#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Filter out tests based on file differences compared to merge target branch""" from __future__ import print_function import re import six from subprocess import check_output class TestSuite: """ Contains label to identify job as belonging to this test suite and triggers to identify if changed files are relevant """ def __init__(self, labels): """ Build TestSuite to group tests based on labeling :param label: strings that should match a jobs's platform, config, language, or test group """ self.triggers = [] self.labels = labels def add_trigger(self, trigger): """ Add a regex to list of triggers that determine if a changed file should run tests :param trigger: regex matching file relevant to tests """ self.triggers.append(trigger) # Create test suites _CORE_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['c']) _CPP_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['c++']) _CSHARP_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['csharp']) _NODE_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['grpc-node']) _OBJC_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['objc']) _PHP_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['php', 'php7']) _PYTHON_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['python']) _RUBY_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['ruby']) _LINUX_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['linux']) _WINDOWS_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['windows']) _MACOS_TEST_SUITE = TestSuite(['macos']) _ALL_TEST_SUITES = [ _CORE_TEST_SUITE, _CPP_TEST_SUITE, _CSHARP_TEST_SUITE, _NODE_TEST_SUITE, _OBJC_TEST_SUITE, _PHP_TEST_SUITE, _PYTHON_TEST_SUITE, _RUBY_TEST_SUITE, _LINUX_TEST_SUITE, _WINDOWS_TEST_SUITE, _MACOS_TEST_SUITE ] # Dictionary of whitelistable files where the key is a regex matching changed files # and the value is a list of tests that should be run. An empty list means that # the changed files should not trigger any tests. Any changed file that does not # match any of these regexes will trigger all tests # DO NOT CHANGE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING (be careful even if you do) _WHITELIST_DICT = { '^doc/': [], '^examples/': [], '^include/grpc\+\+/': [_CPP_TEST_SUITE], '^summerofcode/': [], '^src/cpp/': [_CPP_TEST_SUITE], '^src/csharp/': [_CSHARP_TEST_SUITE], '^src/objective\-c/': [_OBJC_TEST_SUITE], '^src/php/': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], '^src/python/': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE], '^src/ruby/': [_RUBY_TEST_SUITE], '^templates/': [], '^test/core/': [_CORE_TEST_SUITE, _CPP_TEST_SUITE], '^test/cpp/': [_CPP_TEST_SUITE], '^test/distrib/cpp/': [_CPP_TEST_SUITE], '^test/distrib/csharp/': [_CSHARP_TEST_SUITE], '^test/distrib/php/': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], '^test/distrib/python/': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE], '^test/distrib/ruby/': [_RUBY_TEST_SUITE], '^vsprojects/': [_WINDOWS_TEST_SUITE], 'composer\.json$': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], 'config\.m4$': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], 'CONTRIBUTING\.md$': [], 'Gemfile$': [_RUBY_TEST_SUITE], 'grpc\.def$': [_WINDOWS_TEST_SUITE], 'grpc\.gemspec$': [_RUBY_TEST_SUITE], 'gRPC\.podspec$': [_OBJC_TEST_SUITE], 'gRPC\-Core\.podspec$': [_OBJC_TEST_SUITE], 'gRPC\-ProtoRPC\.podspec$': [_OBJC_TEST_SUITE], 'gRPC\-RxLibrary\.podspec$': [_OBJC_TEST_SUITE], 'BUILDING\.md$': [], 'LICENSE$': [], 'MANIFEST\.md$': [], 'package\.json$': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], 'package\.xml$': [_PHP_TEST_SUITE], 'PATENTS$': [], 'PYTHON\-MANIFEST\.in$': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE], 'README\.md$': [], 'requirements\.txt$': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE], 'setup\.cfg$': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE], 'setup\.py$': [_PYTHON_TEST_SUITE] } # Regex that combines all keys in _WHITELIST_DICT _ALL_TRIGGERS = "(" + ")|(".join(_WHITELIST_DICT.keys()) + ")" # Add all triggers to their respective test suites for trigger, test_suites in six.iteritems(_WHITELIST_DICT): for test_suite in test_suites: test_suite.add_trigger(trigger) def _get_changed_files(base_branch): """ Get list of changed files between current branch and base of target merge branch """ # Get file changes between branch and merge-base of specified branch # Not combined to be Windows friendly base_commit = check_output(["git", "merge-base", base_branch, "HEAD"]).rstrip() return check_output(["git", "diff", base_commit, "--name-only", "HEAD"]).splitlines() def _can_skip_tests(file_names, triggers): """ Determines if tests are skippable based on if all files do not match list of regexes :param file_names: list of changed files generated by _get_changed_files() :param triggers: list of regexes matching file name that indicates tests should be run :return: safe to skip tests """ for file_name in file_names: if any(re.match(trigger, file_name) for trigger in triggers): return False return True def _remove_irrelevant_tests(tests, skippable_labels): """ Filters out tests by config or language - will not remove sanitizer tests :param tests: list of all tests generated by run_tests_matrix.py :param skippable_labels: list of languages and platforms with skippable tests :return: list of relevant tests """ # test.labels[0] is platform and test.labels[2] is language # We skip a test if both are considered safe to skip return [test for test in tests if test.labels[0] not in skippable_labels or \ test.labels[2] not in skippable_labels] def affects_c_cpp(base_branch): """ Determines if a pull request's changes affect C/C++. This function exists because there are pull request tests that only test C/C++ code :param base_branch: branch that a pull request is requesting to merge into :return: boolean indicating whether C/C++ changes are made in pull request """ changed_files = _get_changed_files(base_branch) # Run all tests if any changed file is not in the whitelist dictionary for changed_file in changed_files: if not re.match(_ALL_TRIGGERS, changed_file): return True return not _can_skip_tests( changed_files, _CPP_TEST_SUITE.triggers + _CORE_TEST_SUITE.triggers) def filter_tests(tests, base_branch): """ Filters out tests that are safe to ignore :param tests: list of all tests generated by run_tests_matrix.py :return: list of relevant tests """ print( 'Finding file differences between gRPC %s branch and pull request...\n' % base_branch) changed_files = _get_changed_files(base_branch) for changed_file in changed_files: print(' %s' % changed_file) print('') # Run all tests if any changed file is not in the whitelist dictionary for changed_file in changed_files: if not re.match(_ALL_TRIGGERS, changed_file): return (tests) # Figure out which language and platform tests to run skippable_labels = [] for test_suite in _ALL_TEST_SUITES: if _can_skip_tests(changed_files, test_suite.triggers): for label in test_suite.labels: print(' %s tests safe to skip' % label) skippable_labels.append(label) tests = _remove_irrelevant_tests(tests, skippable_labels) return tests