#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This script is invoked by run_interop_tests.py to build the docker image # for interop testing. You should never need to call this script on your own. set -x # Params: # INTEROP_IMAGE - Name of tag of the final interop image # INTEROP_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_TAG - Optional. If set, the created image will be tagged using # the command: 'docker tag $INTEROP_IMAGE $INTEROP_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_TAG' # BASE_NAME - Base name used to locate the base Dockerfile and build script # BUILD_TYPE - The 'CONFIG' variable passed to the 'make' command (example: # asan, tsan. Default value: opt). # TTY_FLAG - optional -t flag to make docker allocate tty # BUILD_INTEROP_DOCKER_EXTRA_ARGS - optional args to be passed to the # docker run command cd `dirname $0`/../../.. GRPC_ROOT=`pwd` MOUNT_ARGS="-v $GRPC_ROOT:/var/local/jenkins/grpc:ro" GRPC_JAVA_ROOT=`cd ../grpc-java && pwd` if [ "$GRPC_JAVA_ROOT" != "" ] then MOUNT_ARGS+=" -v $GRPC_JAVA_ROOT:/var/local/jenkins/grpc-java:ro" else echo "WARNING: grpc-java not found, it won't be mounted to the docker container." fi GRPC_GO_ROOT=`cd ../grpc-go && pwd` if [ "$GRPC_GO_ROOT" != "" ] then MOUNT_ARGS+=" -v $GRPC_GO_ROOT:/var/local/jenkins/grpc-go:ro" else echo "WARNING: grpc-go not found, it won't be mounted to the docker container." fi mkdir -p /tmp/ccache # Mount service account dir if available. # If service_directory does not contain the service account JSON file, # some of the tests will fail. if [ -e $HOME/service_account ] then MOUNT_ARGS+=" -v $HOME/service_account:/var/local/jenkins/service_account:ro" fi # Use image name based on Dockerfile checksum BASE_IMAGE=${BASE_NAME}_base:`sha1sum tools/dockerfile/stress_test/$BASE_NAME/Dockerfile | cut -f1 -d\ ` # Make sure base docker image has been built. Should be instantaneous if so. docker build -t $BASE_IMAGE --force-rm=true tools/dockerfile/stress_test/$BASE_NAME || exit $? # Create a local branch so the child Docker script won't complain git branch -f jenkins-docker CONTAINER_NAME="build_${BASE_NAME}_$(uuidgen)" # Prepare image for interop tests, commit it on success. (docker run \ -e CCACHE_DIR=/tmp/ccache \ -e THIS_IS_REALLY_NEEDED='see https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/14203 for why docker is awful' \ -e BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE:=opt} \ -i $TTY_FLAG \ $MOUNT_ARGS \ $BUILD_INTEROP_DOCKER_EXTRA_ARGS \ -v /tmp/ccache:/tmp/ccache \ --name=$CONTAINER_NAME \ $BASE_IMAGE \ bash -l /var/local/jenkins/grpc/tools/dockerfile/stress_test/$BASE_NAME/build_interop_stress.sh \ && docker commit $CONTAINER_NAME $INTEROP_IMAGE \ && ( if [ -n "$INTEROP_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_TAG" ]; then docker tag $INTEROP_IMAGE $INTEROP_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_TAG ; fi ) \ && echo "Successfully built image $INTEROP_IMAGE") EXITCODE=$? # remove intermediate container, possibly killing it first docker rm -f $CONTAINER_NAME exit $EXITCODE