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"""Implementation of base.End.""" import abc import threading import uuid import six from grpc.framework.core import _operation from grpc.framework.core import _utilities from grpc.framework.foundation import callable_util from grpc.framework.foundation import later from grpc.framework.foundation import logging_pool from grpc.framework.interfaces.base import base from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import links from grpc.framework.interfaces.links import utilities _IDLE_ACTION_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE = 'Exception calling idle action!' class End(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, base.End, links.Link)): """A bridge between base.End and links.Link. Implementations of this interface translate arriving tickets into calls on application objects implementing base interfaces and translate calls from application objects implementing base interfaces into tickets sent to a joined link. """ class _Cycle(object): """State for a single start-stop End lifecycle.""" def __init__(self, pool): self.pool = pool self.grace = False self.futures = [] self.operations = {} self.idle_actions = [] def _abort(operations): for operation in operations: operation.abort(base.Outcome.Kind.LOCAL_SHUTDOWN) def _cancel_futures(futures): for future in futures: future.cancel() def _future_shutdown(lock, cycle, event): def in_future(): with lock: _abort(cycle.operations.values()) _cancel_futures(cycle.futures) return in_future class _End(End): """An End implementation.""" def __init__(self, servicer_package): """Constructor. Args: servicer_package: A _ServicerPackage for servicing operations or None if this end will not be used to service operations. """ self._lock = threading.Condition() self._servicer_package = servicer_package self._stats = {outcome_kind: 0 for outcome_kind in base.Outcome.Kind} self._mate = None self._cycle = None def _termination_action(self, operation_id): """Constructs the termination action for a single operation. Args: operation_id: The operation ID for the termination action. Returns: A callable that takes an operation outcome kind as its sole parameter and that should be used as the termination action for the operation associated with the given operation ID. """ def termination_action(outcome_kind): with self._lock: self._stats[outcome_kind] += 1 self._cycle.operations.pop(operation_id, None) if not self._cycle.operations: for action in self._cycle.idle_actions: self._cycle.pool.submit(action) self._cycle.idle_actions = [] if self._cycle.grace: _cancel_futures(self._cycle.futures) self._cycle.pool.shutdown(wait=False) self._cycle = None return termination_action def start(self): """See base.End.start for specification.""" with self._lock: if self._cycle is not None: raise ValueError('Tried to start a not-stopped End!') else: self._cycle = _Cycle(logging_pool.pool(1)) def stop(self, grace): """See base.End.stop for specification.""" with self._lock: if self._cycle is None: event = threading.Event() event.set() return event elif not self._cycle.operations: event = threading.Event() self._cycle.pool.submit(event.set) self._cycle.pool.shutdown(wait=False) self._cycle = None return event else: self._cycle.grace = True event = threading.Event() self._cycle.idle_actions.append(event.set) if 0 < grace: future = later.later( grace, _future_shutdown(self._lock, self._cycle, event)) self._cycle.futures.append(future) else: _abort(self._cycle.operations.values()) return event def operate( self, group, method, subscription, timeout, initial_metadata=None, payload=None, completion=None, protocol_options=None): """See base.End.operate for specification.""" operation_id = uuid.uuid4() with self._lock: if self._cycle is None or self._cycle.grace: raise ValueError('Can\'t operate on stopped or stopping End!') termination_action = self._termination_action(operation_id) operation = _operation.invocation_operate( operation_id, group, method, subscription, timeout, protocol_options, initial_metadata, payload, completion, self._mate.accept_ticket, termination_action, self._cycle.pool) self._cycle.operations[operation_id] = operation return operation.context, operation.operator def operation_stats(self): """See base.End.operation_stats for specification.""" with self._lock: return dict(self._stats) def add_idle_action(self, action): """See base.End.add_idle_action for specification.""" with self._lock: if self._cycle is None: raise ValueError('Can\'t add idle action to stopped End!') action_with_exceptions_logged = callable_util.with_exceptions_logged( action, _IDLE_ACTION_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE) if self._cycle.operations: self._cycle.idle_actions.append(action_with_exceptions_logged) else: self._cycle.pool.submit(action_with_exceptions_logged) def accept_ticket(self, ticket): """See links.Link.accept_ticket for specification.""" with self._lock: if self._cycle is not None: operation = self._cycle.operations.get(ticket.operation_id) if operation is not None: operation.handle_ticket(ticket) elif self._servicer_package is not None and not self._cycle.grace: termination_action = self._termination_action(ticket.operation_id) operation = _operation.service_operate( self._servicer_package, ticket, self._mate.accept_ticket, termination_action, self._cycle.pool) if operation is not None: self._cycle.operations[ticket.operation_id] = operation def join_link(self, link): """See links.Link.join_link for specification.""" with self._lock: self._mate = utilities.NULL_LINK if link is None else link def serviceless_end_link(): """Constructs an End usable only for invoking operations. Returns: An End usable for translating operations into ticket exchange. """ return _End(None) def serviceful_end_link(servicer, default_timeout, maximum_timeout): """Constructs an End capable of servicing operations. Args: servicer: An interfaces.Servicer for servicing operations. default_timeout: A length of time in seconds to be used as the default time alloted for a single operation. maximum_timeout: A length of time in seconds to be used as the maximum time alloted for a single operation. Returns: An End capable of servicing the operations requested of it through ticket exchange. """ return _End( _utilities.ServicerPackage(servicer, default_timeout, maximum_timeout))