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"""Implementations of interoperability test methods.""" from __future__ import print_function import enum import json import os import threading import time from oauth2client import client as oauth2client_client from grpc.framework.common import cardinality from grpc.framework.interfaces.face import face from tests.interop import empty_pb2 from tests.interop import messages_pb2 from tests.interop import test_pb2 _TIMEOUT = 7 class TestService(test_pb2.BetaTestServiceServicer): def EmptyCall(self, request, context): return empty_pb2.Empty() def UnaryCall(self, request, context): return messages_pb2.SimpleResponse( payload=messages_pb2.Payload( type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, body=b'\x00' * request.response_size)) def StreamingOutputCall(self, request, context): for response_parameters in request.response_parameters: yield messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse( payload=messages_pb2.Payload( type=request.response_type, body=b'\x00' * response_parameters.size)) def StreamingInputCall(self, request_iterator, context): aggregate_size = 0 for request in request_iterator: if request.payload and request.payload.body: aggregate_size += len(request.payload.body) return messages_pb2.StreamingInputCallResponse( aggregated_payload_size=aggregate_size) def FullDuplexCall(self, request_iterator, context): for request in request_iterator: yield messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallResponse( payload=messages_pb2.Payload( type=request.payload.type, body=b'\x00' * request.response_parameters[0].size)) # NOTE(nathaniel): Apparently this is the same as the full-duplex call? # NOTE(atash): It isn't even called in the interop spec (Oct 22 2015)... def HalfDuplexCall(self, request_iterator, context): return self.FullDuplexCall(request_iterator, context) def _large_unary_common_behavior(stub, fill_username, fill_oauth_scope): with stub: request = messages_pb2.SimpleRequest( response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, response_size=314159, payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * 271828), fill_username=fill_username, fill_oauth_scope=fill_oauth_scope) response_future = stub.UnaryCall.future(request, _TIMEOUT) response = response_future.result() if response.payload.type is not messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE: raise ValueError( 'response payload type is "%s"!' % type(response.payload.type)) if len(response.payload.body) != 314159: raise ValueError( 'response body of incorrect size %d!' % len(response.payload.body)) return response def _empty_unary(stub): with stub: response = stub.EmptyCall(empty_pb2.Empty(), _TIMEOUT) if not isinstance(response, empty_pb2.Empty): raise TypeError( 'response is of type "%s", not empty_pb2.Empty!', type(response)) def _large_unary(stub): _large_unary_common_behavior(stub, False, False) def _client_streaming(stub): with stub: payload_body_sizes = (27182, 8, 1828, 45904) payloads = ( messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * size) for size in payload_body_sizes) requests = ( messages_pb2.StreamingInputCallRequest(payload=payload) for payload in payloads) response = stub.StreamingInputCall(requests, _TIMEOUT) if response.aggregated_payload_size != 74922: raise ValueError( 'incorrect size %d!' % response.aggregated_payload_size) def _server_streaming(stub): sizes = (31415, 9, 2653, 58979) with stub: request = messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest( response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, response_parameters=( messages_pb2.ResponseParameters(size=sizes[0]), messages_pb2.ResponseParameters(size=sizes[1]), messages_pb2.ResponseParameters(size=sizes[2]), messages_pb2.ResponseParameters(size=sizes[3]), )) response_iterator = stub.StreamingOutputCall(request, _TIMEOUT) for index, response in enumerate(response_iterator): if response.payload.type != messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE: raise ValueError( 'response body of invalid type %s!' % response.payload.type) if len(response.payload.body) != sizes[index]: raise ValueError( 'response body of invalid size %d!' % len(response.payload.body)) def _cancel_after_begin(stub): with stub: sizes = (27182, 8, 1828, 45904) payloads = [messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * size) for size in sizes] requests = [messages_pb2.StreamingInputCallRequest(payload=payload) for payload in payloads] responses = stub.StreamingInputCall.future(requests, _TIMEOUT) responses.cancel() if not responses.cancelled(): raise ValueError('expected call to be cancelled') class _Pipe(object): def __init__(self): self._condition = threading.Condition() self._values = [] self._open = True def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return self.next() def next(self): with self._condition: while not self._values and self._open: self._condition.wait() if self._values: return self._values.pop(0) else: raise StopIteration() def add(self, value): with self._condition: self._values.append(value) self._condition.notify() def close(self): with self._condition: self._open = False self._condition.notify() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() def _ping_pong(stub): request_response_sizes = (31415, 9, 2653, 58979) request_payload_sizes = (27182, 8, 1828, 45904) with stub, _Pipe() as pipe: response_iterator = stub.FullDuplexCall(pipe, _TIMEOUT) print('Starting ping-pong with response iterator %s' % response_iterator) for response_size, payload_size in zip( request_response_sizes, request_payload_sizes): request = messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest( response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, response_parameters=(messages_pb2.ResponseParameters( size=response_size),), payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * payload_size)) pipe.add(request) response = next(response_iterator) if response.payload.type != messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE: raise ValueError( 'response body of invalid type %s!' % response.payload.type) if len(response.payload.body) != response_size: raise ValueError( 'response body of invalid size %d!' % len(response.payload.body)) def _cancel_after_first_response(stub): request_response_sizes = (31415, 9, 2653, 58979) request_payload_sizes = (27182, 8, 1828, 45904) with stub, _Pipe() as pipe: response_iterator = stub.FullDuplexCall(pipe, _TIMEOUT) response_size = request_response_sizes[0] payload_size = request_payload_sizes[0] request = messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest( response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, response_parameters=(messages_pb2.ResponseParameters( size=response_size),), payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * payload_size)) pipe.add(request) response = next(response_iterator) # We test the contents of `response` in the Ping Pong test - don't check # them here. response_iterator.cancel() try: next(response_iterator) except Exception: pass else: raise ValueError('expected call to be cancelled') def _timeout_on_sleeping_server(stub): request_payload_size = 27182 with stub, _Pipe() as pipe: response_iterator = stub.FullDuplexCall(pipe, 0.001) request = messages_pb2.StreamingOutputCallRequest( response_type=messages_pb2.COMPRESSABLE, payload=messages_pb2.Payload(body=b'\x00' * request_payload_size)) pipe.add(request) time.sleep(0.1) try: next(response_iterator) except face.ExpirationError: pass else: raise ValueError('expected call to exceed deadline') def _empty_stream(stub): with stub, _Pipe() as pipe: response_iterator = stub.FullDuplexCall(pipe, _TIMEOUT) pipe.close() try: next(response_iterator) raise ValueError('expected exactly 0 responses') except StopIteration: pass def _compute_engine_creds(stub, args): response = _large_unary_common_behavior(stub, True, True) if args.default_service_account != response.username: raise ValueError( 'expected username %s, got %s' % (args.default_service_account, response.username)) def _oauth2_auth_token(stub, args): json_key_filename = os.environ[ oauth2client_client.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS] wanted_email = json.load(open(json_key_filename, 'rb'))['client_email'] response = _large_unary_common_behavior(stub, True, True) if wanted_email != response.username: raise ValueError( 'expected username %s, got %s' % (wanted_email, response.username)) if args.oauth_scope.find(response.oauth_scope) == -1: raise ValueError( 'expected to find oauth scope "%s" in received "%s"' % (response.oauth_scope, args.oauth_scope)) @enum.unique class TestCase(enum.Enum): EMPTY_UNARY = 'empty_unary' LARGE_UNARY = 'large_unary' SERVER_STREAMING = 'server_streaming' CLIENT_STREAMING = 'client_streaming' PING_PONG = 'ping_pong' CANCEL_AFTER_BEGIN = 'cancel_after_begin' CANCEL_AFTER_FIRST_RESPONSE = 'cancel_after_first_response' EMPTY_STREAM = 'empty_stream' COMPUTE_ENGINE_CREDS = 'compute_engine_creds' OAUTH2_AUTH_TOKEN = 'oauth2_auth_token' TIMEOUT_ON_SLEEPING_SERVER = 'timeout_on_sleeping_server' def test_interoperability(self, stub, args): if self is TestCase.EMPTY_UNARY: _empty_unary(stub) elif self is TestCase.LARGE_UNARY: _large_unary(stub) elif self is TestCase.SERVER_STREAMING: _server_streaming(stub) elif self is TestCase.CLIENT_STREAMING: _client_streaming(stub) elif self is TestCase.PING_PONG: _ping_pong(stub) elif self is TestCase.CANCEL_AFTER_BEGIN: _cancel_after_begin(stub) elif self is TestCase.CANCEL_AFTER_FIRST_RESPONSE: _cancel_after_first_response(stub) elif self is TestCase.TIMEOUT_ON_SLEEPING_SERVER: _timeout_on_sleeping_server(stub) elif self is TestCase.EMPTY_STREAM: _empty_stream(stub) elif self is TestCase.COMPUTE_ENGINE_CREDS: _compute_engine_creds(stub, args) elif self is TestCase.OAUTH2_AUTH_TOKEN: _oauth2_auth_token(stub, args) else: raise NotImplementedError('Test case "%s" not implemented!' % self.name)