# Dockerfile for gRPC C++ FROM grpc/base RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev # Get the source from GitHub RUN git clone git@github.com:google/grpc.git /var/local/git/grpc RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc && \ git pull --recurse-submodules && \ git submodule update --init --recursive # Build the protobuf library; then the C core. RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc/third_party/protobuf && \ ./autogen.sh && \ ./configure --prefix=/usr && \ make -j12 && make check && make install && make clean RUN cd /var/local/git/grpc && ls \ && make clean \ && make gens/test/cpp/util/messages.pb.cc \ && make interop_client \ && make interop_server CMD ["/var/local/git/grpc/bins/opt/interop_server", "--enable_ssl", "--port=8010"]