#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Fuse; use IO::File; use POSIX qw(ENOENT ENOSYS EEXIST EPERM O_RDONLY O_RDWR O_APPEND O_CREAT); use Fcntl qw(S_ISBLK S_ISCHR S_ISFIFO SEEK_SET); require 'syscall.ph'; # for SYS_mknod and SYS_lchown sub fixup { return "/tmp/fusetest" . shift } sub x_getattr { my ($file) = fixup(shift); my (@list) = lstat($file); return -$! unless @list; return @list; } sub x_getdir { my ($dirname) = fixup(shift); unless(opendir(DIRHANDLE,$dirname)) { return -ENOENT(); } my (@files) = readdir(DIRHANDLE); closedir(DIRHANDLE); return (@files, 0); } sub x_open { my ($file) = fixup(shift); my ($mode) = shift; return -$! unless sysopen(FILE,$file,$mode); close(FILE); return 0; } sub x_read { my ($file,$bufsize,$off) = @_; my ($rv) = -ENOSYS(); my ($handle) = new IO::File; return -ENOENT() unless -e ($file = fixup($file)); my ($fsize) = -s $file; return -ENOSYS() unless open($handle,$file); if(seek($handle,$off,SEEK_SET)) { read($handle,$rv,$bufsize); } return $rv; } sub x_write { my ($file,$buf,$off) = @_; my ($rv); return -ENOENT() unless -e ($file = fixup($file)); my ($fsize) = -s $file; return -ENOSYS() unless open(FILE,'+<',$file); if($rv = seek(FILE,$off,SEEK_SET)) { $rv = print(FILE $buf); } $rv = -ENOSYS() unless $rv; close(FILE); return length($buf); } sub err { return (-shift || -$!) } sub x_readlink { return readlink(fixup(shift) ); } sub x_unlink { return unlink(fixup(shift)) ? 0 : -$!; } sub x_rmdir { return err(rmdir(fixup(shift)) ); } sub x_symlink { print "symlink\n"; return symlink(shift,fixup(shift)) ? 0 : -$!; } sub x_rename { my ($old) = fixup(shift); my ($new) = fixup(shift); my ($err) = rename($old,$new) ? 0 : -ENOENT(); return $err; } sub x_link { return link(fixup(shift),fixup(shift)) ? 0 : -$! } sub x_chown { my ($fn) = fixup(shift); print "nonexistent $fn\n" unless -e $fn; my ($uid,$gid) = @_; # perl's chown() does not chown symlinks, it chowns the symlink's # target. it fails when the link's target doesn't exist, because # the stat64() syscall fails. # this causes error messages when unpacking symlinks in tarballs. my ($err) = syscall(&SYS_lchown,$fn,$uid,$gid,$fn) ? -$! : 0; return $err; } sub x_chmod { my ($fn) = fixup(shift); my ($mode) = shift; my ($err) = chmod($mode,$fn) ? 0 : -$!; return $err; } sub x_truncate { return truncate(fixup(shift),shift) ? 0 : -$! ; } sub x_utime { return utime($_[1],$_[2],fixup($_[0])) ? 0:-$!; } sub x_mkdir { my ($name, $perm) = @_; return 0 if mkdir(fixup($name),$perm); return -$!; } sub x_rmdir { return 0 if rmdir fixup(shift); return -$!; } sub x_mknod { # since this is called for ALL files, not just devices, I'll do some checks # and possibly run the real mknod command. my ($file, $modes, $dev) = @_; $file = fixup($file); $! = 0; syscall(&SYS_mknod,$file,$modes,$dev); return -$!; } # kludge sub x_statfs {return 255,1000000,500000,1000000,500000,4096} my ($mountpoint) = ""; $mountpoint = shift(@ARGV) if @ARGV; Fuse::main( mountpoint=>$mountpoint, getattr=>\&x_getattr, readlink=>\&x_readlink, getdir=>\&x_getdir, mknod=>\&x_mknod, mkdir=>\&x_mkdir, unlink=>\&x_unlink, rmdir=>\&x_rmdir, symlink=>\&x_symlink, rename=>\&x_rename, link=>\&x_link, chmod=>\&x_chmod, chown=>\&x_chown, truncate=>\&x_truncate, utime=>\&x_utime, open=>\&x_open, read=>\&x_read, write=>\&x_write, statfs=>\&x_statfs, );