from .plugins import PluginError import argparse import hashlib import hmac import requests import zlib SWFKey = b"Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001" RequestsConfig = { "danger_mode": True } class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, line): if line[0] == "#": return split = line.find("=") if split > 0: key = line[:split].strip() val = line[split+1:].strip() yield "--%s=%s" % (key, val) else: yield "--%s" % line def urlopen(url, method="get", exception=PluginError, **args): if "data" in args and args["data"] is not None: method = "post" try: res = requests.request(method, url, config=RequestsConfig, timeout=15, **args) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, IOError) as err: raise exception(("Unable to open URL: {url} ({err})").format(url=url, err=str(err))) return res def urlget(url, prefetch=True, **args): return urlopen(url, method="get", prefetch=prefetch, **args) def swfverify(url): res = urlopen(url) swf = res.content if swf[:3] == b"CWS": swf = b"F" + swf[1:8] + zlib.decompress(swf[8:]) h =, swf, hashlib.sha256) return h.hexdigest(), len(swf) def verifyjson(json, key): if not key in json: raise PluginError(("Missing '{0}' key in JSON").format(key)) return json[key] __all__ = ["ArgumentParser", "urlopen", "urlget", "swfverify", "verifyjson"]