Debug Win32 Debug x64 Release Win32 Release x64 {8A97C691-4A5A-6290-CEFD-B8D08CB1D6D1} true $(SolutionDir)IntDir\$(MSBuildProjectName)\ v100 v110 v120 v140 Application true Unicode Application false true Unicode boringssl_tab_test static Debug static Debug boringssl_tab_test static Release static Release NotUsing Level3 Disabled WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreadedDebug false None false Console true false NotUsing Level3 Disabled WIN32;_DEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true MultiThreadedDebug false None false Console true false NotUsing Level3 MaxSpeed WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true true true MultiThreaded false None false Console true false true true NotUsing Level3 MaxSpeed WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) true true true MultiThreaded false None false Console true false true true {3126C822-4167-373B-1729-7C34FA535479} {427037B1-B51B-D6F1-5025-AD12B200266A} {9FD9A3EF-C4A3-8390-D8F4-6F86C22A58CE} This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.