This directory contains MS Visual Studio project & solution files. #Supported Visual Studio versions Currently supported versions are Visual Studio 2013 (our primary focus) and 2010. #Building We are using [NuGet]( to pull zlib and openssl dependencies. If you don't have Visual Studio NuGet plugin installed, you'll need to download nuget.exe from the web and manually restore the NuGet packages. ``` > REM Run from this directory. > REM No need to do this if you have NuGet visual studio extension. > nuget restore grpc.sln ``` After that, you can build the solution using one of these options: 1. open `grpc.sln` with Visual Studio and hit "Build". 2. build from commandline using `msbuild grpc.sln /p:Configuration=Debug` #Testing Use ``, that also supports Windows (with a bit limited experience). ``` > REM Run from repository root. > python tools\run_tests\ -l c ``` Also, you can `make.bat` directly to build and run gRPC tests. ``` > REM Run from this directory. > make.bat alarm_test ``` # Building protoc plugins For generating service stub code, gRPC relies on plugins for `protoc` (the protocol buffer compiler). The solution `grpc_protoc_plugins.sln` allows you to build Windows .exe binaries of gRPC protoc plugins. 1. Open solution `third_party\protobuf\vsprojects\protobuf.sln` 2. Accept the conversion to newer Visual Studio version and ignore errors about gtest. 3. Build libprotoc in Release mode. 4. Open solution `vsprojects\grpc_protoc_plugins.sln` and build it in Release mode. As a result, you should obtain a set of gRPC protoc plugin binaries (`grpc_cpp_plugin.exe`, `grpc_csharp_plugin.exe`, ...)