/* * * Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "src/core/ext/census/resource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/core/ext/census/base_resources.h" #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" // Test all the functionality for dealing with Resources. // Just startup and shutdown resources subsystem. static void test_enable_disable() { initialize_resources(); shutdown_resources(); } // A blank/empty initialization should not work. static void test_empty_definition() { initialize_resources(); int32_t rid = census_define_resource(NULL, 0); GPR_ASSERT(rid == -1); uint8_t buffer[50] = {0}; rid = census_define_resource(buffer, 50); GPR_ASSERT(rid == -1); shutdown_resources(); } // Given a file name, read raw proto and define the resource included within. // Returns resource id from census_define_resource(). static int32_t define_resource_from_file(const char *file) { #define BUF_SIZE 512 uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE]; FILE *input = fopen(file, "rb"); GPR_ASSERT(input != NULL); size_t nbytes = fread(buffer, 1, BUF_SIZE, input); GPR_ASSERT(nbytes != 0 && nbytes < BUF_SIZE && feof(input) && !ferror(input)); int32_t rid = census_define_resource(buffer, nbytes); GPR_ASSERT(fclose(input) == 0); return rid; } // Test definition of a single resource, using a proto read from a file. The // `succeed` parameter indicates whether we expect the definition to succeed or // fail. `name` is used to check that the returned resource can be looked up by // name. static void test_define_single_resource(const char *file, const char *name, bool succeed) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Test defining resource \"%s\"\n", name); initialize_resources(); int32_t rid = define_resource_from_file(file); if (succeed) { GPR_ASSERT(rid >= 0); int32_t rid2 = census_resource_id(name); GPR_ASSERT(rid == rid2); } else { GPR_ASSERT(rid < 0); } shutdown_resources(); } // Try deleting various resources (both those that exist and those that don't). static void test_delete_resource(const char *minimal_good, const char *full) { initialize_resources(); // Try deleting resource before any are defined. census_delete_resource(0); // Create and check a couple of resources. int32_t rid1 = define_resource_from_file(minimal_good); int32_t rid2 = define_resource_from_file(full); GPR_ASSERT(rid1 >= 0 && rid2 >= 0 && rid1 != rid2); int32_t rid3 = census_resource_id("minimal_good"); int32_t rid4 = census_resource_id("full_resource"); GPR_ASSERT(rid1 == rid3 && rid2 == rid4); // Try deleting non-existant resources. census_delete_resource(-1); census_delete_resource(rid1 + rid2 + 1); census_delete_resource(10000000); // Delete one of the previously defined resources and check for deletion. census_delete_resource(rid1); rid3 = census_resource_id("minimal_good"); GPR_ASSERT(rid3 < 0); // Check that re-adding works. rid1 = define_resource_from_file(minimal_good); GPR_ASSERT(rid1 >= 0); rid3 = census_resource_id("minimal_good"); GPR_ASSERT(rid1 == rid3); shutdown_resources(); } // Test define base resources. static void test_base_resources() { initialize_resources(); define_base_resources(); int32_t rid1 = census_resource_id("client_rpc_latency"); int32_t rid2 = census_resource_id("server_rpc_latency"); GPR_ASSERT(rid1 >= 0 && rid2 >= 0 && rid1 != rid2); shutdown_resources(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *resource_empty_name_pb, *resource_full_pb, *resource_minimal_good_pb, *resource_no_name_pb, *resource_no_numerator_pb, *resource_no_unit_pb; if (argc == 7) { resource_empty_name_pb = argv[1]; resource_full_pb = argv[2]; resource_minimal_good_pb = argv[3]; resource_no_name_pb = argv[4]; resource_no_numerator_pb = argv[5]; resource_no_unit_pb = argv[6]; } else { GPR_ASSERT(argc == 1); resource_empty_name_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_empty_name.pb"; resource_full_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_full.pb"; resource_minimal_good_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_minimal_good.pb"; resource_no_name_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_no_name.pb"; resource_no_numerator_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_no_numerator.pb"; resource_no_unit_pb = "test/core/census/data/resource_no_unit.pb"; } grpc_test_init(argc, argv); test_enable_disable(); test_empty_definition(); test_define_single_resource(resource_minimal_good_pb, "minimal_good", true); test_define_single_resource(resource_full_pb, "full_resource", true); test_define_single_resource(resource_no_name_pb, "resource_no_name", false); test_define_single_resource(resource_no_numerator_pb, "resource_no_numerator", false); test_define_single_resource(resource_no_unit_pb, "resource_no_unit", false); test_define_single_resource(resource_empty_name_pb, "resource_empty_name", false); test_delete_resource(resource_minimal_good_pb, resource_full_pb); test_base_resources(); return 0; }