# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import multiprocessing import os import select import signal import sys import tempfile import threading import time import unittest import uuid import six from six import moves from tests import _loader from tests import _result class CaptureFile(object): """A context-managed file to redirect output to a byte array. Use by invoking `start` (`__enter__`) and at some point invoking `stop` (`__exit__`). At any point after the initial call to `start` call `output` to get the current redirected output. Note that we don't currently use file locking, so calling `output` between calls to `start` and `stop` may muddle the result (you should only be doing this during a Python-handled interrupt as a last ditch effort to provide output to the user). Attributes: _redirected_fd (int): File descriptor of file to redirect writes from. _saved_fd (int): A copy of the original value of the redirected file descriptor. _into_file (TemporaryFile or None): File to which writes are redirected. Only non-None when self is started. """ def __init__(self, fd): self._redirected_fd = fd self._saved_fd = os.dup(self._redirected_fd) self._into_file = None def output(self): """Get all output from the redirected-to file if it exists.""" if self._into_file: self._into_file.seek(0) return bytes(self._into_file.read()) else: return bytes() def start(self): """Start redirection of writes to the file descriptor.""" self._into_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() os.dup2(self._into_file.fileno(), self._redirected_fd) def stop(self): """Stop redirection of writes to the file descriptor.""" # n.b. this dup2 call auto-closes self._redirected_fd os.dup2(self._saved_fd, self._redirected_fd) def write_bypass(self, value): """Bypass the redirection and write directly to the original file. Arguments: value (str): What to write to the original file. """ if six.PY3 and not isinstance(value, six.binary_type): value = bytes(value, 'ascii') if self._saved_fd is None: os.write(self._redirect_fd, value) else: os.write(self._saved_fd, value) def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.stop() def close(self): """Close any resources used by self not closed by stop().""" os.close(self._saved_fd) class AugmentedCase(collections.namedtuple('AugmentedCase', ['case', 'id'])): """A test case with a guaranteed unique externally specified identifier. Attributes: case (unittest.TestCase): TestCase we're decorating with an additional identifier. id (object): Any identifier that may be considered 'unique' for testing purposes. """ def __new__(cls, case, id=None): if id is None: id = uuid.uuid4() return super(cls, AugmentedCase).__new__(cls, case, id) class Runner(object): def run(self, suite): """See setuptools' test_runner setup argument for information.""" # only run test cases with id starting with given prefix testcase_filter = os.getenv('GRPC_PYTHON_TESTRUNNER_FILTER') filtered_cases = [] for case in _loader.iterate_suite_cases(suite): if not testcase_filter or case.id().startswith(testcase_filter): filtered_cases.append(case) # Ensure that every test case has no collision with any other test case in # the augmented results. augmented_cases = [ AugmentedCase(case, uuid.uuid4()) for case in filtered_cases ] case_id_by_case = dict((augmented_case.case, augmented_case.id) for augmented_case in augmented_cases) result_out = moves.cStringIO() result = _result.TerminalResult( result_out, id_map=lambda case: case_id_by_case[case]) stdout_pipe = CaptureFile(sys.stdout.fileno()) stderr_pipe = CaptureFile(sys.stderr.fileno()) kill_flag = [False] def sigint_handler(signal_number, frame): if signal_number == signal.SIGINT: kill_flag[0] = True # Python 2.7 not having 'local'... :-( signal.signal(signal_number, signal.SIG_DFL) def fault_handler(signal_number, frame): stdout_pipe.write_bypass( 'Received fault signal {}\nstdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:{}\n'.format( signal_number, stdout_pipe.output(), stderr_pipe.output())) os._exit(1) def check_kill_self(): if kill_flag[0]: stdout_pipe.write_bypass('Stopping tests short...') result.stopTestRun() stdout_pipe.write_bypass(result_out.getvalue()) stdout_pipe.write_bypass('\ninterrupted stdout:\n{}\n'.format( stdout_pipe.output().decode())) stderr_pipe.write_bypass('\ninterrupted stderr:\n{}\n'.format( stderr_pipe.output().decode())) os._exit(1) def try_set_handler(name, handler): try: signal.signal(getattr(signal, name), handler) except AttributeError: pass try_set_handler('SIGINT', sigint_handler) try_set_handler('SIGSEGV', fault_handler) try_set_handler('SIGBUS', fault_handler) try_set_handler('SIGABRT', fault_handler) try_set_handler('SIGFPE', fault_handler) try_set_handler('SIGILL', fault_handler) # Sometimes output will lag after a test has successfully finished; we # ignore such writes to our pipes. try_set_handler('SIGPIPE', signal.SIG_IGN) # Run the tests result.startTestRun() for augmented_case in augmented_cases: sys.stdout.write('Running {}\n'.format( augmented_case.case.id())) sys.stdout.flush() case_thread = threading.Thread( target=augmented_case.case.run, args=(result,)) try: with stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe: case_thread.start() while case_thread.is_alive(): check_kill_self() time.sleep(0) case_thread.join() except: # re-raise the exception after forcing the with-block to end raise result.set_output(augmented_case.case, stdout_pipe.output(), stderr_pipe.output()) sys.stdout.write(result_out.getvalue()) sys.stdout.flush() result_out.truncate(0) check_kill_self() result.stopTestRun() stdout_pipe.close() stderr_pipe.close() # Report results sys.stdout.write(result_out.getvalue()) sys.stdout.flush() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) with open('report.xml', 'wb') as report_xml_file: _result.jenkins_junit_xml(result).write(report_xml_file) return result