from livestreamer.compat import bytes, str from livestreamer.plugins import Plugin, PluginError, NoStreamsError from import RTMPStream from livestreamer.utils import urlget, swfverify import re import xml.dom.minidom class OwnedTV(Plugin): ConfigURL = "{0}" CDN = { "cdn1": "rtmp://", "cdn2": "rtmp://", "cdn3": "", } @classmethod def can_handle_url(self, url): return "" in url def _get_channel_info(self, url): self.logger.debug("Fetching channel info") res = urlget(url) data = res.text channelid = None swfurl = None match ='flashvars.config = "livecfg/(\d+)', data) if match: channelid = int( match ="document.location.hash='/live/(\d+)'", data) if match: channelid = int( match ="xajax_load_live_config\((\d+),", data) if match: channelid = int( match ="""swfobject.embedSWF\(\n.+"(.+)", "player",""", data) if match: swfurl = return (channelid, swfurl) def _get_streams(self): (channelid, swfurl) = self._get_channel_info(self.url) if not (channelid and swfurl): raise NoStreamsError(self.url) self.logger.debug("Fetching stream info") res = urlget(self.ConfigURL.format(channelid)) try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(res.text) except Exception as err: raise PluginError(("Unable to parse config XML: {0})").format(err)) streams = {} channels = dom.getElementsByTagName("channels")[0] clip = channels.getElementsByTagName("clip")[0] self.logger.debug("Verifying SWF: {0}", swfurl) swfhash, swfsize = swfverify(swfurl) for item in clip.getElementsByTagName("item"): base = item.getAttribute("base") if not base: continue if base[0] == "$": ref = re.match("\${(.+)}", base).group(1) base = self.CDN[ref] for streamel in item.getElementsByTagName("stream"): altcount = 1 name = streamel.getAttribute("label").lower().replace(" ", "_") playpath = streamel.getAttribute("name") stream = RTMPStream(self.session, { "rtmp": ("{0}/{1}").format(base, playpath), "live": True, "swfhash": swfhash, "swfsize": swfsize, "pageUrl": self.url }) if not name in streams: streams[name] = stream else: if altcount == 1: streams[name + "_alt"] = stream else: streams[name + "_alt" + str(altcount)] = stream altcount += 1 return streams __plugin__ = OwnedTV