from . import plugins from .compat import urlparse from .logger import Logger from .options import Options from .plugins import PluginError, NoStreamsError, NoPluginError from .stream import StreamError import pkgutil import imp class Livestreamer(object): """ A Livestreamer session is used to keep track of plugins, options and log settings. """ def __init__(self): self.options = Options({ "rtmpdump": None, "errorlog": False }) self.plugins = {} self.logger = Logger() self.load_builtin_plugins() def set_option(self, key, value): """Set option *key* to *value*.""" self.options.set(key, value) def get_option(self, key): """Return option *key*""" return self.options.get(key) def set_plugin_option(self, plugin, key, value): """Set plugin option *key* to *value* for the plugin *plugin*.""" if plugin in self.plugins: plugin = self.plugins[plugin] plugin.set_option(key, value) def get_plugin_option(self, plugin, key): """Return plugin option *key* for the plugin *plugin*.""" if plugin in self.plugins: plugin = self.plugins[plugin] return plugin.get_option(key) def set_loglevel(self, level): """ Set the log level to *level*. Valid levels are: none, error, warning, info, debug. """ self.logger.set_level(level) def set_logoutput(self, output): """ Set the log output to *output*. Expects a file like object with a write method. """ self.logger.set_output(output) def resolve_url(self, url): """ Attempt to find the correct plugin for *url* and return it. Raises :exc:`NoPluginError` on failure. """ parsed = urlparse(url) if len(parsed.scheme) == 0: url = "http://" + url for name, plugin in self.plugins.items(): if plugin.can_handle_url(url): obj = plugin(url) return obj raise NoPluginError def get_plugins(self): """ Returns the loaded plugins for the session. """ return self.plugins def load_builtin_plugins(self): self.load_plugins(plugins.__path__[0]) def load_plugins(self, path): """ Attempt to load plugins from the *path* directory. """ for loader, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]): file, pathname, desc = imp.find_module(name, [path]) self.load_plugin(name, file, pathname, desc) def load_plugin(self, name, file, pathname, desc): module = imp.load_module(name, file, pathname, desc) plugin = module.__plugin__ plugin.module = module.__name__ plugin.session = self self.plugins[module.__name__] = plugin if file: file.close() @property def version(self): return __version__ __all__ = ["PluginError", "NoStreamsError", "NoPluginError", "StreamError", "Livestreamer"] __version__ = "1.3.1"