/* * * Copyright 2016, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/ext/census/base_resources.h" #include "src/core/ext/census/resource.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" #include "src/core/ext/census/gen/trace_context.pb.h" #include "src/core/ext/census/trace_context.h" #include "third_party/nanopb/pb_decode.h" #include "third_party/nanopb/pb_encode.h" #define BUF_SIZE 256 /* Encodes a TraceContext structure (ctxt1) to a buffer, and then decodes it to a second TraceContext (ctxt2). Validates that the resulting TraceContext has a span_id, trace_id, and that the values are equal to those in initial TraceContext. On success, returns true. If encode_trace_context returns 0, decode_trace_context fails, or the resulting TraceContext is missing a trace_id or span_id, it will return false. */ bool validate_encode_decode_context(google_trace_TraceContext *ctxt1, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buf_size) { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt2 = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; size_t msg_length; GPR_ASSERT(ctxt1->has_trace_id && ctxt1->has_span_id); msg_length = encode_trace_context(ctxt1, buffer, buf_size); if (msg_length == 0) { return false; } if (!decode_trace_context(&ctxt2, buffer, msg_length)) { return false; } if (!ctxt2.has_trace_id || !ctxt2.has_span_id) { return false; } GPR_ASSERT( ctxt1->trace_id.hi == ctxt2.trace_id.hi && ctxt1->trace_id.lo == ctxt2.trace_id.lo && ctxt1->span_id == ctxt2.span_id && ctxt1->has_is_sampled == ctxt2.has_is_sampled && (ctxt1->has_is_sampled ? ctxt1->is_sampled == ctxt2.is_sampled : true)); return true; } /* Decodes a proto-encoded TraceContext from a buffer. If decode_trace_context fails or the resulting TraceContext is missing a trace_id or span_id it will return false, otherwise returns true. */ bool validate_decode_context(google_trace_TraceContext *ctxt, uint8_t *buffer, size_t msg_length) { // Validate the decoding of a context written to buffer. if (!decode_trace_context(ctxt, buffer, msg_length)) { return false; } if (!ctxt->has_trace_id || !ctxt->has_span_id) { return false; } return true; } /* Read an encoded trace context from a file. Validates that the decoding gives the expected result (succeed). */ static void read_and_validate_context_from_file(google_trace_TraceContext *ctxt, const char *file, const bool succeed) { uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE]; FILE *input = fopen(file, "rb"); GPR_ASSERT(input != NULL); size_t nbytes = fread(buffer, 1, BUF_SIZE, input); GPR_ASSERT(nbytes <= BUF_SIZE && feof(input) && !ferror(input)); bool res = validate_decode_context(ctxt, buffer, nbytes); GPR_ASSERT(res == succeed); GPR_ASSERT(fclose(input) == 0); } // Test full proto-buffer. static void test_full() { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; read_and_validate_context_from_file( &ctxt, "test/core/census/data/context_full.pb", true); } // Test empty proto-buffer. static void test_empty() { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; read_and_validate_context_from_file( &ctxt, "test/core/census/data/context_empty.pb", false); } // Test proto-buffer with only trace_id. static void test_trace_only() { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; read_and_validate_context_from_file( &ctxt, "test/core/census/data/context_trace_only.pb", false); } // Test proto-buffer with only span_id. static void test_span_only() { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; read_and_validate_context_from_file( &ctxt, "test/core/census/data/context_span_only.pb", false); } // Test proto-buffer without is_sampled value. static void test_no_sample() { google_trace_TraceContext ctxt = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; read_and_validate_context_from_file( &ctxt, "test/core/census/data/context_no_sample.pb", true); GPR_ASSERT(ctxt.has_is_sampled == false && ctxt.is_sampled == false); } static void test_encode_decode() { uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0}; google_trace_TraceContext ctxt1 = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; ctxt1.has_trace_id = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_hi = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_lo = true; ctxt1.trace_id.lo = 1; ctxt1.trace_id.hi = 2; ctxt1.has_span_id = true; ctxt1.span_id = 3; validate_encode_decode_context(&ctxt1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); google_trace_TraceContext ctxt2 = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; ctxt2.has_trace_id = true; ctxt2.trace_id.has_hi = false; ctxt2.trace_id.has_lo = false; ctxt2.has_span_id = true; validate_encode_decode_context(&ctxt2, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } // Test a corrupted proto-buffer. static void test_corrupt() { uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE] = {0}; google_trace_TraceContext ctxt1 = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; size_t msg_length; ctxt1.has_trace_id = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_hi = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_lo = true; ctxt1.trace_id.lo = 1; ctxt1.trace_id.hi = 2; ctxt1.has_span_id = true; ctxt1.span_id = 3; ctxt1.is_sampled = true; msg_length = encode_trace_context(&ctxt1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); /* Corrupt some bytes. 255 (0xFF) should be illegal for the first byte of the proto encoded object. */ buffer[0] = 255; bool res = validate_decode_context(&ctxt1, buffer, msg_length); GPR_ASSERT(res == false); } static void test_buffer_size() { // This buffer is too small, so the encode should fail. uint8_t buffer[16] = {0}; google_trace_TraceContext ctxt1 = google_trace_TraceContext_init_zero; size_t msg_length; ctxt1.has_trace_id = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_hi = true; ctxt1.trace_id.has_lo = true; ctxt1.trace_id.lo = 1; ctxt1.trace_id.hi = 2; ctxt1.has_span_id = true; ctxt1.span_id = 3; ctxt1.is_sampled = true; msg_length = encode_trace_context(&ctxt1, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); GPR_ASSERT(msg_length == 0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { grpc_test_init(argc, argv); test_full(); test_empty(); test_trace_only(); test_span_only(); test_encode_decode(); test_corrupt(); test_no_sample(); test_buffer_size(); return 0; }