# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import argparse import contextlib import errno import itertools import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import time import unittest from grpc.framework.alpha import exceptions from grpc.framework.foundation import future # Identifiers of entities we expect to find in the generated module. SERVICER_IDENTIFIER = 'EarlyAdopterTestServiceServicer' SERVER_IDENTIFIER = 'EarlyAdopterTestServiceServer' STUB_IDENTIFIER = 'EarlyAdopterTestServiceStub' SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER = 'early_adopter_create_TestService_server' STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER = 'early_adopter_create_TestService_stub' # The timeout used in tests of RPCs that are supposed to expire. SHORT_TIMEOUT = 2 # The timeout used in tests of RPCs that are not supposed to expire. The # absurdly large value doesn't matter since no passing execution of this test # module will ever wait the duration. LONG_TIMEOUT = 600 NO_DELAY = 0 # Build mode environment variable set by tools/run_tests/run_tests.py. _build_mode = os.environ['CONFIG'] class _ServicerMethods(object): def __init__(self, test_pb2, delay): self._condition = threading.Condition() self._delay = delay self._paused = False self._fail = False self._test_pb2 = test_pb2 @contextlib.contextmanager def pause(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: self._paused = True yield with self._condition: self._paused = False self._condition.notify_all() @contextlib.contextmanager def fail(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: self._fail = True yield with self._condition: self._fail = False def _control(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self._condition: if self._fail: raise ValueError() while self._paused: self._condition.wait() time.sleep(self._delay) def UnaryCall(self, request, unused_rpc_context): response = self._test_pb2.SimpleResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._test_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * request.response_size self._control() return response def StreamingOutputCall(self, request, unused_rpc_context): for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._test_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() yield response def StreamingInputCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): response = self._test_pb2.StreamingInputCallResponse() aggregated_payload_size = 0 for request in request_iter: aggregated_payload_size += len(request.payload.payload_compressable) response.aggregated_payload_size = aggregated_payload_size self._control() return response def FullDuplexCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): for request in request_iter: for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._test_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() yield response def HalfDuplexCall(self, request_iter, unused_rpc_context): responses = [] for request in request_iter: for parameter in request.response_parameters: response = self._test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse() response.payload.payload_type = self._test_pb2.COMPRESSABLE response.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' * parameter.size self._control() responses.append(response) for response in responses: yield response @contextlib.contextmanager def _CreateService(test_pb2, delay): """Provides a servicer backend and a stub. The servicer is just the implementation of the actual servicer passed to the face player of the python RPC implementation; the two are detached. Non-zero delay puts a delay on each call to the servicer, representative of communication latency. Timeout is the default timeout for the stub while waiting for the service. Args: test_pb2: The test_pb2 module generated by this test. delay: Delay in seconds per response from the servicer. Yields: A (servicer_methods, servicer, stub) three-tuple where servicer_methods is the back-end of the service bound to the stub and the server and stub are both activated and ready for use. """ servicer_methods = _ServicerMethods(test_pb2, delay) class Servicer(getattr(test_pb2, SERVICER_IDENTIFIER)): def UnaryCall(self, request, context): return servicer_methods.UnaryCall(request, context) def StreamingOutputCall(self, request, context): return servicer_methods.StreamingOutputCall(request, context) def StreamingInputCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.StreamingInputCall(request_iter, context) def FullDuplexCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.FullDuplexCall(request_iter, context) def HalfDuplexCall(self, request_iter, context): return servicer_methods.HalfDuplexCall(request_iter, context) servicer = Servicer() server = getattr( test_pb2, SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)(servicer, 0) with server: port = server.port() stub = getattr(test_pb2, STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER)('localhost', port) with stub: yield servicer_methods, stub, server def _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2): for _ in range(3): request = test_pb2.StreamingInputCallRequest() request.payload.payload_type = test_pb2.COMPRESSABLE request.payload.payload_compressable = 'a' yield request def _streaming_output_request(test_pb2): request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() sizes = [1, 2, 3] request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[0], interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[1], interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=sizes[2], interval_us=0) return request def _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2): request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=2, interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=3, interval_us=0) yield request class PythonPluginTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test case for the gRPC Python protoc-plugin. While reading these tests, remember that the futures API (`stub.method.async()`) only gives futures for the *non-streaming* responses, else it behaves like its blocking cousin. """ def setUp(self): protoc_command = '../../bins/%s/protobuf/protoc' % _build_mode protoc_plugin_filename = '../../bins/%s/grpc_python_plugin' % _build_mode test_proto_filename = './test.proto' if not os.path.isfile(protoc_command): # Assume that if we haven't built protoc that it's on the system. protoc_command = 'protoc' # Ensure that the output directory exists. self.outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Invoke protoc with the plugin. cmd = [ protoc_command, '--plugin=protoc-gen-python-grpc=%s' % protoc_plugin_filename, '-I %s' % os.path.dirname(test_proto_filename), '--python_out=%s' % self.outdir, '--python-grpc_out=%s' % self.outdir, os.path.basename(test_proto_filename), ] subprocess.call(' '.join(cmd), shell=True) sys.path.append(self.outdir) def tearDown(self): try: shutil.rmtree(self.outdir) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise # TODO(atash): Figure out which of these tests is hanging flakily with small # probability. def testImportAttributes(self): # check that we can access the generated module and its members. import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(test_pb2, SERVICER_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(test_pb2, SERVER_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(test_pb2, STUB_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(test_pb2, SERVER_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, None)) self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(test_pb2, STUB_FACTORY_IDENTIFIER, None)) def testUpDown(self): import test_pb2 with _CreateService( test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (servicer, stub, unused_server): request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) def testUnaryCall(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): timeout = 6 # TODO(issue 2039): LONG_TIMEOUT like the other methods. request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) response = stub.UnaryCall(request, timeout) expected_response = methods.UnaryCall(request, 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testUnaryCallAsync(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): # Check that the call does not block waiting for the server to respond. with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.async(request, LONG_TIMEOUT) response = response_future.result() expected_response = methods.UnaryCall(request, 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testUnaryCallAsyncExpired(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.async(request, SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ExpirationError): response_future.result() @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testUnaryCallAsyncCancelled(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.async(request, 1) response_future.cancel() self.assertTrue(response_future.cancelled()) def testUnaryCallAsyncFailed(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = test_pb2.SimpleRequest(response_size=13) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.fail(): response_future = stub.UnaryCall.async(request, LONG_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(response_future.exception()) def testStreamingOutputCall(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = _streaming_output_request(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.StreamingOutputCall( request, 'not a real RpcContext!') for expected_response, response in itertools.izip_longest( expected_responses, responses): self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testStreamingOutputCallExpired(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = _streaming_output_request(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ExpirationError): list(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testStreamingOutputCallCancelled(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = _streaming_output_request(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( unused_methods, stub, unused_server): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, SHORT_TIMEOUT) next(responses) responses.cancel() with self.assertRaises(future.CancelledError): next(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this times out ' 'instead of raising the proper error.') def testStreamingOutputCallFailed(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request = _streaming_output_request(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.fail(): responses = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, 1) self.assertIsNotNone(responses) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ServicerError): next(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testStreamingInputCall(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): response = stub.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_response = methods.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testStreamingInputCallAsync(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.async( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), LONG_TIMEOUT) response = response_future.result() expected_response = methods.StreamingInputCall( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testStreamingInputCallAsyncExpired(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.async( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ExpirationError): response_future.result() self.assertIsInstance( response_future.exception(), exceptions.ExpirationError) def testStreamingInputCallAsyncCancelled(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): timeout = 6 # TODO(issue 2039): LONG_TIMEOUT like the other methods. response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.async( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), timeout) response_future.cancel() self.assertTrue(response_future.cancelled()) with self.assertRaises(future.CancelledError): response_future.result() def testStreamingInputCallAsyncFailed(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.fail(): response_future = stub.StreamingInputCall.async( _streaming_input_request_iterator(test_pb2), SHORT_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(response_future.exception()) def testFullDuplexCall(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall( _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2), LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.FullDuplexCall( _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2), 'not a real RpcContext!') for expected_response, response in itertools.izip_longest( expected_responses, responses): self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testFullDuplexCallExpired(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.pause(): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, SHORT_TIMEOUT) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ExpirationError): list(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testFullDuplexCallCancelled(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2) responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, LONG_TIMEOUT) next(responses) responses.cancel() with self.assertRaises(future.CancelledError): next(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this hangs forever ' 'and fix.') def testFullDuplexCallFailed(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top request_iterator = _full_duplex_request_iterator(test_pb2) with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): with methods.fail(): responses = stub.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, LONG_TIMEOUT) self.assertIsNotNone(responses) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ServicerError): next(responses) @unittest.skip('TODO(atash,nathaniel): figure out why this flakily hangs ' 'forever and fix.') def testHalfDuplexCall(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as ( methods, stub, unused_server): def half_duplex_request_iterator(): request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=2, interval_us=0) request.response_parameters.add(size=3, interval_us=0) yield request responses = stub.HalfDuplexCall( half_duplex_request_iterator(), LONG_TIMEOUT) expected_responses = methods.HalfDuplexCall( half_duplex_request_iterator(), 'not a real RpcContext!') for check in itertools.izip_longest(expected_responses, responses): expected_response, response = check self.assertEqual(expected_response, response) def testHalfDuplexCallWedged(self): import test_pb2 # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top condition = threading.Condition() wait_cell = [False] @contextlib.contextmanager def wait(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Where's Python 3's 'nonlocal' statement when you need it? with condition: wait_cell[0] = True yield with condition: wait_cell[0] = False condition.notify_all() def half_duplex_request_iterator(): request = test_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest() request.response_parameters.add(size=1, interval_us=0) yield request with condition: while wait_cell[0]: condition.wait() with _CreateService(test_pb2, NO_DELAY) as (methods, stub, unused_server): with wait(): responses = stub.HalfDuplexCall( half_duplex_request_iterator(), SHORT_TIMEOUT) # half-duplex waits for the client to send all info with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ExpirationError): next(responses) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) unittest.main(verbosity=2)