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"""Code for making a service.TestService more amenable to use in tests.""" import collections import threading import six # test_control, _service, and test_interfaces are referenced from specification # in this module. from grpc.framework.common import cardinality from grpc.framework.common import style from grpc.framework.foundation import stream from grpc.framework.foundation import stream_util from grpc.framework.interfaces.face import face from tests.unit.framework.common import test_control # pylint: disable=unused-import from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import _service # pylint: disable=unused-import from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.face import test_interfaces # pylint: disable=unused-import _IDENTITY = lambda x: x class TestServiceDigest( collections.namedtuple('TestServiceDigest', ( 'methods', 'inline_method_implementations', 'event_method_implementations', 'multi_method_implementation', 'unary_unary_messages_sequences', 'unary_stream_messages_sequences', 'stream_unary_messages_sequences', 'stream_stream_messages_sequences',))): """A transformation of a service.TestService. Attributes: methods: A dict from method group-name pair to test_interfaces.Method object describing the RPC methods that may be called during the test. inline_method_implementations: A dict from method group-name pair to face.MethodImplementation object to be used in tests of in-line calls to behaviors under test. event_method_implementations: A dict from method group-name pair to face.MethodImplementation object to be used in tests of event-driven calls to behaviors under test. multi_method_implementation: A face.MultiMethodImplementation to be used in tests of generic calls to behaviors under test. unary_unary_messages_sequences: A dict from method group-name pair to sequence of service.UnaryUnaryTestMessages objects to be used to test the identified method. unary_stream_messages_sequences: A dict from method group-name pair to sequence of service.UnaryStreamTestMessages objects to be used to test the identified method. stream_unary_messages_sequences: A dict from method group-name pair to sequence of service.StreamUnaryTestMessages objects to be used to test the identified method. stream_stream_messages_sequences: A dict from method group-name pair to sequence of service.StreamStreamTestMessages objects to be used to test the identified method. """ class _BufferingConsumer(stream.Consumer): """A trivial Consumer that dumps what it consumes in a user-mutable buffer.""" def __init__(self): self.consumed = [] self.terminated = False def consume(self, value): self.consumed.append(value) def terminate(self): self.terminated = True def consume_and_terminate(self, value): self.consumed.append(value) self.terminated = True class _InlineUnaryUnaryMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, unary_unary_test_method, control): self._test_method = unary_unary_test_method self._control = control self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.UNARY_UNARY self.style = style.Service.INLINE def unary_unary_inline(self, request, context): response_list = [] self._test_method.service(request, response_list.append, context, self._control) return response_list.pop(0) class _EventUnaryUnaryMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, unary_unary_test_method, control, pool): self._test_method = unary_unary_test_method self._control = control self._pool = pool self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.UNARY_UNARY self.style = style.Service.EVENT def unary_unary_event(self, request, response_callback, context): if self._pool is None: self._test_method.service(request, response_callback, context, self._control) else: self._pool.submit(self._test_method.service, request, response_callback, context, self._control) class _InlineUnaryStreamMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, unary_stream_test_method, control): self._test_method = unary_stream_test_method self._control = control self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.UNARY_STREAM self.style = style.Service.INLINE def unary_stream_inline(self, request, context): response_consumer = _BufferingConsumer() self._test_method.service(request, response_consumer, context, self._control) for response in response_consumer.consumed: yield response class _EventUnaryStreamMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, unary_stream_test_method, control, pool): self._test_method = unary_stream_test_method self._control = control self._pool = pool self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.UNARY_STREAM self.style = style.Service.EVENT def unary_stream_event(self, request, response_consumer, context): if self._pool is None: self._test_method.service(request, response_consumer, context, self._control) else: self._pool.submit(self._test_method.service, request, response_consumer, context, self._control) class _InlineStreamUnaryMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, stream_unary_test_method, control): self._test_method = stream_unary_test_method self._control = control self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.STREAM_UNARY self.style = style.Service.INLINE def stream_unary_inline(self, request_iterator, context): response_list = [] request_consumer = self._test_method.service(response_list.append, context, self._control) for request in request_iterator: request_consumer.consume(request) request_consumer.terminate() return response_list.pop(0) class _EventStreamUnaryMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, stream_unary_test_method, control, pool): self._test_method = stream_unary_test_method self._control = control self._pool = pool self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.STREAM_UNARY self.style = style.Service.EVENT def stream_unary_event(self, response_callback, context): request_consumer = self._test_method.service(response_callback, context, self._control) if self._pool is None: return request_consumer else: return stream_util.ThreadSwitchingConsumer(request_consumer, self._pool) class _InlineStreamStreamMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, stream_stream_test_method, control): self._test_method = stream_stream_test_method self._control = control self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.STREAM_STREAM self.style = style.Service.INLINE def stream_stream_inline(self, request_iterator, context): response_consumer = _BufferingConsumer() request_consumer = self._test_method.service(response_consumer, context, self._control) for request in request_iterator: request_consumer.consume(request) while response_consumer.consumed: yield response_consumer.consumed.pop(0) response_consumer.terminate() class _EventStreamStreamMethod(face.MethodImplementation): def __init__(self, stream_stream_test_method, control, pool): self._test_method = stream_stream_test_method self._control = control self._pool = pool self.cardinality = cardinality.Cardinality.STREAM_STREAM self.style = style.Service.EVENT def stream_stream_event(self, response_consumer, context): request_consumer = self._test_method.service(response_consumer, context, self._control) if self._pool is None: return request_consumer else: return stream_util.ThreadSwitchingConsumer(request_consumer, self._pool) class _UnaryConsumer(stream.Consumer): """A Consumer that only allows consumption of exactly one value.""" def __init__(self, action): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._action = action self._consumed = False self._terminated = False def consume(self, value): with self._lock: if self._consumed: raise ValueError('Unary consumer already consumed!') elif self._terminated: raise ValueError('Unary consumer already terminated!') else: self._consumed = True self._action(value) def terminate(self): with self._lock: if not self._consumed: raise ValueError('Unary consumer hasn\'t yet consumed!') elif self._terminated: raise ValueError('Unary consumer already terminated!') else: self._terminated = True def consume_and_terminate(self, value): with self._lock: if self._consumed: raise ValueError('Unary consumer already consumed!') elif self._terminated: raise ValueError('Unary consumer already terminated!') else: self._consumed = True self._terminated = True self._action(value) class _UnaryUnaryAdaptation(object): def __init__(self, unary_unary_test_method): self._method = unary_unary_test_method def service(self, response_consumer, context, control): def action(request): self._method.service(request, response_consumer.consume_and_terminate, context, control) return _UnaryConsumer(action) class _UnaryStreamAdaptation(object): def __init__(self, unary_stream_test_method): self._method = unary_stream_test_method def service(self, response_consumer, context, control): def action(request): self._method.service(request, response_consumer, context, control) return _UnaryConsumer(action) class _StreamUnaryAdaptation(object): def __init__(self, stream_unary_test_method): self._method = stream_unary_test_method def service(self, response_consumer, context, control): return self._method.service(response_consumer.consume_and_terminate, context, control) class _MultiMethodImplementation(face.MultiMethodImplementation): def __init__(self, methods, control, pool): self._methods = methods self._control = control self._pool = pool def service(self, group, name, response_consumer, context): method = self._methods.get(group, name, None) if method is None: raise face.NoSuchMethodError(group, name) elif self._pool is None: return method(response_consumer, context, self._control) else: request_consumer = method(response_consumer, context, self._control) return stream_util.ThreadSwitchingConsumer(request_consumer, self._pool) class _Assembly( collections.namedtuple( '_Assembly', ['methods', 'inlines', 'events', 'adaptations', 'messages'])): """An intermediate structure created when creating a TestServiceDigest.""" def _assemble(scenarios, identifiers, inline_method_constructor, event_method_constructor, adapter, control, pool): """Creates an _Assembly from the given scenarios.""" methods = {} inlines = {} events = {} adaptations = {} messages = {} for identifier, scenario in six.iteritems(scenarios): if identifier in identifiers: raise ValueError('Repeated identifier "(%s, %s)"!' % identifier) test_method = scenario[0] inline_method = inline_method_constructor(test_method, control) event_method = event_method_constructor(test_method, control, pool) adaptation = adapter(test_method) methods[identifier] = test_method inlines[identifier] = inline_method events[identifier] = event_method adaptations[identifier] = adaptation messages[identifier] = scenario[1] return _Assembly(methods, inlines, events, adaptations, messages) def digest(service, control, pool): """Creates a TestServiceDigest from a TestService. Args: service: A _service.TestService. control: A test_control.Control. pool: If RPC methods should be serviced in a separate thread, a thread pool. None if RPC methods should be serviced in the thread belonging to the run-time that calls for their service. Returns: A TestServiceDigest synthesized from the given service.TestService. """ identifiers = set() unary_unary = _assemble(service.unary_unary_scenarios(), identifiers, _InlineUnaryUnaryMethod, _EventUnaryUnaryMethod, _UnaryUnaryAdaptation, control, pool) identifiers.update(unary_unary.inlines) unary_stream = _assemble(service.unary_stream_scenarios(), identifiers, _InlineUnaryStreamMethod, _EventUnaryStreamMethod, _UnaryStreamAdaptation, control, pool) identifiers.update(unary_stream.inlines) stream_unary = _assemble(service.stream_unary_scenarios(), identifiers, _InlineStreamUnaryMethod, _EventStreamUnaryMethod, _StreamUnaryAdaptation, control, pool) identifiers.update(stream_unary.inlines) stream_stream = _assemble(service.stream_stream_scenarios(), identifiers, _InlineStreamStreamMethod, _EventStreamStreamMethod, _IDENTITY, control, pool) identifiers.update(stream_stream.inlines) methods = dict(unary_unary.methods) methods.update(unary_stream.methods) methods.update(stream_unary.methods) methods.update(stream_stream.methods) adaptations = dict(unary_unary.adaptations) adaptations.update(unary_stream.adaptations) adaptations.update(stream_unary.adaptations) adaptations.update(stream_stream.adaptations) inlines = dict(unary_unary.inlines) inlines.update(unary_stream.inlines) inlines.update(stream_unary.inlines) inlines.update(stream_stream.inlines) events = dict(unary_unary.events) events.update(unary_stream.events) events.update(stream_unary.events) events.update(stream_stream.events) return TestServiceDigest( methods, inlines, events, _MultiMethodImplementation(adaptations, control, pool), unary_unary.messages, unary_stream.messages, stream_unary.messages, stream_stream.messages)