#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import os import sys import subprocess # find our home ROOT = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../..')) os.chdir(ROOT) # open the license text with open('LICENSE') as f: LICENSE = f.read().splitlines() # license format by file extension # key is the file extension, value is a format string # that given a line of license text, returns what should # be in the file LICENSE_FMT = { '.c': ' * %s', '.cc': ' * %s', '.h': ' * %s', } # pregenerate the actual text that we should have LICENSE_TEXT = dict( (k, '\n'.join((v % line).rstrip() for line in LICENSE)) for k, v in LICENSE_FMT.iteritems()) OLD_LICENSE_TEXT = dict( (k, v.replace('2015', '2014')) for k, v in LICENSE_TEXT.iteritems()) # scan files, validate the text for filename in subprocess.check_output('git ls-tree -r --name-only -r HEAD', shell=True).splitlines(): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext not in LICENSE_TEXT: continue license = LICENSE_TEXT[ext] old_license = OLD_LICENSE_TEXT[ext] with open(filename) as f: text = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in f.read().splitlines()) if license in text: pass elif old_license in text: pass #print 'old license in: %s' % filename else: print 'no license in: %s' % filename