/* * * Copyright 2016, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/cpp/common/channel_filter.h" #include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" #include "test/core/util/port.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "test/cpp/util/byte_buffer_proto_helper.h" using grpc::testing::EchoRequest; using grpc::testing::EchoResponse; using std::chrono::system_clock; namespace grpc { namespace testing { namespace { void* tag(int i) { return (void*)(intptr_t)i; } void verify_ok(CompletionQueue* cq, int i, bool expect_ok) { bool ok; void* got_tag; EXPECT_TRUE(cq->Next(&got_tag, &ok)); EXPECT_EQ(expect_ok, ok); EXPECT_EQ(tag(i), got_tag); } namespace { int global_num_connections = 0; int global_num_calls = 0; std::mutex global_mu; void IncrementConnectionCounter() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); ++global_num_connections; } void ResetConnectionCounter() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); global_num_connections = 0; } int GetConnectionCounterValue() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); return global_num_connections; } void IncrementCallCounter() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); ++global_num_calls; } void ResetCallCounter() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); global_num_calls = 0; } int GetCallCounterValue() { std::unique_lock lock(global_mu); return global_num_calls; } } // namespace class ChannelDataImpl : public ChannelData { public: ChannelDataImpl(const grpc_channel_args& args, const char* peer) : ChannelData(args, peer) { IncrementConnectionCounter(); } }; class CallDataImpl : public CallData { public: explicit CallDataImpl(const ChannelDataImpl& channel_data) : CallData(channel_data) {} void StartTransportStreamOp(grpc_exec_ctx* exec_ctx, grpc_call_element* elem, TransportStreamOp* op) override { // Incrementing the counter could be done from the ctor, but we want // to test that the individual methods are actually called correctly. if (op->recv_initial_metadata() != nullptr) IncrementCallCounter(); grpc_call_next_op(exec_ctx, elem, op->op()); } }; class FilterEnd2endTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: FilterEnd2endTest() : server_host_("localhost") {} void SetUp() override { int port = grpc_pick_unused_port_or_die(); server_address_ << server_host_ << ":" << port; // Setup server ServerBuilder builder; builder.AddListeningPort(server_address_.str(), InsecureServerCredentials()); builder.RegisterAsyncGenericService(&generic_service_); srv_cq_ = builder.AddCompletionQueue(); server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); } void TearDown() override { server_->Shutdown(); void* ignored_tag; bool ignored_ok; cli_cq_.Shutdown(); srv_cq_->Shutdown(); while (cli_cq_.Next(&ignored_tag, &ignored_ok)) ; while (srv_cq_->Next(&ignored_tag, &ignored_ok)) ; } void ResetStub() { std::shared_ptr channel = CreateChannel(server_address_.str(), InsecureChannelCredentials()); generic_stub_.reset(new GenericStub(channel)); ResetConnectionCounter(); ResetCallCounter(); } void server_ok(int i) { verify_ok(srv_cq_.get(), i, true); } void client_ok(int i) { verify_ok(&cli_cq_, i, true); } void server_fail(int i) { verify_ok(srv_cq_.get(), i, false); } void client_fail(int i) { verify_ok(&cli_cq_, i, false); } void SendRpc(int num_rpcs) { const grpc::string kMethodName("/grpc.cpp.test.util.EchoTestService/Echo"); for (int i = 0; i < num_rpcs; i++) { EchoRequest send_request; EchoRequest recv_request; EchoResponse send_response; EchoResponse recv_response; Status recv_status; ClientContext cli_ctx; GenericServerContext srv_ctx; GenericServerAsyncReaderWriter stream(&srv_ctx); // The string needs to be long enough to test heap-based slice. send_request.set_message("Hello world. Hello world. Hello world."); std::unique_ptr call = generic_stub_->Call(&cli_ctx, kMethodName, &cli_cq_, tag(1)); client_ok(1); std::unique_ptr send_buffer = SerializeToByteBuffer(&send_request); call->Write(*send_buffer, tag(2)); // Send ByteBuffer can be destroyed after calling Write. send_buffer.reset(); client_ok(2); call->WritesDone(tag(3)); client_ok(3); generic_service_.RequestCall(&srv_ctx, &stream, srv_cq_.get(), srv_cq_.get(), tag(4)); verify_ok(srv_cq_.get(), 4, true); EXPECT_EQ(server_host_, srv_ctx.host().substr(0, server_host_.length())); EXPECT_EQ(kMethodName, srv_ctx.method()); ByteBuffer recv_buffer; stream.Read(&recv_buffer, tag(5)); server_ok(5); EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromByteBuffer(&recv_buffer, &recv_request)); EXPECT_EQ(send_request.message(), recv_request.message()); send_response.set_message(recv_request.message()); send_buffer = SerializeToByteBuffer(&send_response); stream.Write(*send_buffer, tag(6)); send_buffer.reset(); server_ok(6); stream.Finish(Status::OK, tag(7)); server_ok(7); recv_buffer.Clear(); call->Read(&recv_buffer, tag(8)); client_ok(8); EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromByteBuffer(&recv_buffer, &recv_response)); call->Finish(&recv_status, tag(9)); client_ok(9); EXPECT_EQ(send_response.message(), recv_response.message()); EXPECT_TRUE(recv_status.ok()); } } CompletionQueue cli_cq_; std::unique_ptr srv_cq_; std::unique_ptr stub_; std::unique_ptr generic_stub_; std::unique_ptr server_; AsyncGenericService generic_service_; const grpc::string server_host_; std::ostringstream server_address_; }; TEST_F(FilterEnd2endTest, SimpleRpc) { ResetStub(); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetConnectionCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetCallCounterValue()); SendRpc(1); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetConnectionCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetCallCounterValue()); } TEST_F(FilterEnd2endTest, SequentialRpcs) { ResetStub(); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetConnectionCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetCallCounterValue()); SendRpc(10); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetConnectionCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(10, GetCallCounterValue()); } // One ping, one pong. TEST_F(FilterEnd2endTest, SimpleBidiStreaming) { ResetStub(); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetConnectionCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(0, GetCallCounterValue()); const grpc::string kMethodName( "/grpc.cpp.test.util.EchoTestService/BidiStream"); EchoRequest send_request; EchoRequest recv_request; EchoResponse send_response; EchoResponse recv_response; Status recv_status; ClientContext cli_ctx; GenericServerContext srv_ctx; GenericServerAsyncReaderWriter srv_stream(&srv_ctx); cli_ctx.set_compression_algorithm(GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP); send_request.set_message("Hello"); std::unique_ptr cli_stream = generic_stub_->Call(&cli_ctx, kMethodName, &cli_cq_, tag(1)); client_ok(1); generic_service_.RequestCall(&srv_ctx, &srv_stream, srv_cq_.get(), srv_cq_.get(), tag(2)); verify_ok(srv_cq_.get(), 2, true); EXPECT_EQ(server_host_, srv_ctx.host().substr(0, server_host_.length())); EXPECT_EQ(kMethodName, srv_ctx.method()); std::unique_ptr send_buffer = SerializeToByteBuffer(&send_request); cli_stream->Write(*send_buffer, tag(3)); send_buffer.reset(); client_ok(3); ByteBuffer recv_buffer; srv_stream.Read(&recv_buffer, tag(4)); server_ok(4); EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromByteBuffer(&recv_buffer, &recv_request)); EXPECT_EQ(send_request.message(), recv_request.message()); send_response.set_message(recv_request.message()); send_buffer = SerializeToByteBuffer(&send_response); srv_stream.Write(*send_buffer, tag(5)); send_buffer.reset(); server_ok(5); cli_stream->Read(&recv_buffer, tag(6)); client_ok(6); EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromByteBuffer(&recv_buffer, &recv_response)); EXPECT_EQ(send_response.message(), recv_response.message()); cli_stream->WritesDone(tag(7)); client_ok(7); srv_stream.Read(&recv_buffer, tag(8)); server_fail(8); srv_stream.Finish(Status::OK, tag(9)); server_ok(9); cli_stream->Finish(&recv_status, tag(10)); client_ok(10); EXPECT_EQ(send_response.message(), recv_response.message()); EXPECT_TRUE(recv_status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetCallCounterValue()); EXPECT_EQ(1, GetConnectionCounterValue()); } void RegisterFilter() { grpc::RegisterChannelFilter( "test-filter", GRPC_SERVER_CHANNEL, INT_MAX, nullptr); } } // namespace } // namespace testing } // namespace grpc int main(int argc, char** argv) { grpc_test_init(argc, argv); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); grpc::testing::RegisterFilter(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }