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"""Run a group of subprocesses and then finish.""" import hashlib import multiprocessing import os import platform import signal import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET _DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS = 16 * multiprocessing.cpu_count() # setup a signal handler so that signal.pause registers 'something' # when a child finishes # not using futures and threading to avoid a dependency on subprocess32 if platform.system() == "Windows": pass else: have_alarm = False def alarm_handler(unused_signum, unused_frame): global have_alarm have_alarm = False signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, lambda unused_signum, unused_frame: None) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) _SUCCESS = object() _FAILURE = object() _RUNNING = object() _KILLED = object() _COLORS = { 'red': [ 31, 0 ], 'green': [ 32, 0 ], 'yellow': [ 33, 0 ], 'lightgray': [ 37, 0], 'gray': [ 30, 1 ], } _BEGINNING_OF_LINE = '\x1b[0G' _CLEAR_LINE = '\x1b[2K' _TAG_COLOR = { 'FAILED': 'red', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'TIMEOUT': 'red', 'PASSED': 'green', 'START': 'gray', 'WAITING': 'yellow', 'SUCCESS': 'green', 'IDLE': 'gray', } def message(tag, msg, explanatory_text=None, do_newline=False): if message.old_tag == tag and message.old_msg == msg and not explanatory_text: return message.old_tag = tag message.old_msg = msg if platform.system() == 'Windows' or not sys.stdout.isatty(): if explanatory_text: print explanatory_text print '%s: %s' % (tag, msg) return try: sys.stdout.write('%s%s%s\x1b[%d;%dm%s\x1b[0m: %s%s' % ( _BEGINNING_OF_LINE, _CLEAR_LINE, '\n%s' % explanatory_text if explanatory_text is not None else '', _COLORS[_TAG_COLOR[tag]][1], _COLORS[_TAG_COLOR[tag]][0], tag, msg, '\n' if do_newline or explanatory_text is not None else '')) sys.stdout.flush() except: pass message.old_tag = "" message.old_msg = "" def which(filename): if '/' in filename: return filename for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): return os.path.join(path, filename) raise Exception('%s not found' % filename) class JobSpec(object): """Specifies what to run for a job.""" def __init__(self, cmdline, shortname=None, environ=None, hash_targets=None, cwd=None, shell=False): """ Arguments: cmdline: a list of arguments to pass as the command line environ: a dictionary of environment variables to set in the child process hash_targets: which files to include in the hash representing the jobs version (or empty, indicating the job should not be hashed) """ if environ is None: environ = {} if hash_targets is None: hash_targets = [] self.cmdline = cmdline self.environ = environ self.shortname = cmdline[0] if shortname is None else shortname self.hash_targets = hash_targets or [] self.cwd = cwd self.shell = shell def identity(self): return '%r %r %r' % (self.cmdline, self.environ, self.hash_targets) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.identity()) def __cmp__(self, other): return self.identity() == other.identity() class Job(object): """Manages one job.""" def __init__(self, spec, bin_hash, newline_on_success, travis, xml_report): self._spec = spec self._bin_hash = bin_hash self._tempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile() env = os.environ.copy() for k, v in spec.environ.iteritems(): env[k] = v self._start = time.time() self._process = subprocess.Popen(args=spec.cmdline, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=self._tempfile, cwd=spec.cwd, shell=spec.shell, env=env) self._state = _RUNNING self._newline_on_success = newline_on_success self._travis = travis self._xml_test = ET.SubElement(xml_report, 'testcase', name=self._spec.shortname) if xml_report is not None else None message('START', spec.shortname, do_newline=self._travis) def state(self, update_cache): """Poll current state of the job. Prints messages at completion.""" if self._state == _RUNNING and self._process.poll() is not None: elapsed = time.time() - self._start self._tempfile.seek(0) stdout = self._tempfile.read() filtered_stdout = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, stdout.decode(errors='ignore')) if self._xml_test is not None: self._xml_test.set('time', str(elapsed)) ET.SubElement(self._xml_test, 'system-out').text = filtered_stdout if self._process.returncode != 0: self._state = _FAILURE message('FAILED', '%s [ret=%d, pid=%d]' % ( self._spec.shortname, self._process.returncode, self._process.pid), stdout, do_newline=True) if self._xml_test is not None: ET.SubElement(self._xml_test, 'failure', message='Failure').text else: self._state = _SUCCESS message('PASSED', '%s [time=%.1fsec]' % (self._spec.shortname, elapsed), do_newline=self._newline_on_success or self._travis) if self._bin_hash: update_cache.finished(self._spec.identity(), self._bin_hash) elif self._state == _RUNNING and time.time() - self._start > 900: self._tempfile.seek(0) stdout = self._tempfile.read() filtered_stdout = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, stdout.decode(errors='ignore')) message('TIMEOUT', self._spec.shortname, stdout, do_newline=True) self.kill() if self._xml_test is not None: ET.SubElement(self._xml_test, 'system-out').text = filtered_stdout ET.SubElement(self._xml_test, 'error', message='Timeout') return self._state def kill(self): if self._state == _RUNNING: self._state = _KILLED self._process.terminate() class Jobset(object): """Manages one run of jobs.""" def __init__(self, check_cancelled, maxjobs, newline_on_success, travis, stop_on_failure, cache, xml_report): self._running = set() self._check_cancelled = check_cancelled self._cancelled = False self._failures = 0 self._completed = 0 self._maxjobs = maxjobs self._newline_on_success = newline_on_success self._travis = travis self._cache = cache self._stop_on_failure = stop_on_failure self._hashes = {} self._xml_report = xml_report def start(self, spec): """Start a job. Return True on success, False on failure.""" while len(self._running) >= self._maxjobs: if self.cancelled(): return False self.reap() if self.cancelled(): return False if spec.hash_targets: if spec.identity() in self._hashes: bin_hash = self._hashes[spec.identity()] else: bin_hash = hashlib.sha1() for fn in spec.hash_targets: with open(which(fn)) as f: bin_hash.update(f.read()) bin_hash = bin_hash.hexdigest() self._hashes[spec.identity()] = bin_hash should_run = self._cache.should_run(spec.identity(), bin_hash) else: bin_hash = None should_run = True if should_run: try: self._running.add(Job(spec, bin_hash, self._newline_on_success, self._travis, self._xml_report)) except: message('FAILED', spec.shortname) self._cancelled = True return False return True def reap(self): """Collect the dead jobs.""" while self._running: dead = set() for job in self._running: st = job.state(self._cache) if st == _RUNNING: continue if st == _FAILURE or st == _KILLED: self._failures += 1 if self._stop_on_failure: self._cancelled = True for job in self._running: job.kill() dead.add(job) break for job in dead: self._completed += 1 self._running.remove(job) if dead: return if (not self._travis): message('WAITING', '%d jobs running, %d complete, %d failed' % ( len(self._running), self._completed, self._failures)) if platform.system() == 'Windows': time.sleep(0.1) else: global have_alarm if not have_alarm: have_alarm = True signal.alarm(10) signal.pause() def cancelled(self): """Poll for cancellation.""" if self._cancelled: return True if not self._check_cancelled(): return False for job in self._running: job.kill() self._cancelled = True return True def finish(self): while self._running: if self.cancelled(): pass # poll cancellation self.reap() return not self.cancelled() and self._failures == 0 def _never_cancelled(): return False # cache class that caches nothing class NoCache(object): def should_run(self, cmdline, bin_hash): return True def finished(self, cmdline, bin_hash): pass def run(cmdlines, check_cancelled=_never_cancelled, maxjobs=None, newline_on_success=False, travis=False, infinite_runs=False, stop_on_failure=False, cache=None, xml_report=None): js = Jobset(check_cancelled, maxjobs if maxjobs is not None else _DEFAULT_MAX_JOBS, newline_on_success, travis, stop_on_failure, cache if cache is not None else NoCache(), xml_report) for cmdline in cmdlines: if not js.start(cmdline): break return js.finish()