General Information =================== FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the linux kernel. FUSE also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. You can download the source code releases from or alternatively you can use CVS to get the very latest development version: set the cvsroot to and check out the 'fuse' module. Installation ============ See the file 'INSTALL' IMPORTANT NOTE: If you run a system with untrusted users, installing this program is not recommended, as it could be used to breach security (see the 'Security' section for explanation). How To Use ========== FUSE is made up of three main parts: - A kernel filesystem module (kernel/fuse.o) - A userspace library (lib/libfuse.a) - A mount/unmount program (util/fusermount) Here's how to create your very own virtual filesystem in five easy steps: 1) Edit the file example/fusexmp.c to do whatever you want... 2) Build the fusexmp program 3) run 'util/fusermount /mnt/whatever example/fusexmp -d' 4) ls -al /mnt/whatever 5) Be glad! If it doesn't work out, you can ask the me. (Oh yeah, and you need to do 'insmod kernel/fuse.o' before running your program, in case you forgot). See the file 'include/fuse.h' for documentation of the library interface. Security ======== If you run 'make install', the fusermount program is installed set-user-id to root. This is done to allow normal users to mount their own filesystem implementations. There must however be some limitations to forbid the Bad User to do Naughty Things with your Beautiful system. Currently those limitations are: - The user can only mount on a mountpoint, for which it has write permission - The mountpoint is not a sticky directory which isn't owned by the user (like /tmp usually is) - If the user doing the mount is not root, then no other user (including root) can access the contents of the mounted filesystem. When linux will have private namespaces (as soon as version 2.5 comes out) then this third condition is useless and can be gotten rid of. Currently the first two conditions are checked by the fusermount program before doing the mount. This has the nice feature, that it's totally useless. Here's why: - user creates /tmp/mydir - user starts fusermount - user removes /tmp/mydir just after fusermount checked that it is OK - user creates symlink: ln -s / /tmp/mydir - fusermount actually mounts user's filesystem on '/' - this is bad :( So to make this secure, the checks must be done by the kernel. And so there is a patch (patch/ms_permission.patch) which does exactly this. This is against 2.4.14, but applies to some earlier kernels (not too much earlier though), and possibly some later (I couldn't know, could I?).