#include "MCWin32.h" // should be first include. #include "MCHashMap.h" #include #include #include "MCDefines.h" #include "MCArray.h" #include "MCString.h" #include "MCUtils.h" #include "MCLog.h" #include "MCIterator.h" #include "MCAssert.h" using namespace mailcore; namespace mailcore { struct HashMapCell { unsigned int func; Object * key; Object * value; HashMapCell * next; }; } #define CHASH_DEFAULTSIZE 13 #define CHASH_MAXDEPTH 3 void HashMap::init() { mCount = 0; size_t hashMapCellSize = sizeof(HashMapCell *); mCells = (void **) calloc(CHASH_DEFAULTSIZE, hashMapCellSize); mAllocated = CHASH_DEFAULTSIZE; } HashMap::HashMap() { init(); } HashMap::HashMap(HashMap * other) { init(); Array * keys = other->allKeys(); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < keys->count() ; i ++) { Object * key = keys->objectAtIndex(i); Object * value = other->objectForKey(key); setObjectForKey(key, value); } } HashMap::~HashMap() { for(unsigned int indx = 0; indx < mAllocated; indx++) { HashMapIter * iter, * next; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; iter->key->release(); iter->value->release(); free(iter); iter = next; } } free(mCells); } void HashMap::allocate(unsigned int size) { HashMapCell ** cells; unsigned int indx, nindx; HashMapIter * iter, * next; if (mAllocated == size) return; cells = (HashMapCell **) calloc(size, sizeof(HashMapCell *)); /* iterate over initial hash and copy items in second hash */ for(indx = 0 ; indx < mAllocated ; indx ++) { iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; nindx = iter->func % size; iter->next = cells[nindx]; cells[nindx] = iter; iter = next; } } free(mCells); mAllocated = size; mCells = (void **) cells; } HashMap * HashMap::hashMap() { HashMap * result = new HashMap(); return (HashMap *) result->autorelease(); } String * HashMap::description() { String * result = String::string(); Array * keys = allKeys(); result->appendUTF8Characters("{"); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < keys->count() ; i ++) { Object * key = keys->objectAtIndex(i); if (i != 0) { result->appendUTF8Characters(","); } result->appendString(key->description()); result->appendUTF8Characters(":"); Object * value = objectForKey(key); result->appendString(value->description()); } result->appendUTF8Characters("}"); return result; } Object * HashMap::copy() { return new HashMap(this); } unsigned int HashMap::count() { return mCount; } void HashMap::setObjectForKey(Object * key, Object * value) { unsigned int func, indx; HashMapIter * iter, * cell; if (mCount > mAllocated * CHASH_MAXDEPTH) { allocate((mCount / CHASH_MAXDEPTH) * 2 + 1); } func = key->hash(); indx = func % mAllocated; /* look for the key in existing cells */ iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; while (iter) { if (iter->func == func && iter->key->isEqual(key)) { /* found, replacing entry */ value->retain(); iter->value->release(); iter->value = value; return; } iter = iter->next; } /* not found, adding entry */ cell = (HashMapCell *) malloc(sizeof(HashMapCell)); cell->key = key->copy(); cell->value = value->retain(); cell->func = func; cell->next = (HashMapCell *) mCells[indx]; mCells[indx] = cell; mCount ++; } void HashMap::removeObjectForKey(Object * key) { unsigned int func, indx; HashMapIter * iter, * old; func = key->hash();; indx = func % mAllocated; /* look for the key in existing cells */ old = NULL; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; while (iter) { if (iter->func == func && iter->key->isEqual(key)) { /* found, deleting */ if (old) old->next = iter->next; else mCells[indx] = iter->next; iter->key->release(); iter->value->release(); free(iter); mCount --; return; } old = iter; iter = iter->next; } // Not found. } Object * HashMap::objectForKey(Object * key) { unsigned int func; HashMapIter * iter; func = key->hash(); /* look for the key in existing cells */ iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[func % mAllocated]; while (iter) { if (iter->func == func && key->isEqual(iter->key)) { return iter->value; /* found */ } iter = iter->next; } return NULL; } HashMapIter * HashMap::iteratorBegin() { HashMapIter * iter; unsigned int indx = 0; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[0]; while (!iter) { indx ++; if (indx >= mAllocated) return NULL; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; } return iter; } HashMapIter * HashMap::iteratorNext(HashMapIter * iter) { unsigned int indx; if (!iter) return NULL; indx = iter->func % mAllocated; iter = iter->next; while(!iter) { indx++; if (indx >= mAllocated) return NULL; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; } return iter; } Array * HashMap::allKeys() { Array * keys = Array::array(); for(HashMapIter * iter = iteratorBegin() ; iter != NULL ; iter = iteratorNext(iter)) { keys->addObject(iter->key); } return keys; } Array * HashMap::allValues() { Array * values = Array::array(); for(HashMapIter * iter = iteratorBegin() ; iter != NULL ; iter = iteratorNext(iter)) { values->addObject(iter->value); } return values; } void HashMap::removeAllObjects() { for(unsigned int indx = 0 ; indx < mAllocated ; indx++) { HashMapIter * iter, * next; iter = (HashMapIter *) mCells[indx]; while (iter) { next = iter->next; iter->key->release(); iter->value->release(); free(iter); iter = next; } } memset(mCells, 0, mAllocated * sizeof(* mCells)); mCount = 0; } bool HashMap::isEqual(Object * otherObject) { HashMap * otherMap = (HashMap *) otherObject; if (otherMap->count() != count()) { return false; } bool result = true; mc_foreachhashmapKeyAndValue(Object, key, Object, value, this) { Object * otherValue = otherMap->objectForKey(key); if (otherValue == NULL) { result = false; break; } if (!value->isEqual(otherValue)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s %s\n", MCUTF8(key), MCUTF8(value), MCUTF8(otherValue)); result = false; break; } } return result; } HashMap * HashMap::serializable() { HashMap * result = Object::serializable(); Array * keys = Array::array(); Array * values = Array::array(); mc_foreachhashmapKeyAndValue(Object, key, Object, value, this) { if (MCISKINDOFCLASS(key, String)) { keys->addObject(key); } else { keys->addObject(key->serializable()); } values->addObject(value->serializable()); } result->setObjectForKey(MCSTR("keys"), keys); result->setObjectForKey(MCSTR("values"), values); return result; } void HashMap::importSerializable(HashMap * serializable) { Array * keys = (Array *) serializable->objectForKey(MCSTR("keys")); Array * values = (Array *) serializable->objectForKey(MCSTR("values")); unsigned int count = keys->count(); MCAssert(count == values->count()); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++) { Object * serializedKey = keys->objectAtIndex(i); Object * key; if (MCISKINDOFCLASS(serializedKey, String)) { key = serializedKey; } else { key = Object::objectWithSerializable((HashMap *) serializedKey); } Object * value = Object::objectWithSerializable((HashMap *) values->objectAtIndex(i)); setObjectForKey(key, value); } } static void * createObject() { return new HashMap(); } INITIALIZE(HashMap) { Object::registerObjectConstructor("mailcore::HashMap", &createObject); }