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"""Tests of the links interface of RPC Framework.""" # unittest is referenced from specification in this module. import abc import unittest # pylint: disable=unused-import import six from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import links from tests.unit.framework.common import test_constants from tests.unit.framework.interfaces.links import test_utilities def at_least_n_payloads_received_predicate(n): def predicate(ticket_sequence): payload_count = 0 for ticket in ticket_sequence: if ticket.payload is not None: payload_count += 1 if n <= payload_count: return True else: return False return predicate def terminated(ticket_sequence): return ticket_sequence and ticket_sequence[-1].termination is not None _TRANSMISSION_GROUP = 'test.Group' _TRANSMISSION_METHOD = 'TestMethod' class TransmissionTest(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Tests ticket transmission between two connected links. This class must be mixed into a unittest.TestCase that implements the abstract methods it provides. """ # This is a unittest.TestCase mix-in. # pylint: disable=invalid-name @abc.abstractmethod def create_transmitting_links(self): """Creates two connected links for use in this test. Returns: Two links.Links, the first of which will be used on the invocation side of RPCs and the second of which will be used on the service side of RPCs. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def destroy_transmitting_links(self, invocation_side_link, service_side_link): """Destroys the two connected links created for this test. Args: invocation_side_link: The link used on the invocation side of RPCs in this test. service_side_link: The link used on the service side of RPCs in this test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_invocation_initial_metadata(self): """Creates a value for use as invocation-side initial metadata. Returns: A metadata value appropriate for use as invocation-side initial metadata or None if invocation-side initial metadata transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_invocation_terminal_metadata(self): """Creates a value for use as invocation-side terminal metadata. Returns: A metadata value appropriate for use as invocation-side terminal metadata or None if invocation-side terminal metadata transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_service_initial_metadata(self): """Creates a value for use as service-side initial metadata. Returns: A metadata value appropriate for use as service-side initial metadata or None if service-side initial metadata transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_service_terminal_metadata(self): """Creates a value for use as service-side terminal metadata. Returns: A metadata value appropriate for use as service-side terminal metadata or None if service-side terminal metadata transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_invocation_completion(self): """Creates values for use as invocation-side code and message. Returns: An invocation-side code value and an invocation-side message value. Either or both may be None if invocation-side code and/or invocation-side message transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def create_service_completion(self): """Creates values for use as service-side code and message. Returns: A service-side code value and a service-side message value. Either or both may be None if service-side code and/or service-side message transmission is not supported by the links under test. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def assertMetadataTransmitted(self, original_metadata, transmitted_metadata): """Asserts that transmitted_metadata contains original_metadata. Args: original_metadata: A metadata object used in this test. transmitted_metadata: A metadata object obtained after transmission through the system under test. Raises: AssertionError: if the transmitted_metadata object does not contain original_metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError() def group_and_method(self): """Returns the group and method used in this test case. Returns: A pair of the group and method used in this test case. """ return _TRANSMISSION_GROUP, _TRANSMISSION_METHOD def serialize_request(self, request): """Serializes a request value used in this test case. Args: request: A request value created by this test case. Returns: A bytestring that is the serialization of the given request. """ return request def deserialize_request(self, serialized_request): """Deserializes a request value used in this test case. Args: serialized_request: A bytestring that is the serialization of some request used in this test case. Returns: The request value encoded by the given bytestring. """ return serialized_request def serialize_response(self, response): """Serializes a response value used in this test case. Args: response: A response value created by this test case. Returns: A bytestring that is the serialization of the given response. """ return response def deserialize_response(self, serialized_response): """Deserializes a response value used in this test case. Args: serialized_response: A bytestring that is the serialization of some response used in this test case. Returns: The response value encoded by the given bytestring. """ return serialized_response def _assert_is_valid_metadata_payload_sequence( self, ticket_sequence, payloads, initial_metadata, terminal_metadata): initial_metadata_seen = False seen_payloads = [] terminal_metadata_seen = False for ticket in ticket_sequence: if ticket.initial_metadata is not None: self.assertFalse(initial_metadata_seen) self.assertFalse(seen_payloads) self.assertFalse(terminal_metadata_seen) self.assertMetadataTransmitted(initial_metadata, ticket.initial_metadata) initial_metadata_seen = True if ticket.payload is not None: self.assertFalse(terminal_metadata_seen) seen_payloads.append(ticket.payload) if ticket.terminal_metadata is not None: self.assertFalse(terminal_metadata_seen) self.assertMetadataTransmitted(terminal_metadata, ticket.terminal_metadata) terminal_metadata_seen = True self.assertSequenceEqual(payloads, seen_payloads) def _assert_is_valid_invocation_sequence( self, ticket_sequence, group, method, payloads, initial_metadata, terminal_metadata, termination): self.assertLess(0, len(ticket_sequence)) self.assertEqual(group, ticket_sequence[0].group) self.assertEqual(method, ticket_sequence[0].method) self._assert_is_valid_metadata_payload_sequence( ticket_sequence, payloads, initial_metadata, terminal_metadata) self.assertIs(termination, ticket_sequence[-1].termination) def _assert_is_valid_service_sequence( self, ticket_sequence, payloads, initial_metadata, terminal_metadata, code, message, termination): self.assertLess(0, len(ticket_sequence)) self._assert_is_valid_metadata_payload_sequence( ticket_sequence, payloads, initial_metadata, terminal_metadata) self.assertEqual(code, ticket_sequence[-1].code) self.assertEqual(message, ticket_sequence[-1].message) self.assertIs(termination, ticket_sequence[-1].termination) def setUp(self): self._invocation_link, self._service_link = self.create_transmitting_links() self._invocation_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() self._service_mate = test_utilities.RecordingLink() self._invocation_link.join_link(self._invocation_mate) self._service_link.join_link(self._service_mate) def tearDown(self): self.destroy_transmitting_links(self._invocation_link, self._service_link) def testSimplestRoundTrip(self): """Tests transmission of one ticket in each direction.""" invocation_operation_id = object() invocation_payload = b'\x07' * 1023 timeout = test_constants.LONG_TIMEOUT invocation_initial_metadata = self.create_invocation_initial_metadata() invocation_terminal_metadata = self.create_invocation_terminal_metadata() invocation_code, invocation_message = self.create_invocation_completion() service_payload = b'\x08' * 1025 service_initial_metadata = self.create_service_initial_metadata() service_terminal_metadata = self.create_service_terminal_metadata() service_code, service_message = self.create_service_completion() original_invocation_ticket = links.Ticket( invocation_operation_id, 0, _TRANSMISSION_GROUP, _TRANSMISSION_METHOD, links.Ticket.Subscription.FULL, timeout, 0, invocation_initial_metadata, invocation_payload, invocation_terminal_metadata, invocation_code, invocation_message, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, None) self._invocation_link.accept_ticket(original_invocation_ticket) self._service_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy( at_least_n_payloads_received_predicate(1)) service_operation_id = self._service_mate.tickets()[0].operation_id self._service_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(terminated) self._assert_is_valid_invocation_sequence( self._service_mate.tickets(), _TRANSMISSION_GROUP, _TRANSMISSION_METHOD, (invocation_payload,), invocation_initial_metadata, invocation_terminal_metadata, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION) original_service_ticket = links.Ticket( service_operation_id, 0, None, None, links.Ticket.Subscription.FULL, timeout, 0, service_initial_metadata, service_payload, service_terminal_metadata, service_code, service_message, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION, None) self._service_link.accept_ticket(original_service_ticket) self._invocation_mate.block_until_tickets_satisfy(terminated) self._assert_is_valid_service_sequence( self._invocation_mate.tickets(), (service_payload,), service_initial_metadata, service_terminal_metadata, service_code, service_message, links.Ticket.Termination.COMPLETION)