.
+ if (big_enough) {
+ MP_TARRAY_INSERT_AT(slab, slab->regions, slab->num_regions,
+ i, region);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've reached the end of this loop, then all of the regions
+ // come before the new region, and are disconnected - so append it
+ if (big_enough)
+ MP_TARRAY_APPEND(slab, slab->regions, slab->num_regions, region);
+static void heap_uninit(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_heap *heap)
+ for (int i = 0; i < heap->num_slabs; i++)
+ slab_free(vk, heap->slabs[i]);
+ talloc_free(heap->slabs);
+ *heap = (struct vk_heap){0};
+void vk_malloc_init(struct mpvk_ctx *vk)
+ assert(vk->physd);
+ vk->alloc = talloc_zero(NULL, struct vk_malloc);
+ vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(vk->physd, &vk->alloc->props);
+void vk_malloc_uninit(struct mpvk_ctx *vk)
+ struct vk_malloc *ma = vk->alloc;
+ if (!ma)
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ma->num_heaps; i++)
+ heap_uninit(vk, &ma->heaps[i]);
+ talloc_free(ma);
+ vk->alloc = NULL;
+void vk_free_memslice(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_memslice slice)
+ struct vk_slab *slab = slice.priv;
+ if (!slab)
+ return;
+ assert(slab->used >= slice.size);
+ slab->used -= slice.size;
+ MP_DBG(vk, "Freeing slice %zu + %zu from slab with size %zu\n",
+ slice.offset, slice.size, slab->size);
+ if (slab->dedicated) {
+ // If the slab was purpose-allocated for this memslice, we can just
+ // free it here
+ slab_free(vk, slab);
+ } else {
+ // Return the allocation to the free space map
+ insert_region(slab, (struct vk_region) {
+ .start = slice.offset,
+ .end = slice.offset + slice.size,
+ });
+ }
+// reqs: can be NULL
+static struct vk_heap *find_heap(struct mpvk_ctx *vk,
+ VkBufferUsageFlagBits usage,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags,
+ VkMemoryRequirements *reqs)
+ struct vk_malloc *ma = vk->alloc;
+ int typeBits = reqs ? reqs->memoryTypeBits : 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ma->num_heaps; i++) {
+ if (ma->heaps[i].usage != usage)
+ continue;
+ if (ma->heaps[i].flags != flags)
+ continue;
+ if (ma->heaps[i].typeBits != typeBits)
+ continue;
+ return &ma->heaps[i];
+ }
+ // Not found => add it
+ MP_TARRAY_GROW(ma, ma->heaps, ma->num_heaps + 1);
+ struct vk_heap *heap = &ma->heaps[ma->num_heaps++];
+ *heap = (struct vk_heap) {
+ .usage = usage,
+ .flags = flags,
+ .typeBits = typeBits,
+ };
+ return heap;
+static inline bool region_fits(struct vk_region r, size_t size, size_t align)
+ return MP_ALIGN_UP(r.start, align) + size <= r.end;
+// Finds the best-fitting region in a heap. If the heap is too small or too
+// fragmented, a new slab will be allocated under the hood.
+static bool heap_get_region(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_heap *heap,
+ size_t size, size_t align,
+ struct vk_slab **out_slab, int *out_index)
+ struct vk_slab *slab = NULL;
+ // If the allocation is very big, serve it directly instead of bothering
+ // with the heap
+ slab = slab_alloc(vk, heap, size);
+ *out_slab = slab;
+ *out_index = 0;
+ return !!slab;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < heap->num_slabs; i++) {
+ slab = heap->slabs[i];
+ if (slab->size < size)
+ continue;
+ // Attempt a best fit search
+ int best = -1;
+ for (int n = 0; n < slab->num_regions; n++) {
+ struct vk_region r = slab->regions[n];
+ if (!region_fits(r, size, align))
+ continue;
+ if (best >= 0 && region_len(r) > region_len(slab->regions[best]))
+ continue;
+ best = n;
+ }
+ if (best >= 0) {
+ *out_slab = slab;
+ *out_index = best;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, allocate a new vk_slab and append it to the list.
+ size_t cur_size = MPMAX(size, slab ? slab->size : 0);
+ size_t slab_size = MPVK_HEAP_SLAB_GROWTH_RATE * cur_size;
+ slab_size = MPMAX(MPVK_HEAP_MINIMUM_SLAB_SIZE, slab_size);
+ slab_size = MPMIN(MPVK_HEAP_MAXIMUM_SLAB_SIZE, slab_size);
+ assert(slab_size >= size);
+ slab = slab_alloc(vk, heap, slab_size);
+ if (!slab)
+ return false;
+ MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, heap->slabs, heap->num_slabs, slab);
+ // Return the only region there is in a newly allocated slab
+ assert(slab->num_regions == 1);
+ *out_slab = slab;
+ *out_index = 0;
+ return true;
+static bool slice_heap(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, struct vk_heap *heap, size_t size,
+ size_t alignment, struct vk_memslice *out)
+ struct vk_slab *slab;
+ int index;
+ alignment = MP_ALIGN_UP(alignment, vk->limits.bufferImageGranularity);
+ if (!heap_get_region(vk, heap, size, alignment, &slab, &index))
+ return false;
+ struct vk_region reg = slab->regions[index];
+ MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(slab->regions, slab->num_regions, index);
+ *out = (struct vk_memslice) {
+ .vkmem = slab->mem,
+ .offset = MP_ALIGN_UP(reg.start, alignment),
+ .size = size,
+ .priv = slab,
+ };
+ MP_DBG(vk, "Sub-allocating slice %zu + %zu from slab with size %zu\n",
+ out->offset, out->size, slab->size);
+ size_t out_end = out->offset + out->size;
+ insert_region(slab, (struct vk_region) { reg.start, out->offset });
+ insert_region(slab, (struct vk_region) { out_end, reg.end });
+ slab->used += size;
+ return true;
+bool vk_malloc_generic(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, VkMemoryRequirements reqs,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags, struct vk_memslice *out)
+ struct vk_heap *heap = find_heap(vk, 0, flags, &reqs);
+ return slice_heap(vk, heap, reqs.size, reqs.alignment, out);
+bool vk_malloc_buffer(struct mpvk_ctx *vk, VkBufferUsageFlagBits bufFlags,
+ VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits memFlags, VkDeviceSize size,
+ VkDeviceSize alignment, struct vk_bufslice *out)
+ struct vk_heap *heap = find_heap(vk, bufFlags, memFlags, NULL);
+ if (!slice_heap(vk, heap, size, alignment, &out->mem))
+ return false;
+ struct vk_slab *slab = out->mem.priv;
+ out->buf = slab->buffer;
+ if (slab->data)
+ out->data = (void *)((uintptr_t)slab->data + (ptrdiff_t)out->mem.offset);
+ return true;