# Copyright 2016 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Defines test client behaviors (UNARY/STREAMING) (SYNC/ASYNC).""" import abc import threading import time from concurrent import futures from six.moves import queue import grpc from src.proto.grpc.testing import messages_pb2 from src.proto.grpc.testing import benchmark_service_pb2_grpc from tests.unit import resources from tests.unit import test_common _TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 24 class GenericStub(object): def __init__(self, channel): self.UnaryCall = channel.unary_unary( '/grpc.testing.BenchmarkService/UnaryCall') self.StreamingCall = channel.stream_stream( '/grpc.testing.BenchmarkService/StreamingCall') class BenchmarkClient: """Benchmark client interface that exposes a non-blocking send_request().""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, server, config, hist): # Create the stub if config.HasField('security_params'): creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( resources.test_root_certificates()) channel = test_common.test_secure_channel( server, creds, config.security_params.server_host_override) else: channel = grpc.insecure_channel(server) # waits for the channel to be ready before we start sending messages grpc.channel_ready_future(channel).result() if config.payload_config.WhichOneof('payload') == 'simple_params': self._generic = False self._stub = benchmark_service_pb2_grpc.BenchmarkServiceStub( channel) payload = messages_pb2.Payload( body='\0' * config.payload_config.simple_params.req_size) self._request = messages_pb2.SimpleRequest( payload=payload, response_size=config.payload_config.simple_params.resp_size) else: self._generic = True self._stub = GenericStub(channel) self._request = '\0' * config.payload_config.bytebuf_params.req_size self._hist = hist self._response_callbacks = [] def add_response_callback(self, callback): """callback will be invoked as callback(client, query_time)""" self._response_callbacks.append(callback) @abc.abstractmethod def send_request(self): """Non-blocking wrapper for a client's request operation.""" raise NotImplementedError() def start(self): pass def stop(self): pass def _handle_response(self, client, query_time): self._hist.add(query_time * 1e9) # Report times in nanoseconds for callback in self._response_callbacks: callback(client, query_time) class UnarySyncBenchmarkClient(BenchmarkClient): def __init__(self, server, config, hist): super(UnarySyncBenchmarkClient, self).__init__(server, config, hist) self._pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=config.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel) def send_request(self): # Send requests in seperate threads to support multiple outstanding rpcs # (See src/proto/grpc/testing/control.proto) self._pool.submit(self._dispatch_request) def stop(self): self._pool.shutdown(wait=True) self._stub = None def _dispatch_request(self): start_time = time.time() self._stub.UnaryCall(self._request, _TIMEOUT) end_time = time.time() self._handle_response(self, end_time - start_time) class UnaryAsyncBenchmarkClient(BenchmarkClient): def send_request(self): # Use the Future callback api to support multiple outstanding rpcs start_time = time.time() response_future = self._stub.UnaryCall.future(self._request, _TIMEOUT) response_future.add_done_callback( lambda resp: self._response_received(start_time, resp)) def _response_received(self, start_time, resp): resp.result() end_time = time.time() self._handle_response(self, end_time - start_time) def stop(self): self._stub = None class _SyncStream(object): def __init__(self, stub, generic, request, handle_response): self._stub = stub self._generic = generic self._request = request self._handle_response = handle_response self._is_streaming = False self._request_queue = queue.Queue() self._send_time_queue = queue.Queue() def send_request(self): self._send_time_queue.put(time.time()) self._request_queue.put(self._request) def start(self): self._is_streaming = True response_stream = self._stub.StreamingCall(self._request_generator(), _TIMEOUT) for _ in response_stream: self._handle_response( self, time.time() - self._send_time_queue.get_nowait()) def stop(self): self._is_streaming = False def _request_generator(self): while self._is_streaming: try: request = self._request_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0) yield request except queue.Empty: pass class StreamingSyncBenchmarkClient(BenchmarkClient): def __init__(self, server, config, hist): super(StreamingSyncBenchmarkClient, self).__init__(server, config, hist) self._pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=config.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel) self._streams = [ _SyncStream(self._stub, self._generic, self._request, self._handle_response) for _ in range(config.outstanding_rpcs_per_channel) ] self._curr_stream = 0 def send_request(self): # Use a round_robin scheduler to determine what stream to send on self._streams[self._curr_stream].send_request() self._curr_stream = (self._curr_stream + 1) % len(self._streams) def start(self): for stream in self._streams: self._pool.submit(stream.start) def stop(self): for stream in self._streams: stream.stop() self._pool.shutdown(wait=True) self._stub = None