/* * * Copyright 2015-2016, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // Test census_context functions, including encoding/decoding #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test/core/util/test_config.h" static uint8_t one_byte_val = 7; static uint32_t four_byte_val = 0x12345678; static uint64_t eight_byte_val = 0x1234567890abcdef; // A set of tags Used to create a basic context for testing. Each tag has a // unique set of flags. Note that replace_add_delete_test() relies on specific // offsets into this array - if you add or delete entries, you will also need // to change the test. #define BASIC_TAG_COUNT 8 static census_tag basic_tags[BASIC_TAG_COUNT] = { /* 0 */ {"key0", "printable", 10, 0}, /* 1 */ {"k1", "a", 2, CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE}, /* 2 */ {"k2", "longer printable string", 24, CENSUS_TAG_STATS}, /* 3 */ {"key_three", (char *)&one_byte_val, 1, CENSUS_TAG_BINARY}, /* 4 */ {"really_long_key_4", "random", 7, CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE | CENSUS_TAG_STATS}, /* 5 */ {"k5", (char *)&four_byte_val, 4, CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE | CENSUS_TAG_BINARY}, /* 6 */ {"k6", (char *)&eight_byte_val, 8, CENSUS_TAG_STATS | CENSUS_TAG_BINARY}, /* 7 */ {"k7", (char *)&four_byte_val, 4, CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE | CENSUS_TAG_STATS | CENSUS_TAG_BINARY}}; // Set of tags used to modify the basic context. Note that // replace_add_delete_test() relies on specific offsets into this array - if // you add or delete entries, you will also need to change the test. Other // tests that rely on specific instances have XXX_XXX_OFFSET definitions (also // change the defines below if you add/delete entires). #define MODIFY_TAG_COUNT 11 static census_tag modify_tags[MODIFY_TAG_COUNT] = { #define REPLACE_VALUE_OFFSET 0 /* 0 */ {"key0", "replace printable", 18, 0}, // replaces tag value only #define ADD_TAG_OFFSET 1 /* 1 */ {"new_key", "xyzzy", 6, CENSUS_TAG_STATS}, // new tag #define DELETE_TAG_OFFSET 2 /* 2 */ {"k5", NULL, 5, 0}, // should delete tag, despite bogus value length /* 3 */ {"k6", "foo", 0, 0}, // should delete tag, despite bogus value /* 4 */ {"k6", "foo", 0, 0}, // try deleting already-deleted tag /* 5 */ {"non-existent", NULL, 0, 0}, // another non-existent tag #define REPLACE_FLAG_OFFSET 6 /* 6 */ {"k1", "a", 2, 0}, // change flags only /* 7 */ {"k7", "bar", 4, CENSUS_TAG_STATS}, // change flags and value /* 8 */ {"k2", (char *)&eight_byte_val, 8, CENSUS_TAG_BINARY | CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE}, // more flags change // non-binary -> binary /* 9 */ {"k6", "bar", 4, 0}, // add back tag, with different value /* 10 */ {"foo", "bar", 4, CENSUS_TAG_PROPAGATE}, // another new tag }; // Utility function to compare tags. Returns true if all fields match. static bool compare_tag(const census_tag *t1, const census_tag *t2) { return (strcmp(t1->key, t2->key) == 0 && t1->value_len == t2->value_len && memcmp(t1->value, t2->value, t1->value_len) == 0 && t1->flags == t2->flags); } // Utility function to validate a tag exists in context. static bool validate_tag(const census_context *context, const census_tag *tag) { census_tag tag2; if (census_context_get_tag(context, tag->key, &tag2) != 1) return false; return compare_tag(tag, &tag2); } // Create an empty context. static void empty_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); GPR_ASSERT(context != NULL); const census_context_status *status = census_context_get_status(context); census_context_status expected = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); } // Test create and iteration over basic context. static void basic_test(void) { const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 2, 4, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_iterator it; census_context_initialize_iterator(context, &it); census_tag tag; while (census_context_next_tag(&it, &tag)) { // can't rely on tag return order: make sure it matches exactly one. int matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < BASIC_TAG_COUNT; i++) { if (compare_tag(&tag, &basic_tags[i])) matches++; } GPR_ASSERT(matches == 1); } census_context_destroy(context); } // Test census_context_get_tag(). static void lookup_by_key_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); census_tag tag; for (int i = 0; i < BASIC_TAG_COUNT; i++) { GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, basic_tags[i].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &basic_tags[i])); } // non-existent keys GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, "key", &tag) == 0); GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, "key01", &tag) == 0); GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, "k9", &tag) == 0); GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, "random", &tag) == 0); GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context, "", &tag) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); } // Try creating context with invalid entries. static void invalid_test(void) { char key[300]; memset(key, 'k', 299); key[299] = 0; char value[300]; memset(value, 'v', 300); census_tag tag = {key, value, 3, CENSUS_TAG_BINARY}; // long keys, short value. Key lengths (including terminator) should be // <= 255 (CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN) GPR_ASSERT(strlen(key) == 299); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); census_context_status expected = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); key[CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN] = 0; GPR_ASSERT(strlen(key) == CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN); context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); key[CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN - 1] = 0; GPR_ASSERT(strlen(key) == CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN - 1); context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); census_context_status expected2 = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected2, sizeof(expected2)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); // now try with long values tag.value_len = 300; context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); tag.value_len = CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN + 1; context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); tag.value_len = CENSUS_MAX_TAG_KV_LEN; context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected2, sizeof(expected2)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); // 0 length key. key[0] = 0; context = census_context_create(NULL, &tag, 1, &status); GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); } // Make a copy of a context static void copy_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create(context, NULL, 0, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); for (int i = 0; i < BASIC_TAG_COUNT; i++) { census_tag tag; GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context2, basic_tags[i].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &basic_tags[i])); } census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } // replace a single tag value static void replace_value_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create( context, modify_tags + REPLACE_VALUE_OFFSET, 1, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_tag tag; GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag( context2, modify_tags[REPLACE_VALUE_OFFSET].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &modify_tags[REPLACE_VALUE_OFFSET])); census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } // replace a single tags flags static void replace_flags_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create( context, modify_tags + REPLACE_FLAG_OFFSET, 1, &status); census_context_status expected = {1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_tag tag; GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag( context2, modify_tags[REPLACE_FLAG_OFFSET].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &modify_tags[REPLACE_FLAG_OFFSET])); census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } // delete a single tag. static void delete_tag_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create( context, modify_tags + DELETE_TAG_OFFSET, 1, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_tag tag; GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag( context2, modify_tags[DELETE_TAG_OFFSET].key, &tag) == 0); census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } // add a single new tag. static void add_tag_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create(context, modify_tags + ADD_TAG_OFFSET, 1, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 2, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); census_tag tag; GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context2, modify_tags[ADD_TAG_OFFSET].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &modify_tags[ADD_TAG_OFFSET])); census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } // test many changes at once. static void replace_add_delete_test(void) { struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); const census_context_status *status; struct census_context *context2 = census_context_create(context, modify_tags, MODIFY_TAG_COUNT, &status); census_context_status expected = {2, 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, 0, 2}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); // validate context contents. Use specific indices into the two arrays // holding tag values. GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[3])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[4])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[0])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[1])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[6])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[7])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[8])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[9])); GPR_ASSERT(validate_tag(context2, &modify_tags[10])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[0])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[1])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[2])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[5])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[6])); GPR_ASSERT(!validate_tag(context2, &basic_tags[7])); census_context_destroy(context); census_context_destroy(context2); } #define BUF_SIZE 200 // test encode/decode. static void encode_decode_test(void) { char buffer[BUF_SIZE]; struct census_context *context = census_context_create(NULL, basic_tags, BASIC_TAG_COUNT, NULL); size_t print_bsize; size_t bin_bsize; // Test with too small a buffer GPR_ASSERT(census_context_encode(context, buffer, 2, &print_bsize, &bin_bsize) == NULL); char *b_buffer = census_context_encode(context, buffer, BUF_SIZE, &print_bsize, &bin_bsize); GPR_ASSERT(b_buffer != NULL && print_bsize > 0 && bin_bsize > 0 && print_bsize + bin_bsize <= BUF_SIZE && b_buffer == buffer + print_bsize); census_context *context2 = census_context_decode(buffer, print_bsize, b_buffer, bin_bsize); GPR_ASSERT(context2 != NULL); const census_context_status *status = census_context_get_status(context2); census_context_status expected = {2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; GPR_ASSERT(memcmp(status, &expected, sizeof(expected)) == 0); for (int i = 0; i < BASIC_TAG_COUNT; i++) { census_tag tag; if (CENSUS_TAG_IS_PROPAGATED(basic_tags[i].flags)) { GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context2, basic_tags[i].key, &tag) == 1); GPR_ASSERT(compare_tag(&tag, &basic_tags[i])); } else { GPR_ASSERT(census_context_get_tag(context2, basic_tags[i].key, &tag) == 0); } } census_context_destroy(context2); census_context_destroy(context); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { grpc_test_init(argc, argv); empty_test(); basic_test(); lookup_by_key_test(); invalid_test(); copy_test(); replace_value_test(); replace_flags_test(); delete_tag_test(); add_tag_test(); replace_add_delete_test(); encode_decode_test(); return 0; }