## Mailcore 2: Introduction ## MailCore 2 brings a new API designed from the ground up to be fast, portable, and asynchronous. It features: - **POP**, **IMAP** and **SMTP** support - **[RFC822](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0822.txt)** parser and generator - **Asynchronous** APIs - **HTML** rendering of messages - **iOS** and **Mac** support ## Installation ## 1. Checkout MailCore2 into a directory relative to your project. 2. Under the `build-mac` directory, locate the `mailcore2.xcodeproj` file, and drag this into your Xcode project. 3. **For Mac** - If you're building for Mac, you can either link against MailCore 2 as a framework, or as a static library: * Mac framework - Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add `MailCore.framework`. - Make sure to use LLVM C++ standard library. Open Build Settings, scroll down to 'C++ Standard Library', and select `libc++`. - In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of `mailcore osx` (it's the one with a little toolbox icon). * Mac static library - Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add `libMailCore.a`. - Set 'Other Linker Flags' under Build Settings: `-lctemplate -letpan -licudata -licui18n -licuuc -lxml2 -lsasl2 -liconv -ltidy -lc++ -all_load` - Make sure to use LLVM C++ standard library. In Build Settings, locate 'C++ Standard Library', and select `libc++`. - In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of `static mailcore2 osx`. 4. **For iOS** - If you're targeting iOS, you have to link against MailCore 2 as a static library: * Add `libMailCore-ios.a` * Set 'Other Linker Flags': `-lctemplate-ios -letpan-ios -licudata -licui18n -licuuc -lxml2 -lsasl2 -liconv -ltidy -lstdc++ -all_load` * Make sure to use GNU C++ standard library. In Build Settings, locate 'C++ Standard Library', and select `libstdc++`. * In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of `static mailcore2 ios`. 5. Profit. ## Basic IMAP Usage ## ### Asynchrony ### Using MailCore 2 is just a little more complex conceptually than the original MailCore. All fetch requests in MailCore 2 are made asynchronously through a queue. What does this mean? Well, let's take a look at a simple example: ```objc MCOIMAPSession *session = [[MCOIMAPSession alloc] init]; [session setHostname:@"imap.gmail.com"]; [session setPort:993]; [session setUsername:@"ADDRESS@gmail.com"]; [session setPassword:@"123456"]; [session setConnectionType:MCOConnectionTypeTLS]; MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind = MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders; NSString *folder = @"INBOX"; MCOIndexSet *uids = [MCOIndexSet indexSetWithRange:MCORangeMake(1, UINT64_MAX)]; MCOIMAPFetchMessagesOperation *fetchOperation = [session fetchMessagesByUIDOperationWithFolder:folder requestKind:requestKind uids:uids]; [fetchOperation start:^(NSError * error, NSArray * fetchedMessages, MCOIndexSet * vanishedMessages) { //We've finished downloading the messages! //Let's check if there was an error: if(error) { NSLog(@"Error downloading message headers:%@", error); } //And, let's print out the messages... NSLog(@"The post man delivereth:%@", fetchedMessages); }]; ``` In this sample, we retrieved and printed a list of email headers from an IMAP server. In order to execute the fetch, we request an asynchronous operation object from the `MCOIMAPSession` instance with our parameters (more on this later). This operation object is able to initiate a connection to Gmail when we call the `start` method. Now here's where things get a little tricky. We call the `start` function with an Objective-C block, which is executed on the main thread when the fetch operation completes. The actual fetching from IMAP is done on a **background thread**, leaving your UI and other processing **free to use the main thread**. ### Anatomy of a Message ### Background Reading: * [RFC821](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821) * [RFC822](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822) * [RFC5322](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322) * [RFC2045](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045) * [RFC2046](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046) * [RFC2047](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047) * [RFC2048](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2048) * [RFC2049](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2049) MailCore 2 has a new message structure that more closely mimics the structure of raw emails. This gives you as the user a lot of power, but can also be a little bewildering at first. When a fetch request completes and returns its results to your block, you will get an array of `MCOIMAPMessage` objects. Depending on what `kind` the fetch was made with, this message object can be only partially loaded from IMAP. In our example above, we used the `MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders` as our `requestKind`. So we won't find any fields outside of the `header` filled out in the returned messages array. If you need more data, you can combine the `MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKind` bit masks: ```objc //From the Mac Example MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKind requestKind = (MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKind) (MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaders | MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindStructure | MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindInternalDate | MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindHeaderSubject | MCOIMAPMessagesRequestKindFlags); ``` Many of the properties you probably need are either in the `header` of an MCOIMAPMessage, or direct properties of the message. So now comes the tricky part: you want the full message bodies from the emails. MailCore 2 allows you to fetch the entire contents of a message through the `MCOIMAPFetchContentOperation` instance, which responds with the NSData representation of the email. You can then use `MCOMessageParser` to generate your HTML body content. ### HTML Rendering ### The three subclasses of MCOAbstractMessage (MCOIMAPMessage, MCOMessageParser, MCOMessageBuilder) each have html rendering APIs. HTML rendering of emails is actually a pretty complex operation. Emails come in many shapes and forms, and writing a single rendering engine for every application is difficult, and ultimately constricts you as the user. Instead, MailCore 2 uses HTML rendering delegates that you can use to compose a single html body out of a (potentially) complicated body structure. So, to render HTML from a MCOAbstractMessage subclass (MCOMessageParser, MCOIMAPMessage, MCOMessageBuilder), you can implement the `MCOHTMLRendererDelegate` protocol. For each body part or attachment, you provide a delegate method that is able to provide a template, and the data to fit in that template. For example, here is one method pair for the main header: ```objc - (NSString *)MCOMessageView_templateForMainHeader:(MCOMessageView *)view { NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return @"
From: {{FROM}}
To: {{TO}}
"; } - (NSDictionary *)MCOMessageView:(MCOMessageView *)view templateValuesForHeader:(MCOMessageHeader *)header { NSMutableDictionary *templateValues = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; if(header.from) { templateValues[@"FROM"] = header.from.displayName ?: (header.from.mailbox ?: @"N/A"); } if(header.to.count > 0) { NSMutableString *toString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; for(MCOAddress *address in header.to) { if(toString.length > 0) { [toString appendString:@", "]; } [toString appendFormat:@"%@", address.displayName ?: (address.mailbox ?: @"N/A")]; } templateValues[@"TO"] = toString; } NSLog(@"%s:%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, templateValues); return templateValues; } ``` As you can see, we use [ctemplates](https://code.google.com/p/ctemplate/) in order to format and insert the data we want to display in different parts of the message. ### TODO for this guide ### * Add images * Add more in-depth steps/examples for how to work with imap messages * Add examples for POP and SMTP.