/* Mosh: the mobile shell Copyright 2012 Keith Winstein This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "byteorder.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "base64.h" using namespace std; using namespace Crypto; const char rdev[] = "/dev/urandom"; long int myatoi( const char *str ) { char *end; errno = 0; long int ret = strtol( str, &end, 10 ); if ( ( errno != 0 ) || ( end != str + strlen( str ) ) ) { throw CryptoException( "Bad integer." ); } return ret; } AlignedBuffer::AlignedBuffer( size_t len, const char *data ) : m_len( len ), m_allocated( NULL ), m_data( NULL ) { #if defined(HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN) if ( ( 0 != posix_memalign( &m_allocated, 16, len ) ) || ( m_allocated == NULL ) ) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } m_data = (char *) m_allocated; #else /* malloc() a region 15 bytes larger than we need, and find the aligned offset within. */ m_allocated = malloc( 15 + len ); if ( m_allocated == NULL ) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } uintptr_t iptr = (uintptr_t) m_allocated; if ( iptr & 0xF ) { iptr += 16 - ( iptr & 0xF ); } assert( !( iptr & 0xF ) ); assert( iptr >= (uintptr_t) m_allocated ); assert( iptr <= ( 15 + (uintptr_t) m_allocated ) ); m_data = (char *) iptr; #endif /* !defined(HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN) */ if ( data ) { memcpy( m_data, data, len ); } } Base64Key::Base64Key( string printable_key ) { if ( printable_key.length() != 22 ) { throw CryptoException( "Key must be 22 letters long." ); } string base64 = printable_key + "=="; size_t len = 16; if ( !base64_decode( base64.data(), 24, (char *)&key[ 0 ], &len ) ) { throw CryptoException( "Key must be well-formed base64." ); } if ( len != 16 ) { throw CryptoException( "Key must represent 16 octets." ); } /* to catch changes after the first 128 bits */ if ( printable_key != this->printable_key() ) { throw CryptoException( "Base64 key was not encoded 128-bit key." ); } } Base64Key::Base64Key() { FILE *devrandom = fopen( rdev, "r" ); if ( devrandom == NULL ) { throw CryptoException( string( rdev ) + ": " + strerror( errno ) ); } if ( 1 != fread( key, 16, 1, devrandom ) ) { throw CryptoException( "Could not read from " + string( rdev ) ); } if ( 0 != fclose( devrandom ) ) { throw CryptoException( string( rdev ) + ": " + strerror( errno ) ); } } string Base64Key::printable_key( void ) const { char base64[ 25 ]; base64_encode( (char *)key, 16, base64, 25 ); if ( (base64[ 24 ] != 0) || (base64[ 23 ] != '=') || (base64[ 22 ] != '=') ) { throw CryptoException( "Unexpected output from base64_encode." ); } base64[ 22 ] = 0; return string( base64 ); } Session::Session( Base64Key s_key ) : key( s_key ), ctx( NULL ), blocks_encrypted( 0 ) { ctx = ae_allocate( NULL ); if ( ctx == NULL ) { throw CryptoException( "Could not allocate AES-OCB context." ); } if ( AE_SUCCESS != ae_init( ctx, key.data(), 16, 12, 16 ) ) { throw CryptoException( "Could not initialize AES-OCB context." ); } } Session::~Session() { if ( ae_clear( ctx ) != AE_SUCCESS ) { throw CryptoException( "Could not clear AES-OCB context." ); } ae_free( ctx ); } Nonce::Nonce( uint64_t val ) { uint64_t val_net = htobe64( val ); memset( bytes, 0, 4 ); memcpy( bytes + 4, &val_net, 8 ); } uint64_t Nonce::val( void ) { uint64_t ret; memcpy( &ret, bytes + 4, 8 ); return be64toh( ret ); } Nonce::Nonce( char *s_bytes, size_t len ) { if ( len != 8 ) { throw CryptoException( "Nonce representation must be 8 octets long." ); } memset( bytes, 0, 4 ); memcpy( bytes + 4, s_bytes, 8 ); } Message::Message( char *nonce_bytes, size_t nonce_len, char *text_bytes, size_t text_len ) : nonce( nonce_bytes, nonce_len ), text( (char *)text_bytes, text_len ) {} Message::Message( Nonce s_nonce, string s_text ) : nonce( s_nonce ), text( s_text ) {} string Session::encrypt( Message plaintext ) { const size_t pt_len = plaintext.text.size(); const int ciphertext_len = pt_len + 16; AlignedBuffer ciphertext( ciphertext_len ); AlignedBuffer pt( pt_len, plaintext.text.data() ); if ( (uint64_t( plaintext.nonce.data() ) & 0xf) != 0 ) { throw CryptoException( "Bad alignment." ); } if ( ciphertext_len != ae_encrypt( ctx, /* ctx */ plaintext.nonce.data(), /* nonce */ pt.data(), /* pt */ pt.len(), /* pt_len */ NULL, /* ad */ 0, /* ad_len */ ciphertext.data(), /* ct */ NULL, /* tag */ AE_FINALIZE ) ) { /* final */ throw CryptoException( "ae_encrypt() returned error." ); } blocks_encrypted += pt_len >> 4; if ( pt_len & 0xF ) { /* partial block */ blocks_encrypted++; } /* "Both the privacy and the authenticity properties of OCB degrade as per s^2 / 2^128, where s is the total number of blocks that the adversary acquires.... In order to ensure that s^2 / 2^128 remains small, a given key should be used to encrypt at most 2^48 blocks (2^55 bits or 4 petabytes)" -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-krovetz-ocb-03 We deem it unlikely that a legitimate user will send 4 PB through a Mosh session. If it happens, we simply kill the session. The server and client use the same key, so we actually need to die after 2^47 blocks. */ if ( blocks_encrypted >> 47 ) { throw CryptoException( "Encrypted 2^47 blocks.", true ); } string text( ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.len() ); return plaintext.nonce.cc_str() + text; } Message Session::decrypt( string ciphertext ) { if ( ciphertext.size() < 24 ) { throw CryptoException( "Ciphertext must contain nonce and tag." ); } char *str = (char *)ciphertext.data(); int body_len = ciphertext.size() - 8; int pt_len = body_len - 16; if ( pt_len < 0 ) { /* super-assertion that pt_len does not equal AE_INVALID */ fprintf( stderr, "BUG.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } Nonce __attribute__((__aligned__ (16))) nonce( str, 8 ); AlignedBuffer body( body_len, str + 8 ); AlignedBuffer plaintext( pt_len ); if ( pt_len != ae_decrypt( ctx, /* ctx */ nonce.data(), /* nonce */ body.data(), /* ct */ body.len(), /* ct_len */ NULL, /* ad */ 0, /* ad_len */ plaintext.data(), /* pt */ NULL, /* tag */ AE_FINALIZE ) ) { /* final */ throw CryptoException( "Packet failed integrity check." ); } Message ret( nonce, string( plaintext.data(), plaintext.len() ) ); return ret; } /* Disable dumping core, as a precaution to avoid saving sensitive data to disk. */ void Crypto::disable_dumping_core( void ) { struct rlimit limit; limit.rlim_cur = 0; limit.rlim_max = 0; if ( 0 != setrlimit( RLIMIT_CORE, &limit ) ) { /* We don't throw CryptoException because this is called very early in main(), outside of 'try'. */ perror( "setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE)" ); exit( 1 ); } }