From: jwz Subject: test of URLs in text/plain messages We search through text/plain messages for URLs and make them clickable. Here are some examples. These should all have links over them: and, (and the comma shouldn't be in the URL) "" and and mailto:jwz as well as mailto:jwz%2Cterry, and mailto:jwz,terry, but note that the final commas shouldn't be in the URLs. http://host/,200 should have both numbers inside the link, and http://host/some-random.cgi?3,2,1, should have all three numbers in the link, but not the trailing comma. gopher://host/ blah blah blah. But http://host,other-junk should stop before the comma, not include other junk in the URL. should work. These should NOT have links over them: mailto: shouldn't, since that's useless, as is news:, nor should about: since that's a word that occurs at the end of a sentence a lot. http: all by itself shouldn't have a link, neither should gopher:, and "internal-gopher-binary" is a hackish internal image. news:a shouldn't either, because it's short. internal-external-reconnect sure shouldn't. Ok! That should cover it.