/*! \mainpage libfuse API documentation FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is an interface for userspace programs to export a filesystem to the Linux kernel. The FUSE project consists of two components: the *fuse* kernel module (maintained in the regular kernel repositories) and the *libfuse* userspace library. libfuse provides the reference implementation for communicating with the FUSE kernel module. A FUSE file system is typically implemented as a standalone application that links with libfuse. libfuse provides functions to mount the file system, unmount it, read requests from the kernel, and send responses back. ## Getting started ## libfuse offers two APIs: a "high-level", synchronous API, and a "low-level" asynchronous API. In both cases, incoming requests from the kernel are passed to the main program using callbacks. When using the high-level API, the callbacks may work with file names and paths instead of inodes, and processing of a request finishes when the callback function returns. When using the low-level API, the callbacks must work with inodes and responses must be sent explicitly using a separate set of API functions. The high-level API that is primarily specified in fuse.h. The low-level API that is primarily documented in fuse_lowlevel.h. ## Examples ## FUSE comes with several examples in the examples directory. A good starting point are hello.c (for the high-level API) and hello_ll.c (for the low-level API). */