// Copyright 2018 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package ui // import "miniflux.app/ui" import ( "net/http" "miniflux.app/http/request" "miniflux.app/http/response/html" "miniflux.app/http/route" "miniflux.app/model" "miniflux.app/storage" "miniflux.app/ui/session" "miniflux.app/ui/view" ) func (h *handler) showCategoryEntryPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, err := h.store.UserByID(request.UserID(r)) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } categoryID := request.RouteInt64Param(r, "categoryID") entryID := request.RouteInt64Param(r, "entryID") builder := h.store.NewEntryQueryBuilder(user.ID) builder.WithCategoryID(categoryID) builder.WithEntryID(entryID) builder.WithoutStatus(model.EntryStatusRemoved) entry, err := builder.GetEntry() if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } if entry == nil { html.NotFound(w, r) return } if entry.Status == model.EntryStatusUnread { err = h.store.SetEntriesStatus(user.ID, []int64{entry.ID}, model.EntryStatusRead) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } entry.Status = model.EntryStatusRead } entryPaginationBuilder := storage.NewEntryPaginationBuilder(h.store, user.ID, entry.ID, user.EntryDirection) entryPaginationBuilder.WithCategoryID(categoryID) prevEntry, nextEntry, err := entryPaginationBuilder.Entries() if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } nextEntryRoute := "" if nextEntry != nil { nextEntryRoute = route.Path(h.router, "categoryEntry", "categoryID", categoryID, "entryID", nextEntry.ID) } prevEntryRoute := "" if prevEntry != nil { prevEntryRoute = route.Path(h.router, "categoryEntry", "categoryID", categoryID, "entryID", prevEntry.ID) } sess := session.New(h.store, request.SessionID(r)) view := view.New(h.tpl, r, sess) view.Set("entry", entry) view.Set("prevEntry", prevEntry) view.Set("nextEntry", nextEntry) view.Set("nextEntryRoute", nextEntryRoute) view.Set("prevEntryRoute", prevEntryRoute) view.Set("menu", "categories") view.Set("user", user) view.Set("countUnread", h.store.CountUnreadEntries(user.ID)) view.Set("countErrorFeeds", h.store.CountErrorFeeds(user.ID)) view.Set("hasSaveEntry", h.store.HasSaveEntry(user.ID)) html.OK(w, r, view.Render("entry")) }