// Package svg minifies SVG1.1 following the specifications at http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/. package svg // import "github.com/tdewolff/minify/svg" import ( "bytes" "io" "github.com/tdewolff/minify" minifyCSS "github.com/tdewolff/minify/css" "github.com/tdewolff/parse" "github.com/tdewolff/parse/buffer" "github.com/tdewolff/parse/css" "github.com/tdewolff/parse/svg" "github.com/tdewolff/parse/xml" ) var ( voidBytes = []byte("/>") isBytes = []byte("=") spaceBytes = []byte(" ") cdataEndBytes = []byte("]]>") pathBytes = []byte(" 0 && t.Text[len(t.Text)-1] == ']' { if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } } case xml.TextToken: t.Data = parse.ReplaceMultipleWhitespace(parse.TrimWhitespace(t.Data)) if tag == svg.Style && len(t.Data) > 0 { if err := m.MinifyMimetype(defaultStyleType, w, buffer.NewReader(t.Data), defaultStyleParams); err != nil { if err != minify.ErrNotExist { return err } else if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } } } else if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } case xml.CDATAToken: if tag == svg.Style { minifyBuffer.Reset() if err := m.MinifyMimetype(defaultStyleType, minifyBuffer, buffer.NewReader(t.Text), defaultStyleParams); err == nil { t.Data = append(t.Data[:9], minifyBuffer.Bytes()...) t.Text = t.Data[9:] t.Data = append(t.Data, cdataEndBytes...) } else if err != minify.ErrNotExist { return err } } var useText bool if t.Text, useText = xml.EscapeCDATAVal(&attrByteBuffer, t.Text); useText { t.Text = parse.ReplaceMultipleWhitespace(parse.TrimWhitespace(t.Text)) if _, err := w.Write(t.Text); err != nil { return err } } else if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } case xml.StartTagPIToken: for { if t := *tb.Shift(); t.TokenType == xml.StartTagClosePIToken || t.TokenType == xml.ErrorToken { break } } case xml.StartTagToken: tag = t.Hash if tag == svg.Metadata { skipTag(tb, tag) break } else if tag == svg.Line { o.shortenLine(tb, &t, p) } else if tag == svg.Rect && !o.shortenRect(tb, &t, p) { skipTag(tb, tag) break } else if tag == svg.Polygon || tag == svg.Polyline { o.shortenPoly(tb, &t, p) } if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } case xml.AttributeToken: if len(t.AttrVal) == 0 || t.Text == nil { // data is nil when attribute has been removed continue } attr := t.Hash val := t.AttrVal if n, m := parse.Dimension(val); n+m == len(val) && attr != svg.Version { // TODO: inefficient, temporary measure val, _ = o.shortenDimension(val) } if attr == svg.Xml_Space && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("preserve")) || tag == svg.Svg && (attr == svg.Version && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("1.1")) || attr == svg.X && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("0")) || attr == svg.Y && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("0")) || attr == svg.Width && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("100%")) || attr == svg.Height && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("100%")) || attr == svg.PreserveAspectRatio && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("xMidYMid meet")) || attr == svg.BaseProfile && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("none")) || attr == svg.ContentScriptType && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("application/ecmascript")) || attr == svg.ContentStyleType && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("text/css"))) || tag == svg.Style && attr == svg.Type && bytes.Equal(val, []byte("text/css")) { continue } if _, err := w.Write(spaceBytes); err != nil { return err } if _, err := w.Write(t.Text); err != nil { return err } if _, err := w.Write(isBytes); err != nil { return err } if tag == svg.Svg && attr == svg.ContentStyleType { val = minify.Mediatype(val) defaultStyleType = val } else if attr == svg.Style { minifyBuffer.Reset() if err := m.MinifyMimetype(defaultStyleType, minifyBuffer, buffer.NewReader(val), defaultInlineStyleParams); err == nil { val = minifyBuffer.Bytes() } else if err != minify.ErrNotExist { return err } } else if attr == svg.D { val = p.ShortenPathData(val) } else if attr == svg.ViewBox { j := 0 newVal := val[:0] for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { if i != 0 { if j >= len(val) || val[j] != ' ' && val[j] != ',' { newVal = append(newVal, val[j:]...) break } newVal = append(newVal, ' ') j++ } if dim, n := o.shortenDimension(val[j:]); n > 0 { newVal = append(newVal, dim...) j += n } else { newVal = append(newVal, val[j:]...) break } } val = newVal } else if colorAttrMap[attr] && len(val) > 0 && (len(val) < 5 || !parse.EqualFold(val[:4], urlBytes)) { parse.ToLower(val) if val[0] == '#' { if name, ok := minifyCSS.ShortenColorHex[string(val)]; ok { val = name } else if len(val) == 7 && val[1] == val[2] && val[3] == val[4] && val[5] == val[6] { val[2] = val[3] val[3] = val[5] val = val[:4] } } else if hex, ok := minifyCSS.ShortenColorName[css.ToHash(val)]; ok { val = hex // } else if len(val) > 5 && bytes.Equal(val[:4], []byte("rgb(")) && val[len(val)-1] == ')' { // TODO: handle rgb(x, y, z) and hsl(x, y, z) } } // prefer single or double quotes depending on what occurs more often in value val = xml.EscapeAttrVal(&attrByteBuffer, val) if _, err := w.Write(val); err != nil { return err } case xml.StartTagCloseToken: next := tb.Peek(0) skipExtra := false if next.TokenType == xml.TextToken && parse.IsAllWhitespace(next.Data) { next = tb.Peek(1) skipExtra = true } if next.TokenType == xml.EndTagToken { // collapse empty tags to single void tag tb.Shift() if skipExtra { tb.Shift() } if _, err := w.Write(voidBytes); err != nil { return err } } else { if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } } case xml.StartTagCloseVoidToken: tag = 0 if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } case xml.EndTagToken: tag = 0 if len(t.Data) > 3+len(t.Text) { t.Data[2+len(t.Text)] = '>' t.Data = t.Data[:3+len(t.Text)] } if _, err := w.Write(t.Data); err != nil { return err } } } } func (o *Minifier) shortenDimension(b []byte) ([]byte, int) { if n, m := parse.Dimension(b); n > 0 { unit := b[n : n+m] b = minify.Number(b[:n], o.Decimals) if len(b) != 1 || b[0] != '0' { if m == 2 && unit[0] == 'p' && unit[1] == 'x' { unit = nil } else if m > 1 { // only percentage is length 1 parse.ToLower(unit) } b = append(b, unit...) } return b, n + m } return b, 0 } func (o *Minifier) shortenLine(tb *TokenBuffer, t *Token, p *PathData) { x1, y1, x2, y2 := zeroBytes, zeroBytes, zeroBytes, zeroBytes if attrs, replacee := tb.Attributes(svg.X1, svg.Y1, svg.X2, svg.Y2); replacee != nil { if attrs[0] != nil { x1 = minify.Number(attrs[0].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[0].Text = nil } if attrs[1] != nil { y1 = minify.Number(attrs[1].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[1].Text = nil } if attrs[2] != nil { x2 = minify.Number(attrs[2].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[2].Text = nil } if attrs[3] != nil { y2 = minify.Number(attrs[3].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[3].Text = nil } d := make([]byte, 0, 5+len(x1)+len(y1)+len(x2)+len(y2)) d = append(d, 'M') d = append(d, x1...) d = append(d, ' ') d = append(d, y1...) d = append(d, 'L') d = append(d, x2...) d = append(d, ' ') d = append(d, y2...) d = append(d, 'z') d = p.ShortenPathData(d) t.Data = pathBytes replacee.Text = dBytes replacee.AttrVal = d } } func (o *Minifier) shortenRect(tb *TokenBuffer, t *Token, p *PathData) bool { if attrs, replacee := tb.Attributes(svg.X, svg.Y, svg.Width, svg.Height, svg.Rx, svg.Ry); replacee != nil && attrs[4] == nil && attrs[5] == nil { x, y, w, h := zeroBytes, zeroBytes, zeroBytes, zeroBytes if attrs[0] != nil { x = minify.Number(attrs[0].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[0].Text = nil } if attrs[1] != nil { y = minify.Number(attrs[1].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[1].Text = nil } if attrs[2] != nil { w = minify.Number(attrs[2].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[2].Text = nil } if attrs[3] != nil { h = minify.Number(attrs[3].AttrVal, o.Decimals) attrs[3].Text = nil } if len(w) == 0 || w[0] == '0' || len(h) == 0 || h[0] == '0' { return false } d := make([]byte, 0, 6+2*len(x)+len(y)+len(w)+len(h)) d = append(d, 'M') d = append(d, x...) d = append(d, ' ') d = append(d, y...) d = append(d, 'h') d = append(d, w...) d = append(d, 'v') d = append(d, h...) d = append(d, 'H') d = append(d, x...) d = append(d, 'z') d = p.ShortenPathData(d) t.Data = pathBytes replacee.Text = dBytes replacee.AttrVal = d } return true } func (o *Minifier) shortenPoly(tb *TokenBuffer, t *Token, p *PathData) { if attrs, replacee := tb.Attributes(svg.Points); replacee != nil && attrs[0] != nil { points := attrs[0].AttrVal i := 0 for i < len(points) && !(points[i] == ' ' || points[i] == ',' || points[i] == '\n' || points[i] == '\r' || points[i] == '\t') { i++ } for i < len(points) && (points[i] == ' ' || points[i] == ',' || points[i] == '\n' || points[i] == '\r' || points[i] == '\t') { i++ } for i < len(points) && !(points[i] == ' ' || points[i] == ',' || points[i] == '\n' || points[i] == '\r' || points[i] == '\t') { i++ } endMoveTo := i for i < len(points) && (points[i] == ' ' || points[i] == ',' || points[i] == '\n' || points[i] == '\r' || points[i] == '\t') { i++ } startLineTo := i if i == len(points) { return } d := make([]byte, 0, len(points)+3) d = append(d, 'M') d = append(d, points[:endMoveTo]...) d = append(d, 'L') d = append(d, points[startLineTo:]...) if t.Hash == svg.Polygon { d = append(d, 'z') } d = p.ShortenPathData(d) t.Data = pathBytes replacee.Text = dBytes replacee.AttrVal = d } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// func skipTag(tb *TokenBuffer, tag svg.Hash) { for { if t := *tb.Shift(); (t.TokenType == xml.EndTagToken || t.TokenType == xml.StartTagCloseVoidToken) && t.Hash == tag || t.TokenType == xml.ErrorToken { break } } }