package com.libmailcore; import java.util.List; /** IMAP messages. */ public class IMAPMessage extends AbstractMessage { /** IMAP sequence number. */ public native long sequenceNumber(); /** Sets the IMAP sequence number. */ public native void setSequenceNumber(long sequenceNumber); /** UID of the message. */ public native long uid(); /** Sets the UID of the message. */ public native void setUid(long uid); /** Size of the message. */ public native long size(); /** Sets the size of the message. */ public native void setSize(long size); /** Sets flags of the message. @see com.libmailcore.MessageFlag */ public native void setFlags(int flags); /** Flags of the message. @see com.libmailcore.MessageFlag */ public native int flags(); /** Set original message flags. @see com.libmailcore.MessageFlag */ public native void setOriginalFlags(int flags); /** Original message flags. @see com.libmailcore.MessageFlag */ public native int originalFlags(); /** Sets custom flags. */ public native void setCustomFlags(List customFlags); /** Returns custom flags. */ public native List customFlags(); /** Returns the modification sequence value. */ public native long modSeqValue(); /** Sets the modification sequence value. */ public native void setModSeqValue(long uid); /** Sets the main part of the message. */ public native void setMainPart(AbstractPart mainPart); /** Returns the main part of the message. */ public native AbstractPart mainPart(); /** Sets the labels of the message in case that's a Gmail server. */ public native void setGmailLabels(List labels); /** Returns the labels of the message in case that's a Gmail server. */ public native List gmailLabels(); /** Sets the message identifier on Gmail server. */ public native void setGmailMessageID(long msgID); /** Returns the message identifier on Gmail server. */ public native long gmailMessageID(); /** Sets the message thread identifier on Gmail server. */ public native void setGmailThreadID(long threadID); /** Returns the message thread identifier on Gmail server. */ public native long gmailThreadID(); /** Returns the MIME part with the given partID. @see com.libmailcore.IMAPPart#partID() @see com.libmailcore.IMAPMessagePart#partID() @see com.libmailcore.IMAPMultipart#partID() */ public native AbstractPart partForPartID(String partID); /** Returns the HTML rendering of the message. @param folder is the folder containing the message. @param dataCallback callbacks for the IMAP data. @param htmlCallback callbacks for the HTML template. */ public native String htmlRendering(String folder, HTMLRendererIMAPCallback dataCallback, HTMLRendererTemplateCallback htmlCallback); /** Returns the HTML rendering of the message. @param folder is the folder containing the message. @param dataCallback callbacks for the IMAP data. */ public String htmlRendering(String folder, HTMLRendererIMAPCallback dataCallback) { return htmlRendering(folder, dataCallback, null); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }