#include "MCPOPSession.h" #include #include #include "MCPOPMessageInfo.h" #include "MCPOPProgressCallback.h" #include "MCMessageHeader.h" #include "MCConnectionLoggerUtils.h" using namespace mailcore; enum { STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_LOGGEDIN, STATE_LISTED, }; void POPSession::init() { mHostname = NULL; mPort = 0; mUsername = NULL; mPassword = NULL; mAuthType = AuthTypeSASLNone; mConnectionType = ConnectionTypeClear; mCheckCertificateEnabled = true; mTimeout = 30; mPop = NULL; mCapabilities = POPCapabilityNone; mProgressCallback = NULL; mState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; mConnectionLogger = NULL; } POPSession::POPSession() { init(); } POPSession::~POPSession() { MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mHostname); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mUsername); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mPassword); } void POPSession::setHostname(String * hostname) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mHostname, hostname); } String * POPSession::hostname() { return mHostname; } void POPSession::setPort(unsigned int port) { mPort = port; } unsigned int POPSession::port() { return mPort; } void POPSession::setUsername(String * username) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mUsername, username); } String * POPSession::username() { return mUsername; } void POPSession::setPassword(String * password) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mPassword, password); } String * POPSession::password() { return mPassword; } void POPSession::setAuthType(AuthType authType) { mAuthType = authType; } AuthType POPSession::authType() { return mAuthType; } void POPSession::setConnectionType(ConnectionType connectionType) { mConnectionType = connectionType; } ConnectionType POPSession::connectionType() { return mConnectionType; } void POPSession::setTimeout(time_t timeout) { mTimeout = timeout; } time_t POPSession::timeout() { return mTimeout; } void POPSession::setCheckCertificateEnabled(bool enabled) { mCheckCertificateEnabled = enabled; } bool POPSession::isCheckCertificateEnabled() { return mCheckCertificateEnabled; } bool POPSession::checkCertificate() { #warning check certificate return true; } void POPSession::bodyProgress(unsigned int current, unsigned int maximum) { if (mProgressCallback != NULL) { mProgressCallback->bodyProgress(this, current, maximum); } } void POPSession::body_progress(size_t current, size_t maximum, void * context) { POPSession * session; session = (POPSession *) context; session->bodyProgress((unsigned int) current, (unsigned int) maximum); } static void logger(mailpop3 * pop3, int log_type, const char * buffer, size_t size, void * context) { POPSession * session = (POPSession *) context; if (session->connectionLogger() == NULL) return; ConnectionLogType type = getConnectionType(log_type); bool isBuffer = isBufferFromLogType(log_type); if (isBuffer) { Data * data = Data::dataWithBytes(buffer, (unsigned int) size); session->connectionLogger()->log(session, type, data); } else { session->connectionLogger()->log(session, type, NULL); } } void POPSession::setup() { mPop = mailpop3_new(0, NULL); mailpop3_set_progress_callback(mPop, POPSession::body_progress, this); mailpop3_set_logger(mPop, logger, this); } void POPSession::unsetup() { if (mPop != NULL) { if (mPop->pop3_stream != NULL) { mailstream_close(mPop->pop3_stream); mPop->pop3_stream = NULL; } mailpop3_free(mPop); mPop = NULL; } } void POPSession::connectIfNeeded(ErrorCode * pError) { if (mState == STATE_DISCONNECTED) { connect(pError); } else { * pError = ErrorNone; } } void POPSession::connect(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; setup(); switch (mConnectionType) { case ConnectionTypeStartTLS: MCLog("connect %s %u", MCUTF8(hostname()), (unsigned int) port()); r = mailpop3_socket_connect(mPop, MCUTF8(hostname()), port()); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } MCLog("start TLS"); r = mailpop3_socket_starttls(mPop); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorStartTLSNotAvailable; return; } MCLog("done"); if (!checkCertificate()) { * pError = ErrorCertificate; return; } break; case ConnectionTypeTLS: MCLog("connect %s %u", MCUTF8(hostname()), (unsigned int) port()); r = mailpop3_ssl_connect(mPop, MCUTF8(hostname()), port()); if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } if (!checkCertificate()) { * pError = ErrorCertificate; return; } break; default: r = mailpop3_socket_connect(mPop, MCUTF8(hostname()), port()); if (r != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } break; } mailstream_low * low; String * identifierString; char * identifier; low = mailstream_get_low(mPop->pop3_stream); if (mUsername != NULL) { identifierString = String::stringWithUTF8Format("%s@%s:%u", MCUTF8(mUsername), MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort); } else { identifierString = String::stringWithUTF8Format("%s:%u", MCUTF8(mUsername), mPort); } identifier = strdup(identifierString->UTF8Characters()); mailstream_low_set_identifier(low, identifier); mState = STATE_CONNECTED; * pError = ErrorNone; } void POPSession::disconnect() { if (mPop == NULL) return; mailpop3_quit(mPop); mState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; unsetup(); } void POPSession::loginIfNeeded(ErrorCode * pError) { connectIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (mState == STATE_CONNECTED) { login(pError); } else { * pError = ErrorNone; } } void POPSession::login(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; const char * utf8username; const char * utf8password; utf8username = MCUTF8(username()); utf8password = MCUTF8(password()); if (utf8username == NULL) { utf8username = ""; } if (utf8password == NULL) { utf8password = ""; } switch (authType()) { case 0: default: r = mailpop3_user(mPop, utf8username); if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorAuthentication; return; } r = mailpop3_pass(mPop, utf8password); break; case AuthTypeSASLCRAMMD5: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "CRAM-MD5", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLPlain: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "PLAIN", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLGSSAPI: // needs to be tested r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "GSSAPI", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL /* realm */); break; case AuthTypeSASLDIGESTMD5: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "DIGEST-MD5", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLLogin: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "LOGIN", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLSRP: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "SRP", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLNTLM: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "NTLM", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL /* realm */); break; case AuthTypeSASLKerberosV4: r = mailpop3_auth(mPop, "KERBEROS_V4", MCUTF8(hostname()), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL /* realm */); break; } if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorAuthentication; return; } mState = STATE_LOGGEDIN; * pError = ErrorNone; } Array * POPSession::fetchMessages(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; carray * msg_list; loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } r = mailpop3_list(mPop, &msg_list); if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorFetchMessageList; return NULL; } Array * result = Array::array(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < carray_count(msg_list) ; i ++) { struct mailpop3_msg_info * msg_info; String * uid; msg_info = (struct mailpop3_msg_info *) carray_get(msg_list, i); if (msg_info->msg_uidl == NULL) continue; uid = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(msg_info->msg_uidl); POPMessageInfo * info = new POPMessageInfo(); info->setUid(uid); info->setIndex(msg_info->msg_index); result->addObject(info); info->release(); } * pError = ErrorNone; mState = STATE_LISTED; return result; } void POPSession::listIfNeeded(ErrorCode * pError) { if (mState == STATE_LISTED) { * pError = ErrorNone; return; } fetchMessages(pError); } MessageHeader * POPSession::fetchHeader(unsigned int index, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; char * content; size_t content_len; listIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } r = mailpop3_top(mPop, index, 0, &content, &content_len); if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } Data * data; data = new Data(content, (unsigned int) content_len); MessageHeader * result = new MessageHeader(); result->importHeadersData(data); result->autorelease(); data->release(); mailpop3_top_free(content); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } MessageHeader * POPSession::fetchHeader(POPMessageInfo * msg, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchHeader(msg->index(), pError); } Data * POPSession::fetchMessage(unsigned int index, POPProgressCallback * callback, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; char * content; size_t content_len; listIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } mProgressCallback = callback; r = mailpop3_retr(mPop, index, &content, &content_len); mProgressCallback = NULL; if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } Data * result; result = Data::dataWithBytes(content, (unsigned int) content_len); mailpop3_retr_free(content); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } Data * POPSession::fetchMessage(POPMessageInfo * msg, POPProgressCallback * callback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessage(msg->index(), callback, pError); } void POPSession::deleteMessage(unsigned int index, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; listIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return; } r = mailpop3_dele(mPop, index); if (r == MAILPOP3_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r != MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR) { * pError = ErrorDeleteMessage; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void POPSession::deleteMessage(POPMessageInfo * msg, ErrorCode * pError) { deleteMessage(msg->index(), pError); } void POPSession::checkAccount(ErrorCode * pError) { loginIfNeeded(pError); } void POPSession::setConnectionLogger(ConnectionLogger * logger) { mConnectionLogger = logger; } ConnectionLogger * POPSession::connectionLogger() { return mConnectionLogger; }