#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # Copyright 2016, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Definition of targets to build artifacts.""" import os.path import sys import jobset def create_docker_jobspec(name, dockerfile_dir, shell_command, environ={}, flake_retries=0, timeout_retries=0, timeout_seconds=30*60): """Creates jobspec for a task running under docker.""" environ = environ.copy() environ['RUN_COMMAND'] = shell_command docker_args=[] for k,v in environ.iteritems(): docker_args += ['-e', '%s=%s' % (k, v)] docker_env = {'DOCKERFILE_DIR': dockerfile_dir, 'DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT': 'tools/run_tests/dockerize/docker_run.sh', 'OUTPUT_DIR': 'artifacts'} jobspec = jobset.JobSpec( cmdline=['tools/run_tests/dockerize/build_and_run_docker.sh'] + docker_args, environ=docker_env, shortname='build_artifact.%s' % (name), timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, flake_retries=flake_retries, timeout_retries=timeout_retries) return jobspec def create_jobspec(name, cmdline, environ=None, shell=False, flake_retries=0, timeout_retries=0, timeout_seconds=30*60): """Creates jobspec.""" jobspec = jobset.JobSpec( cmdline=cmdline, environ=environ, shortname='build_artifact.%s' % (name), timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, flake_retries=flake_retries, timeout_retries=timeout_retries, shell=shell) return jobspec _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG = '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7' _ARCH_FLAG_MAP = { 'x86': '-m32', 'x64': '-m64' } python_windows_version_arch_map = { ('x86', '2.7'): 'Python27_32bits', ('x64', '2.7'): 'Python27', ('x86', '3.4'): 'Python34_32bits', ('x64', '3.4'): 'Python34', } class PythonArtifact: """Builds Python artifacts.""" def __init__(self, platform, arch, python_version, manylinux_build=None): if manylinux_build: self.name = 'python%s_%s_%s_%s' % (python_version, platform, arch, manylinux_build) else: self.name = 'python%s_%s_%s' % (python_version, platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.labels = ['artifact', 'python', python_version, platform, arch] self.python_version = python_version self.python_windows_prefix = python_windows_version_arch_map[arch, python_version] self.manylinux_build = manylinux_build def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self): environ = {} if self.platform == 'linux': if self.arch == 'x86': environ['SETARCH_CMD'] = 'linux32' # Inside the manylinux container, the python installations are located in # special places... environ['PYTHON'] = '/opt/python/{}/bin/python'.format(self.manylinux_build) environ['PIP'] = '/opt/python/{}/bin/pip'.format(self.manylinux_build) # Platform autodetection for the manylinux1 image breaks so we set the # defines ourselves. # TODO(atash) get better platform-detection support in core so we don't # need to do this manually... environ['CFLAGS'] = '-DGPR_MANYLINUX1=1' environ['BUILD_HEALTH_CHECKING'] = 'TRUE' return create_docker_jobspec(self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_python_manylinux_%s' % self.arch, 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_python.sh', environ=environ, timeout_seconds=60*60) elif self.platform == 'windows': return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools\\run_tests\\build_artifact_python.bat', self.python_windows_prefix, '32' if self.arch == 'x86' else '64' ], shell=True) else: environ['PYTHON'] = 'python{}'.format(self.python_version) return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_python.sh'], environ=environ) def __str__(self): return self.name class RubyArtifact: """Builds ruby native gem.""" def __init__(self, platform, arch): self.name = 'ruby_native_gem_%s_%s' % (platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.labels = ['artifact', 'ruby', platform, arch] def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self): if self.platform == 'windows': raise Exception("Not supported yet") else: if self.platform == 'linux': environ = {} if self.arch == 'x86': environ['SETARCH_CMD'] = 'linux32' return create_docker_jobspec(self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_%s' % self.arch, 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_ruby.sh', environ=environ) else: return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_ruby.sh']) class CSharpExtArtifact: """Builds C# native extension library""" def __init__(self, platform, arch): self.name = 'csharp_ext_%s_%s' % (platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.labels = ['artifact', 'csharp', platform, arch] def pre_build_jobspecs(self): if self.platform == 'windows': return [create_jobspec('prebuild_%s' % self.name, ['tools\\run_tests\\pre_build_c.bat'], shell=True, flake_retries=5, timeout_retries=2)] else: return [] def build_jobspec(self): if self.platform == 'windows': msbuild_platform = 'Win32' if self.arch == 'x86' else self.arch return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools\\run_tests\\build_artifact_csharp.bat', 'vsprojects\\grpc_csharp_ext.sln', '/p:Configuration=Release', '/p:PlatformToolset=v120', '/p:Platform=%s' % msbuild_platform], shell=True) else: environ = {'CONFIG': 'opt', 'EMBED_OPENSSL': 'true', 'EMBED_ZLIB': 'true', 'CFLAGS': '-DGPR_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE', 'LDFLAGS': ''} if self.platform == 'linux': return create_docker_jobspec(self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_%s' % self.arch, 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_csharp.sh', environ=environ) else: archflag = _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch] environ['CFLAGS'] += ' %s %s' % (archflag, _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG) environ['LDFLAGS'] += ' %s' % archflag return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_csharp.sh'], environ=environ) def __str__(self): return self.name node_gyp_arch_map = { 'x86': 'ia32', 'x64': 'x64' } class NodeExtArtifact: """Builds Node native extension""" def __init__(self, platform, arch): self.name = 'node_ext_{0}_{1}'.format(platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.gyp_arch = node_gyp_arch_map[arch] self.labels = ['artifact', 'node', platform, arch] def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self): if self.platform == 'windows': return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools\\run_tests\\build_artifact_node.bat', self.gyp_arch], shell=True) else: if self.platform == 'linux': return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_{}'.format(self.arch), 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_node.sh {}'.format(self.gyp_arch)) else: return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_node.sh', self.gyp_arch]) class PHPArtifact: """Builds PHP PECL package""" def __init__(self, platform, arch): self.name = 'php_pecl_package_{0}_{1}'.format(platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.labels = ['artifact', 'php', platform, arch] def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self): if self.platform == 'linux': return create_docker_jobspec( self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_linux_{}'.format(self.arch), 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_php.sh') else: return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_php.sh']) class ProtocArtifact: """Builds protoc and protoc-plugin artifacts""" def __init__(self, platform, arch): self.name = 'protoc_%s_%s' % (platform, arch) self.platform = platform self.arch = arch self.labels = ['artifact', 'protoc', platform, arch] def pre_build_jobspecs(self): return [] def build_jobspec(self): if self.platform != 'windows': cxxflags = '-DNDEBUG %s' % _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch] ldflags = '%s' % _ARCH_FLAG_MAP[self.arch] if self.platform != 'macos': ldflags += ' -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -s' environ={'CONFIG': 'opt', 'CXXFLAGS': cxxflags, 'LDFLAGS': ldflags, 'PROTOBUF_LDFLAGS_EXTRA': ldflags} if self.platform == 'linux': return create_docker_jobspec(self.name, 'tools/dockerfile/grpc_artifact_protoc', 'tools/run_tests/build_artifact_protoc.sh', environ=environ) else: environ['CXXFLAGS'] += ' -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ %s' % _MACOS_COMPAT_FLAG return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools/run_tests/build_artifact_protoc.sh'], environ=environ) else: generator = 'Visual Studio 12 Win64' if self.arch == 'x64' else 'Visual Studio 12' vcplatform = 'x64' if self.arch == 'x64' else 'Win32' return create_jobspec(self.name, ['tools\\run_tests\\build_artifact_protoc.bat'], environ={'generator': generator, 'Platform': vcplatform}) def __str__(self): return self.name def targets(): """Gets list of supported targets""" return ([Cls(platform, arch) for Cls in (CSharpExtArtifact, NodeExtArtifact, ProtocArtifact) for platform in ('linux', 'macos', 'windows') for arch in ('x86', 'x64')] + [PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', '2.7', 'cp27-cp27m'), PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', '2.7', 'cp27-cp27mu'), PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', '2.7', 'cp27-cp27m'), PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', '2.7', 'cp27-cp27mu'), PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', '2.7'), PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', '2.7'), PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', '2.7'), PythonArtifact('linux', 'x86', '3.4', 'cp34-cp34m'), PythonArtifact('linux', 'x64', '3.4', 'cp34-cp34m'), PythonArtifact('macos', 'x64', '3.4'), PythonArtifact('windows', 'x86', '3.4'), PythonArtifact('windows', 'x64', '3.4'), RubyArtifact('linux', 'x86'), RubyArtifact('linux', 'x64'), RubyArtifact('macos', 'x64'), PHPArtifact('linux', 'x64'), PHPArtifact('macos', 'x64')])