package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "sort" "strings" "sync/atomic" "time" humanize "" "" flag "" min "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var Version = "master" var Commit = "" var Date = "" var filetypeMime = map[string]string{ "css": "text/css", "htm": "text/html", "html": "text/html", "js": "text/javascript", "json": "application/json", "svg": "image/svg+xml", "xml": "text/xml", } var ( hidden bool list bool m *min.M pattern *regexp.Regexp recursive bool verbose bool version bool watch bool ) type task struct { srcs []string srcDir string dst string } var ( Error *log.Logger Info *log.Logger ) func main() { output := "" mimetype := "" filetype := "" match := "" siteurl := "" cssMinifier := &css.Minifier{} htmlMinifier := &html.Minifier{} jsMinifier := &js.Minifier{} jsonMinifier := &json.Minifier{} svgMinifier := &svg.Minifier{} xmlMinifier := &xml.Minifier{} flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [input]\n\nOptions:\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nInput:\n Files or directories, leave blank to use stdin\n") } flag.StringVarP(&output, "output", "o", "", "Output file or directory (must have trailing slash), leave blank to use stdout") flag.StringVar(&mimetype, "mime", "", "Mimetype (text/css, application/javascript, ...), optional for input filenames, has precedence over -type") flag.StringVar(&filetype, "type", "", "Filetype (css, html, js, ...), optional for input filenames") flag.StringVar(&match, "match", "", "Filename pattern matching using regular expressions, see") flag.BoolVarP(&recursive, "recursive", "r", false, "Recursively minify directories") flag.BoolVarP(&hidden, "all", "a", false, "Minify all files, including hidden files and files in hidden directories") flag.BoolVarP(&list, "list", "l", false, "List all accepted filetypes") flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "Verbose") flag.BoolVarP(&watch, "watch", "w", false, "Watch files and minify upon changes") flag.BoolVarP(&version, "version", "", false, "Version") flag.StringVar(&siteurl, "url", "", "URL of file to enable URL minification") flag.IntVar(&cssMinifier.Decimals, "css-decimals", -1, "Number of decimals to preserve in numbers, -1 is all") flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepConditionalComments, "html-keep-conditional-comments", false, "Preserve all IE conditional comments") flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepDefaultAttrVals, "html-keep-default-attrvals", false, "Preserve default attribute values") flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepDocumentTags, "html-keep-document-tags", false, "Preserve html, head and body tags") flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepEndTags, "html-keep-end-tags", false, "Preserve all end tags") flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepWhitespace, "html-keep-whitespace", false, "Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple into one") flag.IntVar(&svgMinifier.Decimals, "svg-decimals", -1, "Number of decimals to preserve in numbers, -1 is all") flag.BoolVar(&xmlMinifier.KeepWhitespace, "xml-keep-whitespace", false, "Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple into one") flag.Parse() rawInputs := flag.Args() Error = log.New(os.Stderr, "ERROR: ", 0) if verbose { Info = log.New(os.Stderr, "INFO: ", 0) } else { Info = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "INFO: ", 0) } if version { if Version == "devel" { fmt.Printf("minify version devel+%.7s %s\n", Commit, Date) } else { fmt.Printf("minify version %s\n", Version) } return } if list { var keys []string for k := range filetypeMime { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { fmt.Println(k + "\t" + filetypeMime[k]) } return } useStdin := len(rawInputs) == 0 mimetype = getMimetype(mimetype, filetype, useStdin) var err error if match != "" { pattern, err = regexp.Compile(match) if err != nil { Error.Fatalln(err) } } if watch && (useStdin || output == "") { Error.Fatalln("watch doesn't work with stdin or stdout") } //////////////// dirDst := false if output != "" { output = sanitizePath(output) if output[len(output)-1] == '/' { dirDst = true if err := os.MkdirAll(output, 0777); err != nil { Error.Fatalln(err) } } } tasks, ok := expandInputs(rawInputs, dirDst) if !ok { os.Exit(1) } if ok = expandOutputs(output, &tasks); !ok { os.Exit(1) } if len(tasks) == 0 { tasks = append(tasks, task{[]string{""}, "", output}) // stdin } m = min.New() m.Add("text/css", cssMinifier) m.Add("text/html", htmlMinifier) m.Add("text/javascript", jsMinifier) m.Add("image/svg+xml", svgMinifier) m.AddRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]json$"), jsonMinifier) m.AddRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]xml$"), xmlMinifier) if m.URL, err = url.Parse(siteurl); err != nil { Error.Fatalln(err) } start := time.Now() var fails int32 if verbose || len(tasks) == 1 { for _, t := range tasks { if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok { fails++ } } } else { numWorkers := 4 if n := runtime.NumCPU(); n > numWorkers { numWorkers = n } sem := make(chan struct{}, numWorkers) for _, t := range tasks { sem <- struct{}{} go func(t task) { defer func() { <-sem }() if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok { atomic.AddInt32(&fails, 1) } }(t) } // wait for all jobs to be done for i := 0; i < cap(sem); i++ { sem <- struct{}{} } } if watch { var watcher *RecursiveWatcher watcher, err = NewRecursiveWatcher(recursive) if err != nil { Error.Fatalln(err) } defer watcher.Close() var watcherTasks = make(map[string]task, len(rawInputs)) for _, task := range tasks { for _, src := range task.srcs { watcherTasks[src] = task watcher.AddPath(src) } } c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) skip := make(map[string]int) changes := watcher.Run() for changes != nil { select { case <-c: watcher.Close() case file, ok := <-changes: if !ok { changes = nil break } file = sanitizePath(file) if skip[file] > 0 { skip[file]-- continue } var t task if t, ok = watcherTasks[file]; ok { if !verbose { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, file, "changed") } for _, src := range t.srcs { if src == t.dst { skip[file] = 2 // minify creates both a CREATE and WRITE on the file break } } if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok { fails++ } } } } } if verbose { Info.Println(time.Since(start), "total") } if fails > 0 { os.Exit(1) } } func getMimetype(mimetype, filetype string, useStdin bool) string { if mimetype == "" && filetype != "" { var ok bool if mimetype, ok = filetypeMime[filetype]; !ok { Error.Fatalln("cannot find mimetype for filetype", filetype) } } if mimetype == "" && useStdin { Error.Fatalln("must specify mimetype or filetype for stdin") } if verbose { if mimetype == "" { Info.Println("infer mimetype from file extensions") } else { Info.Println("use mimetype", mimetype) } } return mimetype } func sanitizePath(p string) string { p = filepath.ToSlash(p) isDir := p[len(p)-1] == '/' p = path.Clean(p) if isDir { p += "/" } else if info, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil && info.Mode().IsDir() { p += "/" } return p } func validFile(info os.FileInfo) bool { if info.Mode().IsRegular() && len(info.Name()) > 0 && (hidden || info.Name()[0] != '.') { if pattern != nil && !pattern.MatchString(info.Name()) { return false } ext := path.Ext(info.Name()) if len(ext) > 0 { ext = ext[1:] } if _, ok := filetypeMime[ext]; !ok { return false } return true } return false } func validDir(info os.FileInfo) bool { return info.Mode().IsDir() && len(info.Name()) > 0 && (hidden || info.Name()[0] != '.') } func expandInputs(inputs []string, dirDst bool) ([]task, bool) { ok := true tasks := []task{} for _, input := range inputs { input = sanitizePath(input) info, err := os.Stat(input) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) ok = false continue } if info.Mode().IsRegular() { tasks = append(tasks, task{[]string{filepath.ToSlash(input)}, "", ""}) } else if info.Mode().IsDir() { expandDir(input, &tasks, &ok) } else { Error.Println("not a file or directory", input) ok = false } } if len(tasks) > 1 && !dirDst { // concatenate tasks[0].srcDir = "" for _, task := range tasks[1:] { tasks[0].srcs = append(tasks[0].srcs, task.srcs[0]) } tasks = tasks[:1] } if verbose && ok { if len(inputs) == 0 { Info.Println("minify from stdin") } else if len(tasks) == 1 { if len(tasks[0].srcs) > 1 { Info.Println("minify and concatenate", len(tasks[0].srcs), "input files") } else { Info.Println("minify input file", tasks[0].srcs[0]) } } else { Info.Println("minify", len(tasks), "input files") } } return tasks, ok } func expandDir(input string, tasks *[]task, ok *bool) { if !recursive { if verbose { Info.Println("expanding directory", input) } infos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(input) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) *ok = false } for _, info := range infos { if validFile(info) { *tasks = append(*tasks, task{[]string{path.Join(input, info.Name())}, input, ""}) } } } else { if verbose { Info.Println("expanding directory", input, "recursively") } err := filepath.Walk(input, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if validFile(info) { *tasks = append(*tasks, task{[]string{filepath.ToSlash(path)}, input, ""}) } else if info.Mode().IsDir() && !validDir(info) && info.Name() != "." && info.Name() != ".." { // check for IsDir, so we don't skip the rest of the directory when we have an invalid file return filepath.SkipDir } return nil }) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) *ok = false } } } func expandOutputs(output string, tasks *[]task) bool { if verbose { if output == "" { Info.Println("minify to stdout") } else if output[len(output)-1] != '/' { Info.Println("minify to output file", output) } else if output == "./" { Info.Println("minify to current working directory") } else { Info.Println("minify to output directory", output) } } if output == "" { return true } ok := true for i, t := range *tasks { var err error (*tasks)[i].dst, err = getOutputFilename(output, t) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) ok = false } } return ok } func getOutputFilename(output string, t task) (string, error) { if len(output) > 0 && output[len(output)-1] == '/' { rel, err := filepath.Rel(t.srcDir, t.srcs[0]) if err != nil { return "", err } return path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(path.Join(output, rel))), nil } return output, nil } func openInputFile(input string) (*os.File, bool) { var r *os.File if input == "" { r = os.Stdin } else { err := try.Do(func(attempt int) (bool, error) { var err error r, err = os.Open(input) return attempt < 5, err }) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) return nil, false } } return r, true } func openOutputFile(output string) (*os.File, bool) { var w *os.File if output == "" { w = os.Stdout } else { if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(output), 0777); err != nil { Error.Println(err) return nil, false } err := try.Do(func(attempt int) (bool, error) { var err error w, err = os.OpenFile(output, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, 0666) return attempt < 5, err }) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) return nil, false } } return w, true } func minify(mimetype string, t task) bool { if mimetype == "" { for _, src := range t.srcs { if len(path.Ext(src)) > 0 { srcMimetype, ok := filetypeMime[path.Ext(src)[1:]] if !ok { Error.Println("cannot infer mimetype from extension in", src) return false } if mimetype == "" { mimetype = srcMimetype } else if srcMimetype != mimetype { Error.Println("inferred mimetype", srcMimetype, "of", src, "for concatenation unequal to previous mimetypes", mimetype) return false } } } } srcName := strings.Join(t.srcs, " + ") if len(t.srcs) > 1 { srcName = "(" + srcName + ")" } if srcName == "" { srcName = "stdin" } dstName := t.dst if dstName == "" { dstName = "stdin" } else { // rename original when overwriting for i := range t.srcs { if t.srcs[i] == t.dst { t.srcs[i] += ".bak" err := try.Do(func(attempt int) (bool, error) { err := os.Rename(t.dst, t.srcs[i]) return attempt < 5, err }) if err != nil { Error.Println(err) return false } break } } } frs := make([]io.Reader, len(t.srcs)) for i, src := range t.srcs { fr, ok := openInputFile(src) if !ok { for _, fr := range frs { fr.(io.ReadCloser).Close() } return false } if i > 0 && mimetype == filetypeMime["js"] { // prepend newline when concatenating JS files frs[i] = NewPrependReader(fr, []byte("\n")) } else { frs[i] = fr } } r := &countingReader{io.MultiReader(frs...), 0} fw, ok := openOutputFile(t.dst) if !ok { for _, fr := range frs { fr.(io.ReadCloser).Close() } return false } var w *countingWriter if fw == os.Stdout { w = &countingWriter{fw, 0} } else { w = &countingWriter{bufio.NewWriter(fw), 0} } success := true startTime := time.Now() err := m.Minify(mimetype, w, r) if err != nil { Error.Println("cannot minify "+srcName+":", err) success = false } if verbose { dur := time.Since(startTime) speed := "Inf MB" if dur > 0 { speed = humanize.Bytes(uint64(float64(r.N) / dur.Seconds())) } ratio := 1.0 if r.N > 0 { ratio = float64(w.N) / float64(r.N) } stats := fmt.Sprintf("(%9v, %6v, %5.1f%%, %6v/s)", dur, humanize.Bytes(uint64(w.N)), ratio*100, speed) if srcName != dstName { Info.Println(stats, "-", srcName, "to", dstName) } else { Info.Println(stats, "-", srcName) } } for _, fr := range frs { fr.(io.ReadCloser).Close() } if bw, ok := w.Writer.(*bufio.Writer); ok { bw.Flush() } fw.Close() // remove original that was renamed, when overwriting files for i := range t.srcs { if t.srcs[i] == t.dst+".bak" { if err == nil { if err = os.Remove(t.srcs[i]); err != nil { Error.Println(err) return false } } else { if err = os.Remove(t.dst); err != nil { Error.Println(err) return false } else if err = os.Rename(t.srcs[i], t.dst); err != nil { Error.Println(err) return false } } t.srcs[i] = t.dst break } } return success }