#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import pytest import os import time def wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir): elapsed = 0 while elapsed < 30: if os.path.ismount(mnt_dir): return True if mount_process.poll() is not None: pytest.fail('file system process terminated prematurely') time.sleep(0.1) elapsed += 0.1 pytest.fail("mountpoint failed to come up") def cleanup(mnt_dir): subprocess.call(['fusermount', '-z', '-u', mnt_dir], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def umount(mount_process, mnt_dir): subprocess.check_call(['fusermount', '-z', '-u', mnt_dir]) assert not os.path.ismount(mnt_dir) # Give mount process a little while to terminate. Popen.wait(timeout) # was only added in 3.3... elapsed = 0 while elapsed < 30: code = mount_process.poll() if code is not None: if code == 0: return pytest.fail('file system process terminated with code %s' % (code,)) time.sleep(0.1) elapsed += 0.1 pytest.fail('mount process did not terminate') # If valgrind and libtool are available, use them def has_program(name): try: ret = subprocess.call([name, '--version'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except FileNotFoundError: return False return ret == 0 if has_program('valgrind') and has_program('libtool'): base_cmdline = [ 'libtool', '--mode=execute', 'valgrind', '-q', '--' ] else: base_cmdline = []