# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Provides distutils command classes for the gRPC Python setup process.""" from distutils import errors as _errors import glob import os import os.path import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import traceback import setuptools from setuptools.command import build_ext from setuptools.command import build_py from setuptools.command import easy_install from setuptools.command import install from setuptools.command import test PYTHON_STEM = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) GRPC_STEM = os.path.abspath(PYTHON_STEM + '../../../../') GRPC_PROTO_STEM = os.path.join(GRPC_STEM, 'src', 'proto') PROTO_STEM = os.path.join(PYTHON_STEM, 'src', 'proto') PYTHON_PROTO_TOP_LEVEL = os.path.join(PYTHON_STEM, 'src') class CommandError(object): pass class GatherProto(setuptools.Command): description = 'gather proto dependencies' user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): # TODO(atash) ensure that we're running from the repository directory when # this command is used try: shutil.rmtree(PROTO_STEM) except Exception as error: # We don't care if this command fails pass shutil.copytree(GRPC_PROTO_STEM, PROTO_STEM) for root, _, _ in os.walk(PYTHON_PROTO_TOP_LEVEL): path = os.path.join(root, '__init__.py') open(path, 'a').close() class BuildPy(build_py.build_py): """Custom project build command.""" def run(self): try: self.run_command('build_package_protos') except CommandError as error: sys.stderr.write('warning: %s\n' % error.message) build_py.build_py.run(self) class TestLite(setuptools.Command): """Command to run tests without fetching or building anything.""" description = 'run tests without fetching or building anything.' user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): # distutils requires this override. pass def run(self): self._add_eggs_to_path() import tests loader = tests.Loader() loader.loadTestsFromNames(['tests']) runner = tests.Runner() result = runner.run(loader.suite) if not result.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit('Test failure') def _add_eggs_to_path(self): """Fetch install and test requirements""" self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(self.distribution.install_requires) self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(self.distribution.tests_require) class TestGevent(setuptools.Command): """Command to run tests w/gevent.""" BANNED_TESTS = ( # These tests send a lot of RPCs and are really slow on gevent. They will # eventually succeed, but need to dig into performance issues. 'unit._cython._no_messages_server_completion_queue_per_call_test.Test.test_rpcs', 'unit._cython._no_messages_single_server_completion_queue_test.Test.test_rpcs', # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/16890) enable this test 'unit._cython._channel_test.ChannelTest.test_multiple_channels_lonely_connectivity', # I have no idea why this doesn't work in gevent, but it shouldn't even be # using the c-core 'testing._client_test.ClientTest.test_infinite_request_stream_real_time', # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/15743) enable this test 'unit._session_cache_test.SSLSessionCacheTest.testSSLSessionCacheLRU', # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/14789) enable this test 'unit._server_ssl_cert_config_test', # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/14901) enable this test 'protoc_plugin._python_plugin_test.PythonPluginTest', # Beta API is unsupported for gevent 'protoc_plugin.beta_python_plugin_test', 'unit.beta._beta_features_test', # TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/15411) unpin gevent version # This test will stuck while running higher version of gevent 'unit._auth_context_test.AuthContextTest.testSessionResumption') description = 'run tests with gevent. Assumes grpc/gevent are installed' user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): # distutils requires this override. pass def run(self): from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import tests import grpc.experimental.gevent grpc.experimental.gevent.init_gevent() import gevent import tests loader = tests.Loader() loader.loadTestsFromNames(['tests']) runner = tests.Runner() runner.skip_tests(self.BANNED_TESTS) result = gevent.spawn(runner.run, loader.suite) result.join() if not result.value.wasSuccessful(): sys.exit('Test failure') class RunInterop(test.test): description = 'run interop test client/server' user_options = [('args=', 'a', 'pass-thru arguments for the client/server'), ('client', 'c', 'flag indicating to run the client'), ('server', 's', 'flag indicating to run the server')] def initialize_options(self): self.args = '' self.client = False self.server = False def finalize_options(self): if self.client and self.server: raise _errors.DistutilsOptionError( 'you may only specify one of client or server') def run(self): if self.distribution.install_requires: self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs( self.distribution.install_requires) if self.distribution.tests_require: self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(self.distribution.tests_require) if self.client: self.run_client() elif self.server: self.run_server() def run_server(self): # We import here to ensure that our setuptools parent has had a chance to # edit the Python system path. from tests.interop import server sys.argv[1:] = self.args.split() server.serve() def run_client(self): # We import here to ensure that our setuptools parent has had a chance to # edit the Python system path. from tests.interop import client sys.argv[1:] = self.args.split() client.test_interoperability() class RunFork(test.test): description = 'run fork test client' user_options = [('args=', 'a', 'pass-thru arguments for the client')] def initialize_options(self): self.args = '' def finalize_options(self): # distutils requires this override. pass def run(self): if self.distribution.install_requires: self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs( self.distribution.install_requires) if self.distribution.tests_require: self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(self.distribution.tests_require) # We import here to ensure that our setuptools parent has had a chance to # edit the Python system path. from tests.fork import client sys.argv[1:] = self.args.split() client.test_fork()