<%! bad_header_names = ('time.h', 'string.h') def fix_header_name(name): split_name = name.split('/') if split_name[-1] in bad_header_names: return '/'.join(split_name[:-1] + ['grpc_' + split_name[-1]]) else: return name %> Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'gRPC' s.version = '0.6.0' s.summary = 'gRPC client library for iOS/OSX' s.homepage = 'http://www.grpc.io' s.license = 'New BSD' s.authors = { 'The gRPC contributors' => 'grpc-packages@google.com' } # s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git', # :tag => 'release-0_9_1-objectivec-0.5.1' } s.ios.deployment_target = '6.0' s.osx.deployment_target = '10.8' s.requires_arc = true # Reactive Extensions library for iOS. s.subspec 'RxLibrary' do |rs| rs.source_files = 'src/objective-c/RxLibrary/*.{h,m}', 'src/objective-c/RxLibrary/transformations/*.{h,m}', 'src/objective-c/RxLibrary/private/*.{h,m}' rs.private_header_files = 'src/objective-c/RxLibrary/private/*.h' end # Core cross-platform gRPC library, written in C. s.subspec 'C-Core' do |cs| cs.source_files = \ % for lib in libs: % if lib.name in ("grpc", "gpr"): % for hdr in lib.get("headers", []): '${fix_header_name(hdr)}', \ % endfor % for hdr in lib.get("public_headers", []): '${fix_header_name(hdr)}', \ % endfor % for src in lib.src: '${src}', \ % endfor % endif % endfor cs.private_header_files = \ % for lib in libs: % if lib.name in ("grpc", "gpr"): % for hdr in lib.get("headers", []): '${hdr}', \ % endfor % endif % endfor cs.header_mappings_dir = '.' # The core library includes its headers as either "src/core/..." or "grpc/...", meaning we have # to tell XCode to look for headers under the "include" subdirectory too. # # TODO(jcanizales): Instead of doing this, during installation move everything under # "include/grpc" one directory up. The directory names under PODS_ROOT are implementation # details of Cocoapods, and have changed in the past, breaking this podspec. cs.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(PODS_ROOT)/Headers/Private/gRPC" ' + '"$(PODS_ROOT)/Headers/Private/gRPC/include"' } cs.compiler_flags = '-GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS', '-w' cs.requires_arc = false cs.libraries = 'z' cs.dependency 'OpenSSL', '~> 1.0.200' end # This is a workaround for Cocoapods Issue #1437. # It renames time.h and string.h to grpc_time.h and grpc_string.h. # It needs to be here (top-level) instead of in the C-Core subspec because Cocoapods doesn't run # prepare_command's of subspecs. # # TODO(jcanizales): Try out Todd Reed's solution at Issue #1437. s.prepare_command = <<-CMD DIR_TIME="grpc/support" BAD_TIME="$DIR_TIME/time.h" GOOD_TIME="$DIR_TIME/grpc_time.h" grep -rl "$BAD_TIME" include/grpc src/core | xargs sed -i '' -e s@$BAD_TIME@$GOOD_TIME@g if [ -f "include/$BAD_TIME" ]; then mv -f "include/$BAD_TIME" "include/$GOOD_TIME" fi DIR_STRING="src/core/support" BAD_STRING="$DIR_STRING/string.h" GOOD_STRING="$DIR_STRING/grpc_string.h" grep -rl "$BAD_STRING" include/grpc src/core | xargs sed -i '' -e s@$BAD_STRING@$GOOD_STRING@g if [ -f "$BAD_STRING" ]; then mv -f "$BAD_STRING" "$GOOD_STRING" fi CMD # Objective-C wrapper around the core gRPC library. s.subspec 'GRPCClient' do |gs| gs.source_files = 'src/objective-c/GRPCClient/*.{h,m}', 'src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/*.{h,m}' gs.private_header_files = 'src/objective-c/GRPCClient/private/*.h' gs.compiler_flags = '-GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS', '-w' gs.dependency 'gRPC/C-Core' # TODO(jcanizales): Remove this when the prepare_command moves everything under "include/grpc" # one directory up. gs.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(PODS_ROOT)/Headers/Public/gRPC/include"' } gs.dependency 'gRPC/RxLibrary' # Certificates, to be able to establish TLS connections: gs.resource_bundles = { 'gRPC' => ['etc/roots.pem'] } end # RPC library for ProtocolBuffers, based on gRPC s.subspec 'ProtoRPC' do |ps| ps.source_files = 'src/objective-c/ProtoRPC/*.{h,m}' ps.dependency 'gRPC/GRPCClient' ps.dependency 'gRPC/RxLibrary' ps.dependency 'Protobuf', '~> 3.0.0-alpha-3' end end