#include "MCWin32.h" // Should be included first. #include "MCIMAPSession.h" #include #include #include #include "MCDefines.h" #include "MCIMAPSearchExpression.h" #include "MCIMAPFolder.h" #include "MCIMAPMessage.h" #include "MCIMAPPart.h" #include "MCMessageHeader.h" #include "MCAbstractPart.h" #include "MCIMAPProgressCallback.h" #include "MCIMAPNamespace.h" #include "MCIMAPSyncResult.h" #include "MCIMAPFolderStatus.h" #include "MCConnectionLogger.h" #include "MCConnectionLoggerUtils.h" #include "MCHTMLRenderer.h" #include "MCString.h" #include "MCUtils.h" #include "MCHTMLRendererIMAPDataCallback.h" #include "MCHTMLBodyRendererTemplateCallback.h" #include "MCCertificateUtils.h" #include "MCIMAPIdentity.h" #include "MCLibetpan.h" using namespace mailcore; enum { STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_LOGGEDIN, STATE_SELECTED, }; String * mailcore::IMAPNamespacePersonal = NULL; String * mailcore::IMAPNamespaceOther = NULL; String * mailcore::IMAPNamespaceShared = NULL; static Array * resultsWithError(int r, clist * list, ErrorCode * pError); INITIALIZE(IMAPSEssion) { AutoreleasePool * pool = new AutoreleasePool(); IMAPNamespacePersonal = (String *) MCSTR("IMAPNamespacePersonal")->retain(); IMAPNamespaceOther = (String *) MCSTR("IMAPNamespaceOther")->retain(); IMAPNamespaceShared = (String *) MCSTR("IMAPNamespaceShared")->retain(); pool->release(); } #define MAX_IDLE_DELAY (28 * 60) #define LOCK() pthread_mutex_lock(&mIdleLock) #define UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock(&mIdleLock) static struct mailimap_flag_list * flags_to_lep(MessageFlag value) { struct mailimap_flag_list * flag_list; flag_list = mailimap_flag_list_new_empty(); if ((value & MessageFlagSeen) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_seen()); } if ((value & MessageFlagFlagged) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_flagged()); } if ((value & MessageFlagDeleted) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_deleted()); } if ((value & MessageFlagAnswered) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_answered()); } if ((value & MessageFlagDraft) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_draft()); } if ((value & MessageFlagForwarded) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$Forwarded"))); } if ((value & MessageFlagMDNSent) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$MDNSent"))); } if ((value & MessageFlagSubmitPending) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$SubmitPending"))); } if ((value & MessageFlagSubmitted) != 0) { mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$Submitted"))); } return flag_list; } static MessageFlag flag_from_lep(struct mailimap_flag * flag) { switch (flag->fl_type) { case MAILIMAP_FLAG_ANSWERED: return MessageFlagAnswered; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_FLAGGED: return MessageFlagFlagged; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_DELETED: return MessageFlagDeleted; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_SEEN: return MessageFlagSeen; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_DRAFT: return MessageFlagDraft; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_KEYWORD: if (strcasecmp(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword, "$Forwarded") == 0) { return MessageFlagForwarded; } else if (strcasecmp(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword, "$MDNSent") == 0) { return MessageFlagMDNSent; } else if (strcasecmp(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword, "$SubmitPending") == 0) { return MessageFlagSubmitPending; } else if (strcasecmp(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword, "$Submitted") == 0) { return MessageFlagSubmitted; } } return MessageFlagNone; } static MessageFlag flags_from_lep_att_dynamic(struct mailimap_msg_att_dynamic * att_dynamic) { if (att_dynamic->att_list == NULL) return MessageFlagNone; MessageFlag flags; clistiter * iter; flags = MessageFlagNone; for(iter = clist_begin(att_dynamic->att_list) ;iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_flag_fetch * flag_fetch; struct mailimap_flag * flag; flag_fetch = (struct mailimap_flag_fetch *) clist_content(iter); if (flag_fetch->fl_type != MAILIMAP_FLAG_FETCH_OTHER) { continue; } flag = flag_fetch->fl_flag; flags = (MessageFlag) (flags | flag_from_lep(flag)); } return flags; } static bool isKnownCustomFlag(const char * keyword) { return !(strcmp(keyword, "$MDNSent") != 0 && strcmp(keyword, "$Forwarded") != 0 && strcmp(keyword, "$SubmitPending") != 0 && strcmp(keyword, "$Submitted") != 0); } static Array * custom_flags_from_lep_att_dynamic(struct mailimap_msg_att_dynamic * att_dynamic) { if (att_dynamic->att_list == NULL) return NULL; clistiter * iter; bool hasCustomFlags = false; for (iter = clist_begin(att_dynamic->att_list); iter != NULL; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_flag_fetch * flag_fetch; struct mailimap_flag * flag; flag_fetch = (struct mailimap_flag_fetch *) clist_content(iter); if (flag_fetch->fl_type != MAILIMAP_FLAG_FETCH_OTHER) { continue; } flag = flag_fetch->fl_flag; if (flag->fl_type == MAILIMAP_FLAG_KEYWORD) { if (!isKnownCustomFlag(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword)) { hasCustomFlags = true; } } } if (!hasCustomFlags) return NULL; Array * result = Array::array(); for (iter = clist_begin(att_dynamic->att_list); iter != NULL; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_flag_fetch * flag_fetch; struct mailimap_flag * flag; flag_fetch = (struct mailimap_flag_fetch *) clist_content(iter); if (flag_fetch->fl_type != MAILIMAP_FLAG_FETCH_OTHER) { continue; } flag = flag_fetch->fl_flag; if (flag->fl_type == MAILIMAP_FLAG_KEYWORD) { if (!isKnownCustomFlag(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword)) { String * customFlag; customFlag = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(flag->fl_data.fl_keyword); result->addObject(customFlag); } } } return result; } #pragma mark set conversion static Array * arrayFromSet(struct mailimap_set * imap_set) { Array * result; clistiter * iter; result = Array::array(); for(iter = clist_begin(imap_set->set_list) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set_item * item; unsigned long i; item = (struct mailimap_set_item *) clist_content(iter); for(i = item->set_first ; i <= item->set_last ; i ++) { Value * nb; nb = Value::valueWithUnsignedLongValue(i); result->addObject(nb); } } return result; } static clist * splitSet(struct mailimap_set * set, unsigned int splitCount) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; clist * result; unsigned int count; result = clist_new(); current_set = NULL; count = 0; for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(set->set_list) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set_item * item; if (current_set == NULL) { current_set = mailimap_set_new_empty(); } item = (struct mailimap_set_item *) clist_content(iter); mailimap_set_add_interval(current_set, item->set_first, item->set_last); count ++; if (count >= splitCount) { clist_append(result, current_set); current_set = NULL; count = 0; } } if (current_set != NULL) { clist_append(result, current_set); } return result; } static struct mailimap_set * setFromIndexSet(IndexSet * indexSet) { struct mailimap_set * imap_set; imap_set = mailimap_set_new_empty(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < indexSet->rangesCount() ; i ++) { uint64_t left = RangeLeftBound(indexSet->allRanges()[i]); uint64_t right = RangeRightBound(indexSet->allRanges()[i]); if (right == UINT64_MAX) { right = 0; } mailimap_set_add_interval(imap_set, (uint32_t) left, (uint32_t) right); } return imap_set; } static IndexSet * indexSetFromSet(struct mailimap_set * imap_set) { IndexSet * indexSet = IndexSet::indexSet(); for(clistiter * cur = clist_begin(imap_set->set_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimap_set_item * item = (struct mailimap_set_item *) clist_content(cur); if (item->set_last == 0) { indexSet->addRange(RangeMake(item->set_first, UINT64_MAX)); } else { indexSet->addRange(RangeMake(item->set_first, item->set_last - item->set_first)); } } return indexSet; } void IMAPSession::init() { mHostname = NULL; mPort = 0; mUsername = NULL; mPassword = NULL; mOAuth2Token = NULL; mAuthType = AuthTypeSASLNone; mConnectionType = ConnectionTypeClear; mCheckCertificateEnabled = true; mVoIPEnabled = true; mDelimiter = 0; mBodyProgressEnabled = true; mIdleEnabled = false; mXListEnabled = false; mQResyncEnabled = false; mCondstoreEnabled = false; mIdentityEnabled = false; mNamespaceEnabled = false; mCompressionEnabled = false; mIsGmail = false; mAllowsNewPermanentFlags = false; mWelcomeString = NULL; mNeedsMboxMailWorkaround = false; mDefaultNamespace = NULL; mServerIdentity = new IMAPIdentity(); mClientIdentity = new IMAPIdentity(); mTimeout = 30; mUIDValidity = 0; mUIDNext = 0; mModSequenceValue = 0; mFolderMsgCount = 0; mFirstUnseenUid = 0; mYahooServer = false; mLastFetchedSequenceNumber = 0; mCurrentFolder = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&mIdleLock, NULL); mCanIdle = true; mState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; mImap = NULL; mProgressCallback = NULL; mProgressItemsCount = 0; mConnectionLogger = NULL; mAutomaticConfigurationEnabled = true; mAutomaticConfigurationDone = false; mShouldDisconnect = false; mLoginResponse = NULL; mGmailUserDisplayName = NULL; } IMAPSession::IMAPSession() { init(); } IMAPSession::~IMAPSession() { MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mGmailUserDisplayName); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mLoginResponse); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mClientIdentity); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mServerIdentity); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mHostname); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mUsername); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mPassword); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mOAuth2Token); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mWelcomeString); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mDefaultNamespace); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mCurrentFolder); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mIdleLock); } void IMAPSession::setHostname(String * hostname) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mHostname, hostname); } String * IMAPSession::hostname() { return mHostname; } void IMAPSession::setPort(unsigned int port) { mPort = port; } unsigned int IMAPSession::port() { return mPort; } void IMAPSession::setUsername(String * username) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mUsername, username); } String * IMAPSession::username() { return mUsername; } void IMAPSession::setPassword(String * password) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mPassword, password); } String * IMAPSession::password() { return mPassword; } void IMAPSession::setOAuth2Token(String * token) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mOAuth2Token, token); } String * IMAPSession::OAuth2Token() { return mOAuth2Token; } void IMAPSession::setAuthType(AuthType authType) { mAuthType = authType; } AuthType IMAPSession::authType() { return mAuthType; } void IMAPSession::setConnectionType(ConnectionType connectionType) { mConnectionType = connectionType; } ConnectionType IMAPSession::connectionType() { return mConnectionType; } void IMAPSession::setTimeout(time_t timeout) { mTimeout = timeout; } time_t IMAPSession::timeout() { return mTimeout; } void IMAPSession::setCheckCertificateEnabled(bool enabled) { mCheckCertificateEnabled = enabled; } bool IMAPSession::isCheckCertificateEnabled() { return mCheckCertificateEnabled; } void IMAPSession::setVoIPEnabled(bool enabled) { mVoIPEnabled = enabled; } bool IMAPSession::isVoIPEnabled() { return mVoIPEnabled; } static bool hasError(int errorCode) { return ((errorCode != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) && (errorCode != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR_AUTHENTICATED) && (errorCode != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR_NON_AUTHENTICATED)); } bool IMAPSession::checkCertificate() { if (!isCheckCertificateEnabled()) return true; return mailcore::checkCertificate(mImap->imap_stream, hostname()); } void IMAPSession::body_progress(size_t current, size_t maximum, void * context) { IMAPSession * session; session = (IMAPSession *) context; session->bodyProgress((unsigned int) current, (unsigned int) maximum); } void IMAPSession::items_progress(size_t current, size_t maximum, void * context) { IMAPSession * session; session = (IMAPSession *) context; session->itemsProgress((unsigned int) current, (unsigned int) maximum); } static void logger(mailimap * imap, int log_type, const char * buffer, size_t size, void * context) { IMAPSession * session = (IMAPSession *) context; if (session->connectionLogger() == NULL) return; ConnectionLogType type = getConnectionType(log_type); if ((int) type == -1) return; bool isBuffer = isBufferFromLogType(log_type); if (isBuffer) { Data * data = Data::dataWithBytes(buffer, (unsigned int) size); session->connectionLogger()->log(session, type, data); } else { session->connectionLogger()->log(session, type, NULL); } } void IMAPSession::setup() { MCAssert(mImap == NULL); mImap = mailimap_new(0, NULL); mailimap_set_timeout(mImap, timeout()); mailimap_set_progress_callback(mImap, body_progress, IMAPSession::items_progress, this); mailimap_set_logger(mImap, logger, this); } void IMAPSession::unsetup() { mailimap * imap; LOCK(); imap = mImap; mImap = NULL; mCanIdle = false; UNLOCK(); if (imap != NULL) { if (imap->imap_stream != NULL) { mailstream_close(imap->imap_stream); imap->imap_stream = NULL; } mailimap_free(imap); imap = NULL; } mState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; } void IMAPSession::connect(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; setup(); MCLog("connect %s", MCUTF8DESC(this)); MCAssert(mState == STATE_DISCONNECTED); switch (mConnectionType) { case ConnectionTypeStartTLS: MCLog("STARTTLS connect"); r = mailimap_socket_connect_voip(mImap, MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort, isVoIPEnabled()); if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorConnection; goto close; } r = mailimap_socket_starttls(mImap); if (hasError(r)) { MCLog("no TLS %i", r); * pError = ErrorTLSNotAvailable; goto close; } break; case ConnectionTypeTLS: r = mailimap_ssl_connect_voip(mImap, MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort, isVoIPEnabled()); MCLog("ssl connect %s %u %u", MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort, r); if (hasError(r)) { MCLog("connect error %i", r); * pError = ErrorConnection; goto close; } if (!checkCertificate()) { MCLog("ssl connect certificate ERROR %d", r); * pError = ErrorCertificate; goto close; } break; default: MCLog("socket connect %s %u", MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort); r = mailimap_socket_connect_voip(mImap, MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort, isVoIPEnabled()); MCLog("socket connect %i", r); if (hasError(r)) { MCLog("connect error %i", r); * pError = ErrorConnection; goto close; } break; } mailstream_low * low; String * identifierString; char * identifier; low = mailstream_get_low(mImap->imap_stream); identifierString = String::stringWithUTF8Format("%s@%s:%u", MCUTF8(mUsername), MCUTF8(mHostname), mPort); identifier = strdup(identifierString->UTF8Characters()); mailstream_low_set_identifier(low, identifier); if (mImap->imap_response != NULL) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_RETAIN(String, mWelcomeString, String::stringWithUTF8Characters(mImap->imap_response)); mYahooServer = (mWelcomeString->locationOfString(MCSTR("yahoo.com")) != -1); #ifdef LIBETPAN_HAS_MAILIMAP_163_WORKAROUND if(mWelcomeString->locationOfString(MCSTR("Coremail System IMap Server Ready")) != -1) mailimap_set_163_workaround_enabled(mImap, 1); #endif } mState = STATE_CONNECTED; if (isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled()) { if ((mImap->imap_connection_info != NULL) && (mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability != NULL)) { // Don't keep result. It will be kept in session state. capabilitySetWithSessionState(IndexSet::indexSet()); } else { capability(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { MCLog("capabilities failed"); goto close; } } } * pError = ErrorNone; MCLog("connect ok"); return; close: unsetup(); } void IMAPSession::connectIfNeeded(ErrorCode * pError) { if (mShouldDisconnect) { disconnect(); mShouldDisconnect = false; } if (mState == STATE_DISCONNECTED) { connect(pError); } else { * pError = ErrorNone; } } void IMAPSession::loginIfNeeded(ErrorCode * pError) { connectIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (mState == STATE_CONNECTED) { login(pError); } else { * pError = ErrorNone; } } void IMAPSession::login(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; MCLog("login"); MCAssert(mState == STATE_CONNECTED); if (mImap->imap_connection_info != NULL) { if (mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability != NULL) { mailimap_capability_data_free(mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability); mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability = NULL; } } const char * utf8username; const char * utf8password; utf8username = MCUTF8(mUsername); utf8password = MCUTF8(mPassword); if (utf8username == NULL) { utf8username = ""; } if (utf8password == NULL) { utf8password = ""; } switch (mAuthType) { case 0: default: r = mailimap_login(mImap, utf8username, utf8password); break; case AuthTypeSASLCRAMMD5: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "CRAM-MD5", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLPlain: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "PLAIN", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLGSSAPI: // needs to be tested r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "GSSAPI", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL /* realm */); break; case AuthTypeSASLDIGESTMD5: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "DIGEST-MD5", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLLogin: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "LOGIN", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLSRP: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "SRP", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL); break; case AuthTypeSASLNTLM: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "NTLM", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL/* realm */); break; case AuthTypeSASLKerberosV4: r = mailimap_authenticate(mImap, "KERBEROS_V4", MCUTF8(mHostname), NULL, NULL, utf8username, utf8username, utf8password, NULL/* realm */); break; case AuthTypeXOAuth2: case AuthTypeXOAuth2Outlook: if (mOAuth2Token == NULL) { r = MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM; } else { r = mailimap_oauth2_authenticate(mImap, utf8username, MCUTF8(mOAuth2Token)); } break; } if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { String * response; response = MCSTR(""); if (mImap->imap_response != NULL) { response = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(mImap->imap_response); } if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("not enabled for IMAP use")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorGmailIMAPNotEnabled; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("bandwidth limits")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorGmailExceededBandwidthLimit; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("Too many simultaneous connections")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorGmailTooManySimultaneousConnections; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("Maximum number of connections")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorGmailTooManySimultaneousConnections; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("Application-specific password required")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorGmailApplicationSpecificPasswordRequired; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("http://me.com/move")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorMobileMeMoved; } else if (response->locationOfString(MCSTR("OCF12")) != -1) { * pError = ErrorYahooUnavailable; } else { * pError = ErrorAuthentication; } return; } String * loginResponse = MCSTR(""); if (mIsGmail) { if (mImap->imap_response != NULL) { loginResponse = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(mImap->imap_response); int location = loginResponse->locationOfString(MCSTR(" authenticated (Success)")); if (location != -1) { String * emailAndName = loginResponse->substringToIndex(location); location = emailAndName->locationOfString(MCSTR(" ")); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mGmailUserDisplayName); mGmailUserDisplayName = emailAndName->substringFromIndex(location + 1); mGmailUserDisplayName->retain(); } } } MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mLoginResponse, loginResponse); mState = STATE_LOGGEDIN; if (isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled()) { if ((mImap->imap_connection_info != NULL) && (mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability != NULL)) { // Don't keep result. It will be kept in session state. capabilitySetWithSessionState(IndexSet::indexSet()); } else { capability(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { MCLog("capabilities failed"); return; } } } else { // TODO: capabilities should be shared with other sessions for non automatic capabilities sessions. } enableFeatures(); if (isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled()) { bool hasDefaultNamespace = false; if (isNamespaceEnabled()) { HashMap * result = fetchNamespace(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { MCLog("fetch namespace failed"); return; } IMAPNamespace * personalNamespace = (IMAPNamespace *) result->objectForKey(IMAPNamespacePersonal); if (personalNamespace != NULL) { setDefaultNamespace(personalNamespace); mDelimiter = defaultNamespace()->mainDelimiter(); hasDefaultNamespace = true; } } if (!hasDefaultNamespace) { clist * imap_folders; IMAPFolder * folder; Array * folders; r = mailimap_list(mImap, "", "", &imap_folders); folders = resultsWithError(r, imap_folders, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (folders->count() > 0) { folder = (IMAPFolder *) folders->objectAtIndex(0); } else { folder = NULL; } if (folder == NULL) { * pError = ErrorNonExistantFolder; return; } mDelimiter = folder->delimiter(); IMAPNamespace * defaultNamespace = IMAPNamespace::namespaceWithPrefix(MCSTR(""), folder->delimiter()); setDefaultNamespace(defaultNamespace); } if (isIdentityEnabled()) { IMAPIdentity * serverIdentity = identity(clientIdentity(), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { // Ignore identity errors MCLog("fetch identity failed"); } else { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_RETAIN(IMAPIdentity, mServerIdentity, serverIdentity); } } } else { // TODO: namespace should be shared with other sessions for non automatic namespace. } mAutomaticConfigurationDone = true; * pError = ErrorNone; MCLog("login ok"); } void IMAPSession::selectIfNeeded(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (mState == STATE_SELECTED) { MCAssert(mCurrentFolder != NULL); if (mCurrentFolder->caseInsensitiveCompare(folder) != 0) { select(folder, pError); } } else if (mState == STATE_LOGGEDIN) { select(folder, pError); } else { * pError = ErrorNone; } } static uint64_t get_mod_sequence_value(mailimap * session) { uint64_t mod_sequence_value; clistiter * cur; mod_sequence_value = 0; for(cur = clist_begin(session->imap_response_info->rsp_extension_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimap_extension_data * ext_data; struct mailimap_condstore_resptextcode * resptextcode; ext_data = (struct mailimap_extension_data *) clist_content(cur); if (ext_data->ext_extension->ext_id != MAILIMAP_EXTENSION_CONDSTORE) { continue; } if (ext_data->ext_type != MAILIMAP_CONDSTORE_TYPE_RESP_TEXT_CODE) { continue; } resptextcode = (struct mailimap_condstore_resptextcode *) ext_data->ext_data; switch (resptextcode->cs_type) { case MAILIMAP_CONDSTORE_RESPTEXTCODE_HIGHESTMODSEQ: mod_sequence_value = resptextcode->cs_data.cs_modseq_value; break; case MAILIMAP_CONDSTORE_RESPTEXTCODE_NOMODSEQ: mod_sequence_value = 0; break; } } return mod_sequence_value; } String * IMAPSession::customCommand(String * command, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; r = mailimap_custom_command(mImap, MCUTF8(command)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCustomCommand; return NULL; } String *response = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(mImap->imap_response); return response; } void IMAPSession::select(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; MCLog("select"); MCAssert(mState == STATE_LOGGEDIN || mState == STATE_SELECTED); r = mailimap_select(mImap, MCUTF8(folder)); MCLog("select error : %i", r); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; MCLog("select error : %s %i", MCUTF8DESC(this), * pError); return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorNonExistantFolder; mState = STATE_LOGGEDIN; MC_SAFE_RELEASE(mCurrentFolder); return; } MC_SAFE_REPLACE_COPY(String, mCurrentFolder, folder); if (mImap->imap_selection_info != NULL) { mUIDValidity = mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_uidvalidity; mUIDNext = mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_uidnext; if (mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_has_exists) { mFolderMsgCount = (unsigned int) (mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_exists); } else { mFolderMsgCount = -1; } if (mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_first_unseen) { mFirstUnseenUid = mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_first_unseen; } else { mFirstUnseenUid = 0; } if (mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_perm_flags) { clistiter * cur; struct mailimap_flag_perm * perm_flag; for(cur = clist_end(mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_perm_flags) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_previous(cur)) { perm_flag = (struct mailimap_flag_perm *)clist_content(cur); mAllowsNewPermanentFlags = perm_flag->fl_type == MAILIMAP_FLAG_PERM_ALL; if (mAllowsNewPermanentFlags) { break; } } } mModSequenceValue = get_mod_sequence_value(mImap); } mState = STATE_SELECTED; * pError = ErrorNone; MCLog("select ok"); } IMAPFolderStatus * IMAPSession::folderStatus(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; MCLog("status"); MCAssert(mState == STATE_LOGGEDIN || mState == STATE_SELECTED); struct mailimap_mailbox_data_status * status; struct mailimap_status_att_list * status_att_list; status_att_list = mailimap_status_att_list_new_empty(); mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UNSEEN); mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_MESSAGES); mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_RECENT); mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UIDNEXT); mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UIDVALIDITY); if (mCondstoreEnabled) { mailimap_status_att_list_add(status_att_list, MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_HIGHESTMODSEQ); } r = mailimap_status(mImap, MCUTF8(folder), status_att_list, &status); IMAPFolderStatus * fs; fs = new IMAPFolderStatus(); fs->autorelease(); MCLog("status error : %i", r); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; MCLog("status error : %s %i", MCUTF8DESC(this), * pError); mailimap_status_att_list_free(status_att_list); return fs; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; mailimap_status_att_list_free(status_att_list); return fs; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorNonExistantFolder; mailimap_status_att_list_free(status_att_list); return fs; } clistiter * cur; if (status != NULL) { struct mailimap_status_info * status_info; for(cur = clist_begin(status->st_info_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { status_info = (struct mailimap_status_info *) clist_content(cur); switch (status_info->st_att) { case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UNSEEN: fs->setUnseenCount(status_info->st_value); break; case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_MESSAGES: fs->setMessageCount(status_info->st_value); break; case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_RECENT: fs->setRecentCount(status_info->st_value); break; case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UIDNEXT: fs->setUidNext(status_info->st_value); break; case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_UIDVALIDITY: fs->setUidValidity(status_info->st_value); break; case MAILIMAP_STATUS_ATT_EXTENSION: { struct mailimap_extension_data * ext_data = status_info->st_ext_data; if (ext_data->ext_extension == &mailimap_extension_condstore) { struct mailimap_condstore_status_info * status_info = (struct mailimap_condstore_status_info *) ext_data->ext_data; fs->setHighestModSeqValue(status_info->cs_highestmodseq_value); } break; } } } } mailimap_status_att_list_free(status_att_list); mailimap_mailbox_data_status_free(status); return fs; } void IMAPSession::noop(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; if (mImap == NULL) return; MCLog("connect"); loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return; } if (mImap->imap_stream != NULL) { r = mailimap_noop(mImap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; } if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_NOOP) { * pError = ErrorNoop; } } } #pragma mark mailbox flags conversion static struct { const char * name; int flag; } mb_keyword_flag[] = { {"Inbox", IMAPFolderFlagInbox}, {"AllMail", IMAPFolderFlagAllMail}, {"Sent", IMAPFolderFlagSentMail}, {"Spam", IMAPFolderFlagSpam}, {"Starred", IMAPFolderFlagStarred}, {"Trash", IMAPFolderFlagTrash}, {"Important", IMAPFolderFlagImportant}, {"Drafts", IMAPFolderFlagDrafts}, {"Archive", IMAPFolderFlagArchive}, {"All", IMAPFolderFlagAll}, {"Junk", IMAPFolderFlagJunk}, {"Flagged", IMAPFolderFlagFlagged}, }; static int imap_mailbox_flags_to_flags(struct mailimap_mbx_list_flags * imap_flags) { int flags; clistiter * cur; flags = 0; if (imap_flags->mbf_type == MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_FLAGS_SFLAG) { switch (imap_flags->mbf_sflag) { case MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_SFLAG_MARKED: flags |= IMAPFolderFlagMarked; break; case MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_SFLAG_NOSELECT: flags |= IMAPFolderFlagNoSelect; break; case MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_SFLAG_UNMARKED: flags |= IMAPFolderFlagUnmarked; break; } } for(cur = clist_begin(imap_flags->mbf_oflags) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimap_mbx_list_oflag * oflag; oflag = (struct mailimap_mbx_list_oflag *) clist_content(cur); switch (oflag->of_type) { case MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_OFLAG_NOINFERIORS: flags |= IMAPFolderFlagNoInferiors; break; case MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_OFLAG_FLAG_EXT: for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(mb_keyword_flag) / sizeof(mb_keyword_flag[0]) ; i ++) { if (strcasecmp(mb_keyword_flag[i].name, oflag->of_flag_ext) == 0) { flags |= mb_keyword_flag[i].flag; } } break; } } return flags; } static Array * resultsWithError(int r, clist * list, ErrorCode * pError) { clistiter * cur; Array * result; result = Array::array(); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorNonExistantFolder; return NULL; } for(cur = clist_begin(list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = cur->next) { struct mailimap_mailbox_list * mb_list; IMAPFolderFlag flags; IMAPFolder * folder; String * path; mb_list = (struct mailimap_mailbox_list *) cur->data; flags = IMAPFolderFlagNone; if (mb_list->mb_flag != NULL) flags = (IMAPFolderFlag) imap_mailbox_flags_to_flags(mb_list->mb_flag); folder = new IMAPFolder(); path = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(mb_list->mb_name); if (path->uppercaseString()->isEqual(MCSTR("INBOX"))) { folder->setPath(MCSTR("INBOX")); } else { folder->setPath(path); } folder->setDelimiter(mb_list->mb_delimiter); folder->setFlags(flags); result->addObject(folder); folder->release(); } mailimap_list_result_free(list); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } // Deprecated char IMAPSession::fetchDelimiterIfNeeded(char defaultDelimiter, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; clist * imap_folders; IMAPFolder * folder; Array * folders; if (defaultDelimiter != 0) return defaultDelimiter; r = mailimap_list(mImap, "", "", &imap_folders); folders = resultsWithError(r, imap_folders, pError); if (* pError == ErrorConnection) mShouldDisconnect = true; if (* pError != ErrorNone) return 0; if (folders->count() > 0) { folder = (IMAPFolder *) folders->objectAtIndex(0); } else { folder = NULL; } if (folder == NULL) return 0; * pError = ErrorNone; return folder->delimiter(); } Array * /* IMAPFolder */ IMAPSession::fetchSubscribedFolders(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; clist * imap_folders; MCLog("fetch subscribed"); loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; if (mDelimiter == 0) { char delimiter; delimiter = fetchDelimiterIfNeeded(mDelimiter, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; //setDelimiter(delimiter); mDelimiter = delimiter; } String * prefix; prefix = defaultNamespace()->mainPrefix(); if (prefix == NULL) { prefix = MCSTR(""); } if (prefix->length() > 0) { if (!prefix->hasSuffix(String::stringWithUTF8Format("%c", mDelimiter))) { prefix = prefix->stringByAppendingUTF8Format("%c", mDelimiter); } } r = mailimap_lsub(mImap, MCUTF8(prefix), "*", &imap_folders); MCLog("fetch subscribed %u", r); Array * result = resultsWithError(r, imap_folders, pError); if (* pError == ErrorConnection) mShouldDisconnect = true; return result; } Array * /* IMAPFolder */ IMAPSession::fetchAllFolders(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; clist * imap_folders; loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; if (mDelimiter == 0) { char delimiter; delimiter = fetchDelimiterIfNeeded(mDelimiter, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; //setDelimiter(delimiter); mDelimiter = delimiter; } String * prefix = NULL; if (defaultNamespace()) { prefix = defaultNamespace()->mainPrefix(); } if (prefix == NULL) { prefix = MCSTR(""); } if (prefix->length() > 0) { if (!prefix->hasSuffix(String::stringWithUTF8Format("%c", mDelimiter))) { prefix = prefix->stringByAppendingUTF8Format("%c", mDelimiter); } } if (mXListEnabled) { r = mailimap_xlist(mImap, MCUTF8(prefix), "*", &imap_folders); } else { r = mailimap_list(mImap, MCUTF8(prefix), "*", &imap_folders); } Array * result = resultsWithError(r, imap_folders, pError); if (* pError == ErrorConnection) mShouldDisconnect = true; if (result != NULL) { bool hasInbox = false; mc_foreacharray(IMAPFolder, folder, result) { if (folder->path()->isEqual(MCSTR("INBOX"))) { hasInbox = true; } } if (!hasInbox) { r = mailimap_list(mImap, "", "INBOX", &imap_folders); Array * inboxResult = resultsWithError(r, imap_folders, pError); if (* pError == ErrorConnection) mShouldDisconnect = true; result->addObjectsFromArray(inboxResult); } } return result; } void IMAPSession::renameFolder(String * folder, String * otherName, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(MCSTR("INBOX"), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_rename(mImap, MCUTF8(folder), MCUTF8(otherName)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorRename; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::deleteFolder(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(MCSTR("INBOX"), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_delete(mImap, MCUTF8(folder)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorDelete; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::createFolder(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(MCSTR("INBOX"), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_create(mImap, MCUTF8(folder)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCreate; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; subscribeFolder(folder, pError); } void IMAPSession::subscribeFolder(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(MCSTR("INBOX"), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_subscribe(mImap, MCUTF8(folder)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorSubscribe; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::unsubscribeFolder(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(MCSTR("INBOX"), pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_unsubscribe(mImap, MCUTF8(folder)); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorSubscribe; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::appendMessage(String * folder, Data * messageData, MessageFlag flags, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, uint32_t * createdUID, ErrorCode * pError) { this->appendMessageWithCustomFlags(folder, messageData, flags, NULL, progressCallback, createdUID, pError); } void IMAPSession::appendMessageWithCustomFlags(String * folder, Data * messageData, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, uint32_t * createdUID, ErrorCode * pError) { this->appendMessageWithCustomFlagsAndDate(folder, messageData, flags, NULL, (time_t) -1, progressCallback, createdUID, pError); } void IMAPSession::appendMessageWithCustomFlagsAndDate(String * folder, Data * messageData, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, time_t date, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, uint32_t * createdUID, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; struct mailimap_flag_list * flag_list; uint32_t uidvalidity; uint32_t uidresult; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; mProgressCallback = progressCallback; bodyProgress(0, messageData->length()); flag_list = flags_to_lep(flags); if (customFlags != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < customFlags->count() ; i ++) { struct mailimap_flag * f; String * customFlag = (String *) customFlags->objectAtIndex(i); f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup(customFlag->UTF8Characters())); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } } struct mailimap_date_time * imap_date = NULL; if (date != (time_t) -1) { imap_date = imapDateFromTimestamp(date); } r = mailimap_uidplus_append(mImap, MCUTF8(folder), flag_list, imap_date, messageData->bytes(), messageData->length(), &uidvalidity, &uidresult); if (imap_date != NULL) { mailimap_date_time_free(imap_date); } mailimap_flag_list_free(flag_list); bodyProgress(messageData->length(), messageData->length()); mProgressCallback = NULL; if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorAppend; return; } * createdUID = uidresult; * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::appendMessageWithCustomFlagsAndDate(String * folder, String * messagePath, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, time_t date, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, uint32_t * createdUID, ErrorCode * pError) { Data * messageData = Data::dataWithContentsOfFile(messagePath); if (!messageData) { * pError = ErrorFile; return; } return appendMessageWithCustomFlagsAndDate(folder, messageData, flags, customFlags, date, progressCallback, createdUID, pError); } void IMAPSession::copyMessages(String * folder, IndexSet * uidSet, String * destFolder, HashMap ** pUidMapping, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; struct mailimap_set * set; struct mailimap_set * src_uid; struct mailimap_set * dest_uid; uint32_t uidvalidity; clist * setList; IndexSet * uidSetResult; HashMap * uidMapping = NULL; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; set = setFromIndexSet(uidSet); if (clist_count(set->set_list) == 0) { mailimap_set_free(set); return; } setList = splitSet(set, 10); uidSetResult = NULL; for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); r = mailimap_uidplus_uid_copy(mImap, current_set, MCUTF8(destFolder), &uidvalidity, &src_uid, &dest_uid); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; goto release; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; goto release; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCopy; goto release; } if ((src_uid != NULL) && (dest_uid != NULL)) { if (uidMapping == NULL) { uidMapping = HashMap::hashMap(); } Array * srcUidsArray = arrayFromSet(src_uid); Array * destUidsArray = arrayFromSet(dest_uid); for(int i = 0 ; i < srcUidsArray->count() && i < destUidsArray->count() ; i ++) { uidMapping->setObjectForKey(srcUidsArray->objectAtIndex(i), destUidsArray->objectAtIndex(i)); } } if (src_uid != NULL) { mailimap_set_free(src_uid); } if (dest_uid != NULL) { mailimap_set_free(dest_uid); } } if (pUidMapping != NULL) { * pUidMapping = uidMapping; } * pError = ErrorNone; release: for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); mailimap_set_free(current_set); } clist_free(setList); mailimap_set_free(set); } void IMAPSession::moveMessages(String * folder, IndexSet * uidSet, String * destFolder, HashMap ** pUidMapping, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; struct mailimap_set * set; struct mailimap_set * src_uid; struct mailimap_set * dest_uid; uint32_t uidvalidity; clist * setList; IndexSet * uidSetResult; HashMap * uidMapping = NULL; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; set = setFromIndexSet(uidSet); if (clist_count(set->set_list) == 0) { mailimap_set_free(set); return; } setList = splitSet(set, 10); uidSetResult = NULL; for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); r = mailimap_uidplus_uid_move(mImap, current_set, MCUTF8(destFolder), &uidvalidity, &src_uid, &dest_uid); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; goto release; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; goto release; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCopy; goto release; } if ((src_uid != NULL) && (dest_uid != NULL)) { if (uidMapping == NULL) { uidMapping = HashMap::hashMap(); } Array * srcUidsArray = arrayFromSet(src_uid); Array * destUidsArray = arrayFromSet(dest_uid); for(int i = 0 ; i < srcUidsArray->count() && i < destUidsArray->count() ; i ++) { uidMapping->setObjectForKey(srcUidsArray->objectAtIndex(i), destUidsArray->objectAtIndex(i)); } } if (src_uid != NULL) { mailimap_set_free(src_uid); } if (dest_uid != NULL) { mailimap_set_free(dest_uid); } } if (pUidMapping != NULL) { * pUidMapping = uidMapping; } * pError = ErrorNone; release: for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); mailimap_set_free(current_set); } clist_free(setList); mailimap_set_free(set); } void IMAPSession::expunge(String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; r = mailimap_expunge(mImap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorExpunge; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } static int fetch_imap(mailimap * imap, bool identifier_is_uid, uint32_t identifier, struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { int r; struct mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; struct mailimap_msg_att_item * msg_att_item; clist * fetch_result; struct mailimap_set * set; char * text; size_t text_length; clistiter * cur; set = mailimap_set_new_single(identifier); if (identifier_is_uid) { r = mailimap_uid_fetch(imap, set, fetch_type, &fetch_result); } else { r = mailimap_fetch(imap, set, fetch_type, &fetch_result); } mailimap_set_free(set); switch (r) { case MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR: break; default: return r; } if (clist_isempty(fetch_result)) { mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_result); return MAILIMAP_ERROR_FETCH; } msg_att = (struct mailimap_msg_att *) clist_begin(fetch_result)->data; text = NULL; text_length = 0; for(cur = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { msg_att_item = (struct mailimap_msg_att_item *) clist_content(cur); if (msg_att_item->att_type != MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { continue; } if (msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_type != MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_BODY_SECTION) { continue; } text = msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part; msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part = NULL; text_length = msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_length; } mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_result); if (text == NULL) return MAILIMAP_ERROR_FETCH; * result = text; * result_len = text_length; return MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; } HashMap * IMAPSession::fetchMessageNumberUIDMapping(String * folder, uint32_t fromUID, uint32_t toUID, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imap_set; struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type; clist * fetch_result; HashMap * result; struct mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att; int r; clistiter * iter; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; result = HashMap::hashMap(); imap_set = mailimap_set_new_interval(fromUID, toUID); fetch_type = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_empty(); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_uid(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); r = mailimap_uid_fetch(mImap, imap_set, fetch_type, &fetch_result); mailimap_fetch_type_free(fetch_type); mailimap_set_free(imap_set); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { MCLog("error stream"); mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { MCLog("error parse"); * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { MCLog("error fetch"); * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } for(iter = clist_begin(fetch_result) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; clistiter * item_iter; uint32_t uid; msg_att = (struct mailimap_msg_att *) clist_content(iter); uid = 0; for(item_iter = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; item_iter != NULL ; item_iter = clist_next(item_iter)) { struct mailimap_msg_att_item * att_item; att_item = (struct mailimap_msg_att_item *) clist_content(item_iter); if (att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { struct mailimap_msg_att_static * att_static; att_static = att_item->att_data.att_static; if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_UID) { uid = att_static->att_data.att_uid; } } } if (uid < fromUID) { uid = 0; } if (uid != 0) { result->setObjectForKey(Value::valueWithUnsignedLongValue(msg_att->att_number), Value::valueWithUnsignedLongValue(uid)); } } mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_result); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } struct msg_att_handler_data { IndexSet * uidsFilter; IndexSet * numbersFilter; bool fetchByUID; Array * result; IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind; uint32_t mLastFetchedSequenceNumber; HashMap * mapping; bool needsHeader; bool needsBody; bool needsFlags; bool needsGmailLabels; bool needsGmailMessageID; bool needsGmailThreadID; }; static void msg_att_handler(struct mailimap_msg_att * msg_att, void * context) { clistiter * item_iter; uint32_t uid; IMAPMessage * msg; bool hasHeader; bool hasBody; bool hasFlags; bool hasGmailLabels; bool hasGmailMessageID; bool hasGmailThreadID; struct msg_att_handler_data * msg_att_context; bool fetchByUID; Array * result; IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind; uint32_t mLastFetchedSequenceNumber; HashMap * mapping; bool needsHeader; bool needsBody; bool needsFlags; bool needsGmailLabels; bool needsGmailMessageID; bool needsGmailThreadID; IndexSet * uidsFilter; IndexSet * numbersFilter; msg_att_context = (struct msg_att_handler_data *) context; uidsFilter = msg_att_context->uidsFilter; numbersFilter = msg_att_context->numbersFilter; fetchByUID = msg_att_context->fetchByUID; result = msg_att_context->result; requestKind = msg_att_context->requestKind; mapping = msg_att_context->mapping; needsHeader = msg_att_context->needsHeader; needsBody = msg_att_context->needsBody; needsFlags = msg_att_context->needsFlags; needsGmailLabels = msg_att_context->needsGmailLabels; needsGmailMessageID = msg_att_context->needsGmailMessageID; needsGmailThreadID = msg_att_context->needsGmailThreadID; hasHeader = false; hasBody = false; hasFlags = false; hasGmailLabels = false; hasGmailMessageID = false; hasGmailThreadID = false; if (numbersFilter != NULL) { if (!numbersFilter->containsIndex((uint64_t) msg_att->att_number)) { return; } } msg = new IMAPMessage(); uid = 0; mLastFetchedSequenceNumber = msg_att->att_number; if (mapping != NULL) { uid = (uint32_t) ((Value *) mapping->objectForKey(Value::valueWithUnsignedLongValue(msg_att->att_number)))->longLongValue(); } msg->setSequenceNumber(msg_att->att_number); for(item_iter = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; item_iter != NULL ; item_iter = clist_next(item_iter)) { struct mailimap_msg_att_item * att_item; att_item = (struct mailimap_msg_att_item *) clist_content(item_iter); if (att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_DYNAMIC) { MessageFlag flags; flags = flags_from_lep_att_dynamic(att_item->att_data.att_dyn); msg->setFlags(flags); msg->setOriginalFlags(flags); hasFlags = true; Array * customFlags; customFlags = custom_flags_from_lep_att_dynamic(att_item->att_data.att_dyn); msg->setCustomFlags(customFlags); } else if (att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { struct mailimap_msg_att_static * att_static; att_static = att_item->att_data.att_static; if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_UID) { uid = att_static->att_data.att_uid; } else if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ENVELOPE) { struct mailimap_envelope * env; MCLog("parse envelope %lu", (unsigned long) uid); env = att_static->att_data.att_env; msg->header()->importIMAPEnvelope(env); hasHeader = true; } else if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_BODY_SECTION) { if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindFullHeaders) != 0 || (requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindExtraHeaders) != 0) { char * bytes; size_t length; bytes = att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part; length = att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_length; msg->header()->importHeadersData(Data::dataWithBytes(bytes, (unsigned int) length)); hasHeader = true; } else { char * references; size_t ref_size; // references references = att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part; ref_size = att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_length; msg->header()->importIMAPReferences(Data::dataWithBytes(references, (unsigned int) ref_size)); } } else if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_BODYSTRUCTURE) { AbstractPart * mainPart; // bodystructure mainPart = IMAPPart::attachmentWithIMAPBody(att_static->att_data.att_body); msg->setMainPart(mainPart); hasBody = true; } } else if (att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_EXTENSION) { struct mailimap_extension_data * ext_data; ext_data = att_item->att_data.att_extension_data; if (ext_data->ext_extension == &mailimap_extension_condstore) { struct mailimap_condstore_fetch_mod_resp * fetch_data; fetch_data = (struct mailimap_condstore_fetch_mod_resp *) ext_data->ext_data; msg->setModSeqValue(fetch_data->cs_modseq_value); } else if (ext_data->ext_extension == &mailimap_extension_xgmlabels) { struct mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels * cLabels; Array * labels; clistiter * cur; labels = new Array(); hasGmailLabels = true; cLabels = (struct mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels *) ext_data->ext_data; for(cur = clist_begin(cLabels->att_labels) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { char * cLabel; String * label; cLabel = (char *) clist_content(cur); label = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(cLabel); labels->addObject(label); } if (labels->count() > 0) { msg->setGmailLabels(labels); } labels->release(); } else if (ext_data->ext_extension == &mailimap_extension_xgmthrid) { uint64_t * threadID; threadID = (uint64_t *) ext_data->ext_data; msg->setGmailThreadID(*threadID); hasGmailThreadID = true; } else if (ext_data->ext_extension == &mailimap_extension_xgmmsgid) { uint64_t * msgID; msgID = (uint64_t *) ext_data->ext_data; msg->setGmailMessageID(*msgID); hasGmailMessageID = true; } } } for(item_iter = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; item_iter != NULL ; item_iter = clist_next(item_iter)) { struct mailimap_msg_att_item * att_item; att_item = (struct mailimap_msg_att_item *) clist_content(item_iter); if (att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { struct mailimap_msg_att_static * att_static; att_static = att_item->att_data.att_static; if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_INTERNALDATE) { msg->header()->importIMAPInternalDate(att_static->att_data.att_internal_date); } else if (att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_RFC822_SIZE) { msg->setSize(att_static->att_data.att_rfc822_size); } } } if (needsBody && !hasBody) { msg->release(); return; } if (needsHeader && !hasHeader) { msg->release(); return; } if (needsFlags && !hasFlags) { msg->release(); return; } if (needsGmailThreadID && !hasGmailThreadID) { msg->release(); return; } if (needsGmailMessageID && !hasGmailMessageID) { msg->release(); return; } if (needsGmailLabels && !hasGmailLabels) { msg->release(); return; } if (uid != 0) { msg->setUid(uid); } else { msg->release(); return; } if (uidsFilter != NULL) { if (!uidsFilter->containsIndex((uint64_t) uid)) { msg->release(); return; } } result->addObject(msg); msg->release(); msg_att_context->mLastFetchedSequenceNumber = mLastFetchedSequenceNumber; } IMAPSyncResult * IMAPSession::fetchMessages(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, bool fetchByUID, struct mailimap_set * imapset, IndexSet * uidsFilter, IndexSet * numbersFilter, uint64_t modseq, HashMap * mapping, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, Array * extraHeaders, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type; clist * fetch_result; struct mailimap_qresync_vanished * vanished; struct mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att; int r; bool needsHeader; bool needsBody; bool needsFlags; bool needsGmailLabels; bool needsGmailMessageID; bool needsGmailThreadID; Array * messages; IndexSet * vanishedMessages; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; if (mNeedsMboxMailWorkaround && ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders) != 0)) { requestKind = (IMAPMessagesRequestKind) (requestKind & ~IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders); requestKind = (IMAPMessagesRequestKind) (requestKind | IMAPMessagesRequestKindFullHeaders); } if (extraHeaders != NULL) { requestKind = (IMAPMessagesRequestKind) (requestKind | IMAPMessagesRequestKindExtraHeaders); } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders) != 0) { mProgressItemsCount = 0; mProgressCallback = progressCallback; } messages = Array::array(); needsHeader = false; needsBody = false; needsFlags = false; needsGmailLabels = false; needsGmailMessageID = false; needsGmailThreadID = false; clist * hdrlist = clist_new(); fetch_type = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_empty(); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_uid(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindFlags) != 0) { MCLog("request flags"); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_flags(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsFlags = true; } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindGmailLabels) != 0) { MCLog("request flags"); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_xgmlabels(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsGmailLabels = true; } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindGmailThreadID) != 0) { fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_xgmthrid(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsGmailThreadID = true; } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindGmailMessageID) != 0) { fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_xgmmsgid(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsGmailMessageID = true; } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindFullHeaders) != 0) { char * header; MCLog("request envelope"); // most important header header = strdup("Date"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("Subject"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("From"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("Sender"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("Reply-To"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("To"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("Cc"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("Message-ID"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("References"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); header = strdup("In-Reply-To"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders) != 0) { char * header; MCLog("request envelope"); // envelope fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_envelope(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); // references header header = strdup("References"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaderSubject) != 0) { header = strdup("Subject"); clist_append(hdrlist, header); } } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindSize) != 0) { // message structure MCLog("request size"); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_rfc822_size(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindStructure) != 0) { // message structure MCLog("request bodystructure"); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_bodystructure(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsBody = true; } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindInternalDate) != 0) { // internal date fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_internaldate(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); } if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindExtraHeaders) != 0) { // custom header request char * header; if (extraHeaders && extraHeaders->count() > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < extraHeaders->count(); i++) { String * headerString = (String *)extraHeaders->objectAtIndex(i); header = strdup(headerString->UTF8Characters()); clist_append(hdrlist, header); } } } if (clist_begin(hdrlist) != NULL) { struct mailimap_header_list * imap_hdrlist; struct mailimap_section * section; imap_hdrlist = mailimap_header_list_new(hdrlist); section = mailimap_section_new_header_fields(imap_hdrlist); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_body_peek_section(section); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetch_type, fetch_att); needsHeader = true; } else { clist_free(hdrlist); } struct msg_att_handler_data msg_att_data; memset(&msg_att_data, 0, sizeof(msg_att_data)); msg_att_data.uidsFilter = uidsFilter; msg_att_data.numbersFilter = numbersFilter; msg_att_data.fetchByUID = fetchByUID; msg_att_data.result = messages; msg_att_data.requestKind = requestKind; msg_att_data.mLastFetchedSequenceNumber = mLastFetchedSequenceNumber; msg_att_data.mapping = mapping; msg_att_data.needsHeader = needsHeader; msg_att_data.needsBody = needsBody; msg_att_data.needsFlags = needsFlags; msg_att_data.needsGmailLabels = needsGmailLabels; msg_att_data.needsGmailMessageID = needsGmailMessageID; msg_att_data.needsGmailThreadID = needsGmailThreadID; mailimap_set_msg_att_handler(mImap, msg_att_handler, &msg_att_data); mBodyProgressEnabled = false; vanished = NULL; if (fetchByUID) { if ((modseq != 0) && (mCondstoreEnabled || mQResyncEnabled)) { if (mQResyncEnabled) { r = mailimap_uid_fetch_qresync(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, modseq, &fetch_result, &vanished); } else { /* condstore */ r = mailimap_uid_fetch_changedsince(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, modseq, &fetch_result); } } else { r = mailimap_uid_fetch(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, &fetch_result); } } else { if ((modseq != 0) && (mCondstoreEnabled || mQResyncEnabled)) { if (mQResyncEnabled) { r = mailimap_fetch_qresync(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, modseq, &fetch_result, &vanished); } else { /* condstore */ r = mailimap_fetch_changedsince(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, modseq, &fetch_result); } } else { r = mailimap_fetch(mImap, imapset, fetch_type, &fetch_result); } } vanishedMessages = NULL; if (vanished != NULL) { vanishedMessages = indexSetFromSet(vanished->qr_known_uids); } mBodyProgressEnabled = true; mProgressCallback = NULL; mLastFetchedSequenceNumber = msg_att_data.mLastFetchedSequenceNumber; mailimap_fetch_type_free(fetch_type); mailimap_set_msg_att_handler(mImap, NULL, NULL); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { MCLog("error stream"); mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { MCLog("error parse"); * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { MCLog("error fetch"); * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } IMAPSyncResult * result; result = new IMAPSyncResult(); result->setModifiedOrAddedMessages(messages); result->setVanishedMessages(vanishedMessages); result->autorelease(); if ((requestKind & IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders) != 0) { if (messages->count() == 0) { unsigned int count; count = clist_count(fetch_result); if (count > 0) { requestKind = (IMAPMessagesRequestKind) (requestKind & ~IMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders); requestKind = (IMAPMessagesRequestKind) (requestKind | IMAPMessagesRequestKindFullHeaders); result = fetchMessages(folder, requestKind, fetchByUID, imapset, uidsFilter, numbersFilter, modseq, NULL, progressCallback, extraHeaders, pError); if (result != NULL) { if (result->modifiedOrAddedMessages() != NULL) { if (result->modifiedOrAddedMessages()->count() > 0) { mNeedsMboxMailWorkaround = true; } } } } } } mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_result); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } Array * IMAPSession::fetchMessagesByUID(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * uids, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessagesByUIDWithExtraHeaders(folder, requestKind, uids, progressCallback, NULL, pError); } Array * IMAPSession::fetchMessagesByUIDWithExtraHeaders(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * uids, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, Array * extraHeaders, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imapset = setFromIndexSet(uids); IMAPSyncResult * syncResult = fetchMessages(folder, requestKind, true, imapset, uids, NULL, 0, NULL, progressCallback, extraHeaders, pError); if (syncResult == NULL) { mailimap_set_free(imapset); return NULL; } Array * result = syncResult->modifiedOrAddedMessages(); result->retain()->autorelease(); mailimap_set_free(imapset); return result; } Array * IMAPSession::fetchMessagesByNumber(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * numbers, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessagesByNumberWithExtraHeaders(folder, requestKind, numbers, progressCallback, NULL, pError); } Array * IMAPSession::fetchMessagesByNumberWithExtraHeaders(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * numbers, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, Array * extraHeaders, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imapset = setFromIndexSet(numbers); IMAPSyncResult * syncResult = fetchMessages(folder, requestKind, false, imapset, NULL, numbers, 0, NULL, progressCallback, extraHeaders, pError); if (syncResult == NULL) { mailimap_set_free(imapset); return NULL; } Array * result = syncResult->modifiedOrAddedMessages(); result->retain()->autorelease(); mailimap_set_free(imapset); return result; } static int fetch_rfc822(mailimap * session, bool identifier_is_uid, uint32_t identifier, char ** result, size_t * result_len) { struct mailimap_section * section; struct mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att; struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type; section = mailimap_section_new(NULL); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_body_peek_section(section); fetch_type = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att(fetch_att); int r = fetch_imap(session, identifier_is_uid, identifier, fetch_type, result, result_len); mailimap_fetch_type_free(fetch_type); return r; #if 0 int r; clist * fetch_list; struct mailimap_section * section; struct mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att; struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type; struct mailimap_set * set; struct mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; struct mailimap_msg_att_item * item; int res; clistiter * cur; section = mailimap_section_new(NULL); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_body_peek_section(section); fetch_type = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att(fetch_att); set = mailimap_set_new_single(identifier); if (identifier_is_uid) { r = mailimap_uid_fetch(session, set, fetch_type, &fetch_list); } else { r = mailimap_fetch(session, set, fetch_type, &fetch_list); } mailimap_set_free(set); mailimap_fetch_type_free(fetch_type); if (r != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { res = r; goto err; } if (clist_isempty(fetch_list)) { res = MAILIMAP_ERROR_FETCH; goto free; } msg_att = (struct mailimap_msg_att *) clist_begin(fetch_list)->data; for(cur = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { item = (struct mailimap_msg_att_item *) clist_content(cur); if (item->att_type != MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { continue; } if (item->att_data.att_static->att_type != MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_BODY_SECTION) { continue; } * result = item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part; item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part = NULL; mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_list); return MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; } res = MAILIMAP_ERROR_FETCH; free: mailimap_fetch_list_free(fetch_list); err: return res; #endif } Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessageByUID(String * folder, uint32_t uid, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessage(folder, true, uid, progressCallback, pError); } Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessageByNumber(String * folder, uint32_t number, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessage(folder, false, number, progressCallback, pError); } Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessage(String * folder, bool identifier_is_uid, uint32_t identifier, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { char * rfc822; size_t rfc822_len; int r; Data * data; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; mProgressItemsCount = 0; mProgressCallback = progressCallback; rfc822 = NULL; r = fetch_rfc822(mImap, identifier_is_uid, identifier, &rfc822, &rfc822_len); if (r == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { size_t len; len = 0; if (rfc822 != NULL) { len = strlen(rfc822); } bodyProgress((unsigned int) len, (unsigned int) len); } mProgressCallback = NULL; if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } if (rfc822 == NULL) { data = Data::data(); } else { data = Data::dataWithBytes(rfc822, (unsigned int) rfc822_len); } mailimap_nstring_free(rfc822); * pError = ErrorNone; return data; } static void nstringDeallocator(char * bytes, unsigned int length) { mailimap_nstring_free(bytes); }; Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessageAttachment(String * folder, bool identifier_is_uid, uint32_t identifier, String * partID, Encoding encoding, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_fetch_type * fetch_type; struct mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att; struct mailimap_section * section; struct mailimap_section_part * section_part; clist * sec_list; Array * partIDArray; int r; char * text = NULL; size_t text_length = 0; Data * data; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; mProgressItemsCount = 0; mProgressCallback = progressCallback; bodyProgress(0, 0); partIDArray = partID->componentsSeparatedByString(MCSTR(".")); sec_list = clist_new(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < partIDArray->count() ; i ++) { uint32_t * value; String * element; element = (String *) partIDArray->objectAtIndex(i); value = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(* value)); * value = element->intValue(); clist_append(sec_list, value); } section_part = mailimap_section_part_new(sec_list); section = mailimap_section_new_part(section_part); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_body_peek_section(section); fetch_type = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att(fetch_att); r = fetch_imap(mImap, identifier_is_uid, identifier, fetch_type, &text, &text_length); mailimap_fetch_type_free(fetch_type); mProgressCallback = NULL; MCLog("had error : %i", r); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } data = Data::data(); data->takeBytesOwnership(text, (unsigned int) text_length, nstringDeallocator); data = data->decodedDataUsingEncoding(encoding); * pError = ErrorNone; return data; } Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessageAttachmentByUID(String * folder, uint32_t uid, String * partID, Encoding encoding, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessageAttachment(folder, true, uid, partID, encoding, progressCallback, pError); } Data * IMAPSession::fetchMessageAttachmentByNumber(String * folder, uint32_t number, String * partID, Encoding encoding, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return fetchMessageAttachment(folder, false, number, partID, encoding, progressCallback, pError); } IndexSet * IMAPSession::search(String * folder, IMAPSearchKind kind, String * searchString, ErrorCode * pError) { IMAPSearchExpression * expr; expr = NULL; switch (kind) { case IMAPSearchKindAll: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchAll(); break; } case IMAPSearchKindFrom: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchFrom(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindTo: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchTo(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindCc: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchCc(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindBcc: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchBcc(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindRecipient: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchRecipient(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindSubject: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchSubject(searchString); break; } case IMAPSearchKindContent: { expr = IMAPSearchExpression::searchContent(searchString); break; } default: { MCAssert(0); break; } } return search(folder, expr, pError); } static struct mailimap_search_key * searchKeyFromSearchExpression(IMAPSearchExpression * expression) { switch (expression->kind()) { case IMAPSearchKindAll: { return mailimap_search_key_new_all(); } case IMAPSearchKindFrom: { return mailimap_search_key_new_from(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindTo: { return mailimap_search_key_new_to(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindCc: { return mailimap_search_key_new_cc(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindBcc: { return mailimap_search_key_new_bcc(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindRecipient: { struct mailimap_search_key * to_search; struct mailimap_search_key * cc_search; struct mailimap_search_key * bcc_search; struct mailimap_search_key * or_search1; struct mailimap_search_key * or_search2; to_search = mailimap_search_key_new_to(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); cc_search = mailimap_search_key_new_cc(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); bcc_search = mailimap_search_key_new_bcc(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); or_search1 = mailimap_search_key_new_or(to_search, cc_search); or_search2 = mailimap_search_key_new_or(or_search1, bcc_search); return or_search2; } case IMAPSearchKindSubject: { return mailimap_search_key_new_subject(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindContent: { return mailimap_search_key_new_text(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindBody: { return mailimap_search_key_new_body(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindUIDs: { return mailimap_search_key_new_uid(setFromIndexSet(expression->uids())); } case IMAPSearchKindNumbers: { return mailimap_search_key_new_set(setFromIndexSet(expression->numbers())); } case IMAPSearchKindHeader: { return mailimap_search_key_new_header(strdup(expression->header()->UTF8Characters()), strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindBeforeDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_sentbefore(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindOnDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_senton(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindSinceDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_sentsince(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindBeforeReceivedDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_before(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindOnReceivedDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_on(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindSinceReceivedDate: { time_t date = expression->date(); struct tm timeinfo; localtime_r(&date, &timeinfo); return mailimap_search_key_new_since(mailimap_date_new(timeinfo.tm_mday, timeinfo.tm_mon+1, timeinfo.tm_year+1900)); } case IMAPSearchKindGmailThreadID: { return mailimap_search_key_new_xgmthrid(expression->longNumber()); } case IMAPSearchKindGmailMessageID: { return mailimap_search_key_new_xgmmsgid(expression->longNumber()); } case IMAPSearchKindRead: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_SEEN, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindUnread: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_UNSEEN, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindFlagged: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_FLAGGED, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindUnflagged: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_UNFLAGGED, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindAnswered: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_ANSWERED, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindUnanswered: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_UNANSWERED, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindDraft: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_DRAFT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindUndraft: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_UNDRAFT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindDeleted: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_DELETED, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindSpam: { return mailimap_search_key_new(MAILIMAP_SEARCH_KEY_KEYWORD, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, strdup("Junk"), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } case IMAPSearchKindSizeLarger: { return mailimap_search_key_new_larger( (uint32_t) expression->longNumber()); } case IMAPSearchKindSizeSmaller: { return mailimap_search_key_new_smaller( (uint32_t) expression->longNumber()); } case IMAPSearchKindGmailRaw: { return mailimap_search_key_new_xgmraw(strdup(expression->value()->UTF8Characters())); } case IMAPSearchKindOr: { return mailimap_search_key_new_or(searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression->leftExpression()), searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression->rightExpression())); } case IMAPSearchKindAnd: { clist * list; list = clist_new(); clist_append(list, searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression->leftExpression())); clist_append(list, searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression->rightExpression())); return mailimap_search_key_new_multiple(list); } case IMAPSearchKindNot: { return mailimap_search_key_new_not(searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression->leftExpression())); } default: MCAssert(0); return NULL; } } IndexSet * IMAPSession::search(String * folder, IMAPSearchExpression * expression, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_search_key * key; key = searchKeyFromSearchExpression(expression); selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; clist * result_list = NULL; const char * charset = "utf-8"; if (mYahooServer) { charset = NULL; } int r; if (mIsGmail) { r = mailimap_uid_search_literalplus(mImap, charset, key, &result_list); } else { r = mailimap_uid_search(mImap, charset, key, &result_list); } mailimap_search_key_free(key); MCLog("had error : %i", r); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return NULL; } IndexSet * result = IndexSet::indexSet(); for(clistiter * cur = clist_begin(result_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { uint32_t * uid = (uint32_t *) clist_content(cur); result->addIndex(* uid); } mailimap_search_result_free(result_list); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } void IMAPSession::getQuota(uint32_t *usage, uint32_t *limit, ErrorCode * pError) { mailimap_quota_complete_data *quota_data; int r = mailimap_quota_getquotaroot(mImap, "INBOX", "a_data); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorFetch; return; } for(clistiter * cur = clist_begin(quota_data->quota_list); cur != NULL; cur = clist_next(cur)) { mailimap_quota_quota_data *quota = (mailimap_quota_quota_data*)clist_content(cur); for (clistiter *cur2 = clist_begin(quota->quota_list); cur2 != NULL; cur2 = clist_next(cur2)) { mailimap_quota_quota_resource *res = (mailimap_quota_quota_resource*)clist_content(cur2); if (!strcasecmp("STORAGE", res->resource_name)) { *usage = res->usage; *limit = res->limit; } } } mailimap_quota_complete_data_free(quota_data); } bool IMAPSession::setupIdle() { // main thread LOCK(); bool canIdle = mCanIdle; if (mCanIdle) { mailstream_setup_idle(mImap->imap_stream); } UNLOCK(); return canIdle; } void IMAPSession::idle(String * folder, uint32_t lastKnownUID, ErrorCode * pError) { int r; // connection thread selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (lastKnownUID != 0) { Array * msgs; msgs = fetchMessagesByUID(folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKindUid, IndexSet::indexSetWithRange(RangeMake(lastKnownUID, UINT64_MAX)), NULL, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; if (msgs->count() > 0) { IMAPMessage * msg; msg = (IMAPMessage *) msgs->objectAtIndex(0); if (msg->uid() > lastKnownUID) { MCLog("found msg UID %u %u", (unsigned int) msg->uid(), (unsigned int) lastKnownUID); return; } } } r = mailimap_idle(mImap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorIdle; return; } if (!mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_has_exists && !mImap->imap_selection_info->sel_has_recent) { int r; r = mailstream_wait_idle(mImap->imap_stream, MAX_IDLE_DELAY); switch (r) { case MAILSTREAM_IDLE_ERROR: case MAILSTREAM_IDLE_CANCELLED: { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; MCLog("error or cancelled"); return; } case MAILSTREAM_IDLE_INTERRUPTED: MCLog("interrupted by user"); break; case MAILSTREAM_IDLE_HASDATA: MCLog("something on the socket"); break; case MAILSTREAM_IDLE_TIMEOUT: MCLog("idle timeout"); break; } } else { MCLog("found info before idling"); } r = mailimap_idle_done(mImap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorIdle; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::interruptIdle() { // main thread LOCK(); if (mCanIdle) { mailstream_interrupt_idle(mImap->imap_stream); } UNLOCK(); } void IMAPSession::unsetupIdle() { // main thread LOCK(); if (mCanIdle) { mailstream_unsetup_idle(mImap->imap_stream); } UNLOCK(); } void IMAPSession::disconnect() { unsetup(); } IMAPIdentity * IMAPSession::identity(IMAPIdentity * clientIdentity, ErrorCode * pError) { connectIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; struct mailimap_id_params_list * client_identification; client_identification = mailimap_id_params_list_new_empty(); mc_foreacharray(String, key, clientIdentity->allInfoKeys()) { char * dup_name; char * dup_value; dup_name = strdup(key->UTF8Characters()); dup_value = strdup(clientIdentity->infoForKey(key)->UTF8Characters()); mailimap_id_params_list_add_name_value(client_identification, dup_name, dup_value); } int r; struct mailimap_id_params_list * server_identification; r = mailimap_id(mImap, client_identification, &server_identification); mailimap_id_params_list_free(client_identification); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorIdentity; return NULL; } IMAPIdentity * result = new IMAPIdentity(); clistiter * cur; for(cur = clist_begin(server_identification->idpa_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimap_id_param * param; param = (struct mailimap_id_param *) clist_content(cur); String * responseKey; String * responseValue; responseKey = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(param->idpa_name); responseValue = String::stringWithUTF8Characters(param->idpa_value); result->setInfoForKey(responseKey, responseValue); } mailimap_id_params_list_free(server_identification); * pError = ErrorNone; result->autorelease(); return result; } void IMAPSession::bodyProgress(unsigned int current, unsigned int maximum) { if (!mBodyProgressEnabled) return; if (mProgressCallback != NULL) { mProgressCallback->bodyProgress(this, current, maximum); } } void IMAPSession::itemsProgress(unsigned int current, unsigned int maximum) { mProgressItemsCount ++; if (mProgressCallback != NULL) { mProgressCallback->itemsProgress(this, mProgressItemsCount, maximum); } } IMAPNamespace * IMAPSession::defaultNamespace() { return mDefaultNamespace; } void IMAPSession::setDefaultNamespace(IMAPNamespace * ns) { MC_SAFE_REPLACE_RETAIN(IMAPNamespace, mDefaultNamespace, ns); } IMAPIdentity * IMAPSession::serverIdentity() { return mServerIdentity; } IMAPIdentity * IMAPSession::clientIdentity() { return mClientIdentity; } HashMap * IMAPSession::fetchNamespace(ErrorCode * pError) { HashMap * result; struct mailimap_namespace_data * namespace_data; int r; loginIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; result = HashMap::hashMap(); r = mailimap_namespace(mImap, &namespace_data); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorNamespace; return NULL; } IMAPNamespace * ns; if (namespace_data->ns_personal != NULL) { ns = new IMAPNamespace(); ns->importIMAPNamespace(namespace_data->ns_personal); result->setObjectForKey(IMAPNamespacePersonal, ns); ns->release(); } if (namespace_data->ns_other != NULL) { ns = new IMAPNamespace(); ns->importIMAPNamespace(namespace_data->ns_other); result->setObjectForKey(IMAPNamespaceOther, ns); ns->release(); } if (namespace_data->ns_shared != NULL) { ns = new IMAPNamespace(); ns->importIMAPNamespace(namespace_data->ns_shared); result->setObjectForKey(IMAPNamespaceShared, ns); ns->release(); } mailimap_namespace_data_free(namespace_data); * pError = ErrorNone; return result; } void IMAPSession::storeFlagsByUID(String * folder, IndexSet * uids, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, MessageFlag flags, ErrorCode * pError) { this->storeFlagsAndCustomFlagsByUID(folder, uids, kind, flags, NULL, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeFlagsAndCustomFlagsByUID(String * folder, IndexSet * uids, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, ErrorCode * pError) { storeFlagsAndCustomFlags(folder, true, uids, kind, flags, customFlags, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeFlagsAndCustomFlags(String * folder, bool identifier_is_uid, IndexSet * identifiers, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imap_set; struct mailimap_store_att_flags * store_att_flags; struct mailimap_flag_list * flag_list; int r; clist * setList; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; imap_set = setFromIndexSet(identifiers); if (clist_count(imap_set->set_list) == 0) { mailimap_set_free(imap_set); return; } setList = splitSet(imap_set, 50); flag_list = mailimap_flag_list_new_empty(); if ((flags & MessageFlagSeen) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_seen(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagAnswered) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_answered(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagFlagged) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_flagged(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagDeleted) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_deleted(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagDraft) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_draft(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagMDNSent) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$MDNSent")); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagForwarded) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$Forwarded")); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagSubmitPending) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$SubmitPending")); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if ((flags & MessageFlagSubmitted) != 0) { struct mailimap_flag * f; f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup("$Submitted")); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } if (customFlags != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < customFlags->count() ; i ++) { struct mailimap_flag * f; String * customFlag = (String *) customFlags->objectAtIndex(i); f = mailimap_flag_new_flag_keyword(strdup(customFlag->UTF8Characters())); mailimap_flag_list_add(flag_list, f); } } store_att_flags = NULL; for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); switch (kind) { case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindRemove: store_att_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_remove_flags_silent(flag_list); break; case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindAdd: store_att_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_add_flags_silent(flag_list); break; case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindSet: store_att_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_set_flags_silent(flag_list); break; } if (identifier_is_uid) { r = mailimap_uid_store(mImap, current_set, store_att_flags); } else { r = mailimap_store(mImap, current_set, store_att_flags); } if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; goto release; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorStore; return; } } release: for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); mailimap_set_free(current_set); } clist_free(setList); mailimap_store_att_flags_free(store_att_flags); mailimap_set_free(imap_set); * pError = ErrorNone; } void IMAPSession::storeFlagsByNumber(String * folder, IndexSet * numbers, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, MessageFlag flags, ErrorCode * pError) { this->storeFlagsAndCustomFlagsByNumber(folder, numbers, kind, flags, NULL, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeFlagsAndCustomFlagsByNumber(String * folder, IndexSet * numbers, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, MessageFlag flags, Array * customFlags, ErrorCode * pError) { storeFlagsAndCustomFlags(folder, false, numbers, kind, flags, customFlags, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeLabelsByUID(String * folder, IndexSet * uids, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, Array * labels, ErrorCode * pError) { storeLabels(folder, true, uids, kind, labels, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeLabelsByNumber(String * folder, IndexSet * numbers, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, Array * labels, ErrorCode * pError) { storeLabels(folder, false, numbers, kind, labels, pError); } void IMAPSession::storeLabels(String * folder, bool identifier_is_uid, IndexSet * identifiers, IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKind kind, Array * labels, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imap_set; struct mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels * xgmlabels; int r; clist * setList; selectIfNeeded(folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return; imap_set = setFromIndexSet(identifiers); if (clist_count(imap_set->set_list) == 0) { mailimap_set_free(imap_set); return; } setList = splitSet(imap_set, 10); xgmlabels = mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels_new_empty(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < labels->count() ; i ++) { String * label = (String *) labels->objectAtIndex(i); mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels_add(xgmlabels, strdup(label->UTF8Characters())); } for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; int fl_sign; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); switch (kind) { case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindRemove: fl_sign = -1; break; case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindAdd: fl_sign = 1; break; case IMAPStoreFlagsRequestKindSet: fl_sign = 0; break; } if (identifier_is_uid) { r = mailimap_uid_store_xgmlabels(mImap, current_set, fl_sign, 1, xgmlabels); } else { r = mailimap_store_xgmlabels(mImap, current_set, fl_sign, 1, xgmlabels); } if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; goto release; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorStore; return; } } release: for(clistiter * iter = clist_begin(setList) ; iter != NULL ; iter = clist_next(iter)) { struct mailimap_set * current_set; current_set = (struct mailimap_set *) clist_content(iter); mailimap_set_free(current_set); } clist_free(setList); mailimap_msg_att_xgmlabels_free(xgmlabels); mailimap_set_free(imap_set); * pError = ErrorNone; } uint32_t IMAPSession::uidValidity() { return mUIDValidity; } uint32_t IMAPSession::uidNext() { return mUIDNext; } uint64_t IMAPSession::modSequenceValue() { return mModSequenceValue; } unsigned int IMAPSession::lastFolderMessageCount() { return mFolderMsgCount; } uint32_t IMAPSession::firstUnseenUid() { return mFirstUnseenUid; } IMAPSyncResult * IMAPSession::syncMessagesByUID(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * uids, uint64_t modseq, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, ErrorCode * pError) { return syncMessagesByUIDWithExtraHeaders(folder, requestKind, uids, modseq, progressCallback, NULL, pError); } IMAPSyncResult * IMAPSession::syncMessagesByUIDWithExtraHeaders(String * folder, IMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind, IndexSet * uids, uint64_t modseq, IMAPProgressCallback * progressCallback, Array * extraHeaders, ErrorCode * pError) { struct mailimap_set * imapset = setFromIndexSet(uids); IMAPSyncResult * result = fetchMessages(folder, requestKind, true, imapset, uids, NULL, modseq, NULL, progressCallback, extraHeaders, pError); mailimap_set_free(imapset); return result; } IndexSet * IMAPSession::capability(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; struct mailimap_capability_data * cap; connectIfNeeded(pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) return NULL; r = mailimap_capability(mImap, &cap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return NULL; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return NULL; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCapability; return NULL; } mailimap_capability_data_free(cap); IndexSet * result = new IndexSet(); capabilitySetWithSessionState(result); * pError = ErrorNone; result->autorelease(); return result; } void IMAPSession::capabilitySetWithSessionState(IndexSet * capabilities) { if (mailimap_has_extension(mImap, (char *)"STARTTLS")) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityStartTLS); } if (mailimap_has_authentication(mImap, (char *)"PLAIN")) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityAuthPlain); } if (mailimap_has_authentication(mImap, (char *)"LOGIN")) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityAuthLogin); } if (mailimap_has_idle(mImap)) { LOCK(); mCanIdle = true; UNLOCK(); } if (mailimap_has_id(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityId); } if (mailimap_has_xlist(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityXList); } if (mailimap_has_extension(mImap, (char *) "X-GM-EXT-1")) { // Disable use of XLIST if this is the Gmail IMAP server because it implements // RFC 6154. capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityGmail); } if (mailimap_has_idle(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityIdle); } if (mailimap_has_condstore(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityCondstore); } if (mailimap_has_qresync(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityQResync); } if (mailimap_has_xoauth2(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityXOAuth2); } if (mailimap_has_namespace(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityNamespace); } if (mailimap_has_compress_deflate(mImap)) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityCompressDeflate); } if (mailimap_has_extension(mImap, (char *)"CHILDREN")) { capabilities->addIndex(IMAPCapabilityChildren); } applyCapabilities(capabilities); } IndexSet * IMAPSession::storedCapabilities() { if (mImap == NULL || mImap->imap_connection_info == NULL || mImap->imap_connection_info->imap_capability == NULL) { return NULL; } IndexSet *result = new IndexSet(); capabilitySetWithSessionState(result); result->autorelease(); return result; } void IMAPSession::applyCapabilities(IndexSet * capabilities) { if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityId)) { mIdentityEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityXList)) { mXListEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityGmail)) { mXListEnabled = false; mIsGmail = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityIdle)) { mIdleEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityCondstore)) { mCondstoreEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityQResync)) { mQResyncEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityXOAuth2)) { mXOauth2Enabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityNamespace)) { mNamespaceEnabled = true; } if (capabilities->containsIndex(IMAPCapabilityCompressDeflate)) { mCompressionEnabled = true; } } bool IMAPSession::isIdleEnabled() { return mIdleEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isXListEnabled() { return mXListEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isCondstoreEnabled() { return mCondstoreEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isQResyncEnabled() { return mQResyncEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isIdentityEnabled() { return mIdentityEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isXOAuthEnabled() { return mXOauth2Enabled; } bool IMAPSession::isNamespaceEnabled() { return mNamespaceEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::isCompressionEnabled() { return mCompressionEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::allowsNewPermanentFlags() { return mAllowsNewPermanentFlags; } bool IMAPSession::isDisconnected() { return mState == STATE_DISCONNECTED; } void IMAPSession::setConnectionLogger(ConnectionLogger * logger) { mConnectionLogger = logger; } ConnectionLogger * IMAPSession::connectionLogger() { return mConnectionLogger; } String * IMAPSession::htmlRendering(IMAPMessage * message, String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { HTMLRendererIMAPDataCallback * dataCallback = new HTMLRendererIMAPDataCallback(this, message->uid()); String * htmlString = HTMLRenderer::htmlForIMAPMessage(folder, message, dataCallback, NULL); * pError = dataCallback->error(); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } MC_SAFE_RELEASE(dataCallback); return htmlString; } String * IMAPSession::htmlBodyRendering(IMAPMessage * message, String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { MCAssert(folder != NULL); HTMLRendererIMAPDataCallback * dataCallback = new HTMLRendererIMAPDataCallback(this, message->uid()); HTMLBodyRendererTemplateCallback * htmlCallback = new HTMLBodyRendererTemplateCallback(); String * htmlBodyString = HTMLRenderer::htmlForIMAPMessage(folder, message, dataCallback, htmlCallback); * pError = dataCallback->error(); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } MC_SAFE_RELEASE(dataCallback); MC_SAFE_RELEASE(htmlCallback); return htmlBodyString; } String * IMAPSession::plainTextRendering(IMAPMessage * message, String * folder, ErrorCode * pError) { String * htmlString = htmlRendering(message, folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } String * plainTextString = htmlString->flattenHTML(); return plainTextString; } String * IMAPSession::plainTextBodyRendering(IMAPMessage * message, String * folder, bool stripWhitespace, ErrorCode * pError) { MCAssert(folder != NULL); String * htmlBodyString = htmlBodyRendering(message, folder, pError); if (* pError != ErrorNone) { return NULL; } String * plainTextBodyString = htmlBodyString->flattenHTML(); if (stripWhitespace) { return plainTextBodyString->stripWhitespace(); } return plainTextBodyString; } void IMAPSession::setAutomaticConfigurationEnabled(bool enabled) { mAutomaticConfigurationEnabled = enabled; } bool IMAPSession::isAutomaticConfigurationEnabled() { return mAutomaticConfigurationEnabled; } bool IMAPSession::enableFeature(String * feature) { struct mailimap_capability_data * caps; clist * cap_list; struct mailimap_capability * cap; int r; cap_list = clist_new(); cap = mailimap_capability_new(MAILIMAP_CAPABILITY_NAME, NULL, strdup(MCUTF8(feature))); clist_append(cap_list, cap); caps = mailimap_capability_data_new(cap_list); struct mailimap_capability_data * result; r = mailimap_enable(mImap, caps, &result); if (r != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) return false; mailimap_capability_data_free(caps); mailimap_capability_data_free(result); return true; } void IMAPSession::enableFeatures() { if (isCompressionEnabled()) { ErrorCode error; enableCompression(&error); if (error != ErrorNone) { MCLog("could not enable compression"); } } if (isQResyncEnabled()) { enableFeature(MCSTR("QRESYNC")); } else if (isCondstoreEnabled()) { enableFeature(MCSTR("CONDSTORE")); } } void IMAPSession::enableCompression(ErrorCode * pError) { int r; r = mailimap_compress(mImap); if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_STREAM) { mShouldDisconnect = true; * pError = ErrorConnection; return; } else if (r == MAILIMAP_ERROR_PARSE) { * pError = ErrorParse; return; } else if (hasError(r)) { * pError = ErrorCompression; return; } * pError = ErrorNone; } bool IMAPSession::isAutomaticConfigurationDone() { return mAutomaticConfigurationDone; } void IMAPSession::resetAutomaticConfigurationDone() { mAutomaticConfigurationDone = false; } String * IMAPSession::gmailUserDisplayName() { return mGmailUserDisplayName; }