#include #include #include #include #include #include "terminal.h" #include "swrite.h" using namespace Terminal; Emulator::Emulator( size_t s_width, size_t s_height ) : fb( s_width, s_height ), dispatch(), user() {} std::string Emulator::read_octets_to_host( void ) { std::string ret = dispatch.terminal_to_host; dispatch.terminal_to_host.clear(); return ret; } void Emulator::execute( const Parser::Execute *act ) { dispatch.dispatch( CONTROL, act, &fb ); } void Emulator::print( const Parser::Print *act ) { assert( act->char_present ); int chwidth = act->ch == L'\0' ? -1 : wcwidth( act->ch ); Cell *this_cell = fb.get_mutable_cell(); Cell *combining_cell = fb.get_combining_cell(); /* can be null if we were resized */ switch ( chwidth ) { case 1: /* normal character */ case 2: /* wide character */ if ( fb.ds.auto_wrap_mode && fb.ds.next_print_will_wrap ) { fb.get_mutable_row( -1 )->wrap = true; fb.ds.move_col( 0 ); fb.move_rows_autoscroll( 1 ); } /* wrap 2-cell chars if no room, even without will-wrap flag */ if ( fb.ds.auto_wrap_mode && (chwidth == 2) && (fb.ds.get_cursor_col() == fb.ds.get_width() - 1) ) { fb.reset_cell( this_cell ); fb.get_mutable_row( -1 )->wrap = false; /* There doesn't seem to be a consistent way to get the downstream terminal emulator to set the wrap-around copy-and-paste flag on a row that ends with an empty cell because a wide char was wrapped to the next line. */ fb.ds.move_col( 0 ); fb.move_rows_autoscroll( 1 ); } if ( fb.ds.insert_mode ) { for ( int i = 0; i < chwidth; i++ ) { fb.insert_cell( fb.ds.get_cursor_row(), fb.ds.get_cursor_col() ); } } this_cell = fb.get_mutable_cell(); fb.reset_cell( this_cell ); this_cell->contents.push_back( act->ch ); this_cell->width = chwidth; fb.apply_renditions_to_current_cell(); if ( chwidth == 2 ) { /* erase overlapped cell */ if ( fb.ds.get_cursor_col() + 1 < fb.ds.get_width() ) { fb.reset_cell( fb.get_mutable_cell( fb.ds.get_cursor_row(), fb.ds.get_cursor_col() + 1 ) ); } } fb.ds.move_col( chwidth, true, true ); act->handled = true; break; case 0: /* combining character */ if ( combining_cell == NULL ) { /* character is now offscreen */ act->handled = true; break; } if ( combining_cell->contents.size() == 0 ) { /* cell starts with combining character */ assert( this_cell == combining_cell ); assert( combining_cell->width == 1 ); combining_cell->fallback = true; fb.ds.move_col( 1, true, true ); } if ( combining_cell->contents.size() < 16 ) { /* seems like a reasonable limit on combining characters */ combining_cell->contents.push_back( act->ch ); } act->handled = true; break; case -1: /* unprintable character */ break; default: assert( false ); } } void Emulator::CSI_dispatch( const Parser::CSI_Dispatch *act ) { dispatch.dispatch( CSI, act, &fb ); } void Emulator::OSC_end( const Parser::OSC_End *act ) { dispatch.OSC_dispatch( act, &fb ); } void Emulator::Esc_dispatch( const Parser::Esc_Dispatch *act ) { /* handle 7-bit ESC-encoding of C1 control characters */ if ( (dispatch.get_dispatch_chars().size() == 0) && (0x40 <= act->ch) && (act->ch <= 0x5F) ) { Parser::Esc_Dispatch act2 = *act; act2.ch += 0x40; dispatch.dispatch( CONTROL, &act2, &fb ); } else { dispatch.dispatch( ESCAPE, act, &fb ); } } std::string Emulator::open( void ) { char appmode[ 6 ] = { 0x1b, '[', '?', '1', 'h', 0 }; return std::string( appmode ); } std::string Emulator::close( void ) { return std::string( "\033[?1l\033[!p" ); } void Emulator::resize( size_t s_width, size_t s_height ) { fb.resize( s_width, s_height ); } bool Emulator::operator==( Emulator const &x ) const { /* dispatcher and user are irrelevant for us */ return ( fb == x.fb ); }