package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) config_setting( name = "darwin", values = {"cpu": "darwin"}, ) # Android is not officially supported through C++. # This just helps with the build for now. config_setting( name = "android", values = { "crosstool_top": "//external:android/crosstool", }, ) # iOS is not officially supported through C++. # This just helps with the build for now. config_setting( name = "ios_x86_64", values = {"cpu": "ios_x86_64"}, ) config_setting( name = "ios_armv7", values = {"cpu": "ios_armv7"}, ) config_setting( name = "ios_armv7s", values = {"cpu": "ios_armv7s"}, ) config_setting( name = "ios_arm64", values = {"cpu": "ios_arm64"}, ) filegroup( name = "ares_build_h", srcs = ["ares_build.h"], ) filegroup( name = "ares_config_h", srcs = select({ ":ios_x86_64": ["config_darwin/ares_config.h"], ":ios_armv7": ["config_darwin/ares_config.h"], ":ios_armv7s": ["config_darwin/ares_config.h"], ":ios_arm64": ["config_darwin/ares_config.h"], ":darwin": ["config_darwin/ares_config.h"], ":android": ["config_android/ares_config.h"], "//conditions:default": ["config_linux/ares_config.h"], }), )