path: root/scripts/include.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/include.sh')
2 files changed, 301 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/include.sh/build-dep-cocoapod.sh b/scripts/include.sh/build-dep-cocoapod.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..277290f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/include.sh/build-dep-cocoapod.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ if test "x$name" = x ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ simarchs="i386 x86_64"
+ sdkminversion="7.0"
+ sdkversion="`xcodebuild -showsdks 2>/dev/null | grep iphoneos | sed 's/.*iphoneos\(.*\)/\1/'`"
+ devicearchs="armv7 armv7s arm64"
+ versions_path="$scriptpath/deps-versions.plist"
+ version="`defaults read "$versions_path" "$name" 2>/dev/null`"
+ version="$(($version+1))"
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ version=0
+ fi
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ builddir="$scriptpath/../Externals/tmp/dependencies"
+ else
+ builddir="$HOME/MailCore-Builds/dependencies"
+ fi
+ BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
+ tempbuilddir="$builddir/workdir/$BUILD_TIMESTAMP"
+ mkdir -p "$tempbuilddir"
+ srcdir="$tempbuilddir/src"
+ logdir="$tempbuilddir/log"
+ resultdir="$builddir/builds"
+ tmpdir="$tempbuilddir/tmp"
+ echo "working in $tempbuilddir"
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir"
+ mkdir -p "$logdir"
+ mkdir -p "$tmpdir"
+ mkdir -p "$srcdir"
+ pushd . >/dev/null
+ BITCODE_FLAGS="-fembed-bitcode"
+ if test "x$NOBITCODE" != x ; then
+ fi
+ XCTOOL_OTHERFLAGS='$(inherited)'
+ cd "$TOPDIR/build-mac"
+ sdk="iphoneos$sdkversion"
+ echo building $sdk
+ xcodebuild -project "$xcode_project" -sdk $sdk -scheme "$xcode_target" -configuration Release SYMROOT="$tmpdir/bin" OBJROOT="$tmpdir/obj" ARCHS="$devicearchs" IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="$sdkminversion" OTHER_CFLAGS="$XCTOOL_OTHERFLAGS" $XCODE_BITCODE_FLAGS
+ if test x$? != x0 ; then
+ echo failed
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ sdk="iphonesimulator$sdkversion"
+ echo building $sdk
+ xcodebuild -project "$xcode_project" -sdk $sdk -scheme "$xcode_target" -configuration Release SYMROOT="$tmpdir/bin" OBJROOT="$tmpdir/obj" ARCHS="$simarchs" IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="$sdkminversion" OTHER_CFLAGS='$(inherited)'
+ if test x$? != x0 ; then
+ echo failed
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo finished
+ if echo $library|grep '\.framework$'>/dev/null ; then
+ cd "$tmpdir/bin/Release"
+ defaults write "$tmpdir/bin/Release/$library/Resources/Info.plist" "git-rev" "$rev"
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir/$name"
+ zip -qry "$resultdir/$name/$name-$version.zip" "$library"
+ else
+ cd "$tmpdir/bin"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name/lib"
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name/include"
+ mv Release-iphoneos/include/MailCore "$name-$version/$name/include"
+ else
+ mv Release-iphoneos/include "$name-$version/$name"
+ fi
+ lipo -create "Release-iphoneos/$library" \
+ "Release-iphonesimulator/$library" \
+ -output "$name-$version/$name/lib/$library"
+ for dep in $embedded_deps ; do
+ if test -d "$TOPDIR/build-mac/$dep" ; then
+ mv "$TOPDIR/build-mac/$dep" "$name-$version"
+ elif test -d "$TOPDIR/Externals/$dep" ; then
+ mv "$TOPDIR/Externals/$dep" "$name-$version"
+ else
+ echo Dependency $dep not found
+ fi
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ cp -R "$name-$version/$dep/lib" "$name-$version/$name"
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/$dep"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ mv "$name-$version/$name/lib" "$name-$version"
+ mv "$name-$version/$name/include" "$name-$version"
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/$name"
+ libtool -static -o "$name-$version/$library" "$name-$version/lib"/*.a
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/lib"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/lib"
+ mv "$name-$version/$library" "$name-$version/lib"
+ fi
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ mkdir -p "$scriptpath/../Externals"
+ cp -R "$name-$version"/* "$scriptpath/../Externals"
+ rm -f "$scriptpath/../Externals/git-rev"
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir/$name"
+ zip -qry "$resultdir/$name/$name-$version.zip" "$name-$version"
+ fi
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$TOPDIR/cocoapods-build"
+ echo temp dir $tmpdir/bin/$name-$version
+ cp -a "$tmpdir/bin/$name-$version/" "$TOPDIR/cocoapods-build"
+ echo build of $name-$version done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ echo cleaning
+ rm -rf "$tempbuilddir"
+ if test x$build_for_external != x1 ; then
+ defaults write "$versions_path" "$name" "$version"
+ plutil -convert xml1 "$versions_path"
+ fi
+ sdk="`xcodebuild -showsdks 2>/dev/null | grep macosx | sed 's/.*macosx\(.*\)/\1/'`"
+ archs="x86_64"
+ sdkminversion="10.7"
+ if test "x$name" = x ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ versions_path="$scriptpath/deps-versions.plist"
+ version="`defaults read "$versions_path" "$name" 2>/dev/null`"
+ version="$(($version+1))"
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ version=0
+ fi
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ builddir="$scriptpath/../Externals/tmp/dependencies"
+ else
+ builddir="$HOME/MailCore-Builds/dependencies"
+ fi
+ BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
+ tempbuilddir="$builddir/workdir/$BUILD_TIMESTAMP"
+ mkdir -p "$tempbuilddir"
+ srcdir="$tempbuilddir/src"
+ logdir="$tempbuilddir/log"
+ resultdir="$builddir/builds"
+ tmpdir="$tempbuilddir/tmp"
+ echo "working in $tempbuilddir"
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir"
+ mkdir -p "$logdir"
+ mkdir -p "$tmpdir"
+ mkdir -p "$srcdir"
+ pushd . >/dev/null
+ cd "$TOPDIR/build-mac"
+ xctool -project "$xcode_project" -sdk macosx$sdk -scheme "$xcode_target" -configuration Release ARCHS="$archs" SYMROOT="$tmpdir/bin" OBJROOT="$tmpdir/obj" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="$sdkminversion"
+ if test x$? != x0 ; then
+ echo failed
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo finished
+ if echo $library|grep '\.framework$'>/dev/null ; then
+ cd "$tmpdir/bin/Release"
+ defaults write "$tmpdir/bin/Release/$library/Resources/Info.plist" "git-rev" "$rev"
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir/$name"
+ zip -qry "$resultdir/$name/$name-$version.zip" "$library"
+ else
+ cd "$tmpdir/bin"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name/lib"
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/$name/include"
+ mv Release/include/MailCore "$name-$version/$name/include"
+ else
+ mv Release/include "$name-$version/$name"
+ fi
+ mv "Release/$library" "$name-$version/$name/lib"
+ for dep in $embedded_deps ; do
+ if test -d "$TOPDIR/build-mac/$dep" ; then
+ mv "$TOPDIR/build-mac/$dep" "$name-$version"
+ elif test -d "$TOPDIR/Externals/$dep" ; then
+ mv "$TOPDIR/Externals/$dep" "$name-$version"
+ else
+ echo Dependency $dep not found
+ fi
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ cp -R "$name-$version/$dep/lib" "$name-$version/$name"
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/$dep"
+ fi
+ done
+ if test x$build_mailcore = x1 ; then
+ mv "$name-$version/$name/lib" "$name-$version"
+ mv "$name-$version/$name/include" "$name-$version"
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/$name"
+ libtool -static -o "$name-$version/$library" "$name-$version/lib"/*.a
+ rm -rf "$name-$version/lib"
+ mkdir -p "$name-$version/lib"
+ mv "$name-$version/$library" "$name-$version/lib"
+ fi
+ if test x$build_for_external = x1 ; then
+ mkdir -p "$scriptpath/../Externals"
+ cp -R "$name-$version"/* "$scriptpath/../Externals"
+ rm -f "$scriptpath/../Externals/git-rev"
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$resultdir/$name"
+ zip -qry "$resultdir/$name/$name-$version.zip" "$name-$version"
+ fi
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "$TOPDIR/cocoapods-build"
+ echo temp dir $tmpdir/bin/$name-$version
+ cp -a "$tmpdir/bin/$name-$version/" "$TOPDIR/cocoapods-build"
+ echo build of $name-$version done
+ popd >/dev/null
+ echo cleaning
+ rm -rf "$tempbuilddir"
+ if test x$build_for_external != x1 ; then
+ defaults write "$versions_path" "$name" "$version"
+ plutil -convert xml1 "$versions_path"
+ fi
+ url="http://d.etpan.org/mailcore2-deps"
+ if test "x$name" = x ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ versions_path="$scriptpath/deps-versions.plist"
+ installed_versions_path="$scriptpath/installed-deps-versions.plist"
+ if test ! -f "$versions_path" ; then
+ build_for_external=1 "$scriptpath/build-$name.sh"
+ return;
+ fi
+ installed_version="`defaults read "$installed_versions_path" "$name" 2>/dev/null`"
+ if test ! -d "$scriptpath/../Externals/$name" ; then
+ installed_version=
+ fi
+ if test "x$installed_version" = x ; then
+ installed_version="none"
+ fi
+ version="`defaults read "$versions_path" "$name" 2>/dev/null`"
+ echo $name, installed: $installed_version, required: $version
+ if test "x$installed_version" = "x$version" ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
+ tempbuilddir="$scriptpath/../Externals/workdir/$BUILD_TIMESTAMP"
+ mkdir -p "$tempbuilddir"
+ cd "$tempbuilddir"
+ echo "Downloading $name-$version"
+ curl -O "$url/$name/$name-$version.zip"
+ unzip -q "$name-$version.zip"
+ rm -rf "$scriptpath/../Externals/$name"
+ cd "$name-$version"
+ for folder in * ; do
+ rm -rf "$scriptpath/../Externals/$folder"
+ mv "$folder" "$scriptpath/../Externals"
+ done
+ cd ..
+ rm -f "$scriptpath/../Externals/git-rev"
+ rm -rf "$tempbuilddir"
+ if test -d "$scriptpath/../Externals/$name" ; then
+ defaults write "$installed_versions_path" "$name" "$version"
+ plutil -convert xml1 "$installed_versions_path"
+ fi
diff --git a/scripts/include.sh/build-dep.sh b/scripts/include.sh/build-dep.sh
index ca50fbde..e7724e66 100755
--- a/scripts/include.sh/build-dep.sh
+++ b/scripts/include.sh/build-dep.sh
@@ -338,4 +338,4 @@ get_prebuilt_dep()
defaults write "$installed_versions_path" "$name" "$version"
plutil -convert xml1 "$installed_versions_path"
+} \ No newline at end of file