#!/bin/sh # # OS X and Xcode support script. # # # Describe the OS X and Xcode installation, patches, etc as best as possible. # # Beware: System Profiler dumps significant private and security information. # describe() { # Most of the XML in this report is plist files, which can be read more easily with plutil -p pkgutil --pkgs-plist > packages-plist.xml mkdir package-info-plist/ for i in $(pkgutil --pkgs); do pkgutil --pkg-info-plist=$i > package-info-plist/$i.xml; done xcodebuild -version > xcodebuild-version.txt # CLT info can be found in package-info-plist/com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables.xml xcode-select --print-path > xcode-path.txt # System Profiler's XML can be read more easily with plutil -p, or # opened with the System Profiler GUI. system_profiler -xml -detailLevel full > system-profile.spx 2>/dev/null } # # Do something. # set -e "$@"