#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import json import os import re import sys root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../..')) with open(os.path.join(root, 'tools', 'run_tests', 'sources_and_headers.json')) as f: js = json.loads(f.read()) re_inc1 = re.compile(r'^#\s*include\s*"([^"]*)"') assert re_inc1.match('#include "foo"').group(1) == 'foo' re_inc2 = re.compile(r'^#\s*include\s*<((grpc|grpc\+\+)/[^"]*)>') assert re_inc2.match('#include <grpc++/foo>').group(1) == 'grpc++/foo' def get_target(name): for target in js: if target['name'] == name: return target assert False, 'no target %s' % name def target_has_header(target, name): # print target['name'], name if name in target['headers']: return True for dep in target['deps']: if target_has_header(get_target(dep), name): return True if name == 'src/core/profiling/stap_probes.h': return True return False errors = 0 for target in js: for fn in target['src']: with open(os.path.join(root, fn)) as f: src = f.read().splitlines() for line in src: m = re_inc1.match(line) if m: if not target_has_header(target, m.group(1)): print ( 'target %s (%s) does not name header %s as a dependency' % ( target['name'], fn, m.group(1))) errors += 1 m = re_inc2.match(line) if m: if not target_has_header(target, 'include/' + m.group(1)): print ( 'target %s (%s) does not name header %s as a dependency' % ( target['name'], fn, m.group(1))) errors += 1 assert errors == 0