Debug Win32 Debug x64 Release Win32 Release x64 {61BD9733-0331-9501-BBB6-F52838C201D4} v100 v110 v120 v140 Application true Unicode Application false true Unicode h2_oauth2_call_creds_test static Debug Debug h2_oauth2_call_creds_test static Debug Debug NotUsing Level3 Disabled WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreadedDebug true None Console true false NotUsing Level3 Disabled WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreadedDebug true None Console true false Level3 NotUsing MaxSpeed true true WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true None Console true false true true Level3 NotUsing MaxSpeed true true WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreaded true None Console true false true true {DDFE4EB8-CCD3-DA3F-461A-10F1B94D26AF} {DE47F434-D191-E17B-979B-AE1EDD7E640A} {80EA2691-C037-6DD3-D3AB-21510BF0E64B} {17BCAFC0-5FDC-4C94-AEB9-95F3E220614B} {29D16885-7228-4C31-81ED-5F9187C7F2A9} {EAB0A629-17A9-44DB-B5FF-E91A721FE037} {B23D3D1A-9438-4EDA-BEB6-9A0A03D17792} This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.