// // MCOIMAPFolderStatusOperation.h // mailcore2 // // Created by Sebastian on 6/5/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 MailCore. All rights reserved. // #ifndef MAILCORE_MCOIMAPFOLDERSTATUSOPERATION_H #define MAILCORE_MCOIMAPFOLDERSTATUSOPERATION_H #import /** The class is used to get folder metadata (like UIDVALIDITY, UIDNEXT, etc). @see MCOIMAPFolderStatus */ @class MCOIMAPFolderStatus; @interface MCOIMAPFolderStatusOperation : MCOIMAPBaseOperation /** Starts the asynchronous operation. @param completionBlock Called when the operation is finished. - On success `error` will be nil and `status` will contain the status metadata - On failure, `error` will be set with `MCOErrorDomain` as domain and an error code available in `MCOConstants.h`, `info` will be nil */ - (void) start:(void (^)(NSError * error, MCOIMAPFolderStatus * status))completionBlock; @end #endif