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"""State and behavior for ingestion during an operation.""" import abc import collections import six from grpc.framework.base import _constants from grpc.framework.base import _interfaces from grpc.framework.base import exceptions from grpc.framework.base import interfaces from grpc.framework.foundation import abandonment from grpc.framework.foundation import callable_util from grpc.framework.foundation import stream _CREATE_CONSUMER_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE = 'Exception initializing ingestion!' _CONSUME_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE = 'Exception during ingestion!' class _ConsumerCreation(collections.namedtuple( '_ConsumerCreation', ('consumer', 'remote_error', 'abandoned'))): """A sum type for the outcome of ingestion initialization. Either consumer will be non-None, remote_error will be True, or abandoned will be True. Attributes: consumer: A stream.Consumer for ingesting payloads. remote_error: A boolean indicating that the consumer could not be created due to an error on the remote side of the operation. abandoned: A boolean indicating that the consumer creation was abandoned. """ class _EmptyConsumer(stream.Consumer): """A no-operative stream.Consumer that ignores all inputs and calls.""" def consume(self, value): """See stream.Consumer.consume for specification.""" def terminate(self): """See stream.Consumer.terminate for specification.""" def consume_and_terminate(self, value): """See stream.Consumer.consume_and_terminate for specification.""" class _ConsumerCreator(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Common specification of different consumer-creating behavior.""" @abc.abstractmethod def create_consumer(self, requirement): """Creates the stream.Consumer to which customer payloads will be delivered. Any exceptions raised by this method should be attributed to and treated as defects in the serviced or servicer code called by this method. Args: requirement: A value required by this _ConsumerCreator for consumer creation. Returns: A _ConsumerCreation describing the result of consumer creation. """ raise NotImplementedError() class _FrontConsumerCreator(_ConsumerCreator): """A _ConsumerCreator appropriate for front-side use.""" def __init__(self, subscription, operation_context): """Constructor. Args: subscription: The serviced's interfaces.ServicedSubscription for the operation. operation_context: The interfaces.OperationContext object for the operation. """ self._subscription = subscription self._operation_context = operation_context def create_consumer(self, requirement): """See _ConsumerCreator.create_consumer for specification.""" if self._subscription.kind is interfaces.ServicedSubscription.Kind.FULL: try: return _ConsumerCreation( self._subscription.ingestor.consumer(self._operation_context), False, False) except abandonment.Abandoned: return _ConsumerCreation(None, False, True) else: return _ConsumerCreation(_EmptyConsumer(), False, False) class _BackConsumerCreator(_ConsumerCreator): """A _ConsumerCreator appropriate for back-side use.""" def __init__(self, servicer, operation_context, emission_consumer): """Constructor. Args: servicer: The interfaces.Servicer that will service the operation. operation_context: The interfaces.OperationContext object for the operation. emission_consumer: The stream.Consumer object to which payloads emitted from the operation will be passed. """ self._servicer = servicer self._operation_context = operation_context self._emission_consumer = emission_consumer def create_consumer(self, requirement): """See _ConsumerCreator.create_consumer for full specification. Args: requirement: The name of the Servicer method to be called during this operation. Returns: A _ConsumerCreation describing the result of consumer creation. """ try: return _ConsumerCreation( self._servicer.service( requirement, self._operation_context, self._emission_consumer), False, False) except exceptions.NoSuchMethodError: return _ConsumerCreation(None, True, False) except abandonment.Abandoned: return _ConsumerCreation(None, False, True) class _WrappedConsumer(object): """Wraps a consumer to catch the exceptions that it is allowed to throw.""" def __init__(self, consumer): """Constructor. Args: consumer: A stream.Consumer that may raise abandonment.Abandoned from any of its methods. """ self._consumer = consumer def moar(self, payload, complete): """Makes progress with the wrapped consumer. This method catches all exceptions allowed to be thrown by the wrapped consumer. Any exceptions raised by this method should be blamed on the customer-supplied consumer. Args: payload: A customer-significant payload object. May be None only if complete is True. complete: Whether or not the end of the payload sequence has been reached. Must be True if payload is None. Returns: True if the wrapped consumer made progress or False if the wrapped consumer raised abandonment.Abandoned to indicate its abandonment of progress. """ try: if payload is None: self._consumer.terminate() elif complete: self._consumer.consume_and_terminate(payload) else: self._consumer.consume(payload) return True except abandonment.Abandoned: return False class _IngestionManager(_interfaces.IngestionManager): """An implementation of _interfaces.IngestionManager.""" def __init__( self, lock, pool, consumer_creator, failure_outcome, termination_manager, transmission_manager): """Constructor. Args: lock: The operation-wide lock. pool: A thread pool in which to execute customer code. consumer_creator: A _ConsumerCreator wrapping the portion of customer code that when called returns the stream.Consumer with which the customer code will ingest payload values. failure_outcome: Whichever one of interfaces.Outcome.SERVICED_FAILURE or interfaces.Outcome.SERVICER_FAILURE describes local failure of customer code. termination_manager: The _interfaces.TerminationManager for the operation. transmission_manager: The _interfaces.TransmissionManager for the operation. """ self._lock = lock self._pool = pool self._consumer_creator = consumer_creator self._failure_outcome = failure_outcome self._termination_manager = termination_manager self._transmission_manager = transmission_manager self._expiration_manager = None self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer = None self._pending_ingestion = [] self._ingestion_complete = False self._processing = False def set_expiration_manager(self, expiration_manager): self._expiration_manager = expiration_manager def _abort_internal_only(self): self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer = None self._pending_ingestion = None def _abort_and_notify(self, outcome): self._abort_internal_only() self._termination_manager.abort(outcome) self._transmission_manager.abort(outcome) self._expiration_manager.abort() def _next(self): """Computes the next step for ingestion. Returns: A payload, complete, continue triplet indicating what payload (if any) is available to feed into customer code, whether or not the sequence of payloads has terminated, and whether or not there is anything immediately actionable to call customer code to do. """ if self._pending_ingestion is None: return None, False, False elif self._pending_ingestion: payload = self._pending_ingestion.pop(0) complete = self._ingestion_complete and not self._pending_ingestion return payload, complete, True elif self._ingestion_complete: return None, True, True else: return None, False, False def _process(self, wrapped_ingestion_consumer, payload, complete): """A method to call to execute customer code. This object's lock must *not* be held when calling this method. Args: wrapped_ingestion_consumer: The _WrappedConsumer with which to pass payloads to customer code. payload: A customer payload. May be None only if complete is True. complete: Whether or not the sequence of payloads to pass to the customer has concluded. """ while True: consumption_outcome = callable_util.call_logging_exceptions( wrapped_ingestion_consumer.moar, _CONSUME_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE, payload, complete) if consumption_outcome.exception is None: if consumption_outcome.return_value: with self._lock: if complete: self._pending_ingestion = None self._termination_manager.ingestion_complete() return else: payload, complete, moar = self._next() if not moar: self._processing = False return else: with self._lock: if self._pending_ingestion is not None: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) self._processing = False return else: with self._lock: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) self._processing = False return def start(self, requirement): if self._pending_ingestion is not None: def initialize(): consumer_creation_outcome = callable_util.call_logging_exceptions( self._consumer_creator.create_consumer, _CREATE_CONSUMER_EXCEPTION_LOG_MESSAGE, requirement) if consumer_creation_outcome.return_value is None: with self._lock: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) self._processing = False elif consumer_creation_outcome.return_value.remote_error: with self._lock: self._abort_and_notify(interfaces.Outcome.RECEPTION_FAILURE) self._processing = False elif consumer_creation_outcome.return_value.abandoned: with self._lock: if self._pending_ingestion is not None: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) self._processing = False else: wrapped_ingestion_consumer = _WrappedConsumer( consumer_creation_outcome.return_value.consumer) with self._lock: self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer = wrapped_ingestion_consumer payload, complete, moar = self._next() if not moar: self._processing = False return self._process(wrapped_ingestion_consumer, payload, complete) self._pool.submit( callable_util.with_exceptions_logged( initialize, _constants.INTERNAL_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE)) self._processing = True def consume(self, payload): if self._ingestion_complete: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) elif self._pending_ingestion is not None: if self._processing: self._pending_ingestion.append(payload) else: self._pool.submit( callable_util.with_exceptions_logged( self._process, _constants.INTERNAL_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE), self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer, payload, False) self._processing = True def terminate(self): if self._ingestion_complete: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) else: self._ingestion_complete = True if self._pending_ingestion is not None and not self._processing: self._pool.submit( callable_util.with_exceptions_logged( self._process, _constants.INTERNAL_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE), self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer, None, True) self._processing = True def consume_and_terminate(self, payload): if self._ingestion_complete: self._abort_and_notify(self._failure_outcome) else: self._ingestion_complete = True if self._pending_ingestion is not None: if self._processing: self._pending_ingestion.append(payload) else: self._pool.submit( callable_util.with_exceptions_logged( self._process, _constants.INTERNAL_ERROR_LOG_MESSAGE), self._wrapped_ingestion_consumer, payload, True) self._processing = True def abort(self): """See _interfaces.IngestionManager.abort for specification.""" self._abort_internal_only() def front_ingestion_manager( lock, pool, subscription, termination_manager, transmission_manager, operation_context): """Creates an IngestionManager appropriate for front-side use. Args: lock: The operation-wide lock. pool: A thread pool in which to execute customer code. subscription: A interfaces.ServicedSubscription indicating the customer's interest in the results of the operation. termination_manager: The _interfaces.TerminationManager for the operation. transmission_manager: The _interfaces.TransmissionManager for the operation. operation_context: A interfaces.OperationContext for the operation. Returns: An IngestionManager appropriate for front-side use. """ ingestion_manager = _IngestionManager( lock, pool, _FrontConsumerCreator(subscription, operation_context), interfaces.Outcome.SERVICED_FAILURE, termination_manager, transmission_manager) ingestion_manager.start(None) return ingestion_manager def back_ingestion_manager( lock, pool, servicer, termination_manager, transmission_manager, operation_context, emission_consumer): """Creates an IngestionManager appropriate for back-side use. Args: lock: The operation-wide lock. pool: A thread pool in which to execute customer code. servicer: A interfaces.Servicer for servicing the operation. termination_manager: The _interfaces.TerminationManager for the operation. transmission_manager: The _interfaces.TransmissionManager for the operation. operation_context: A interfaces.OperationContext for the operation. emission_consumer: The _interfaces.EmissionConsumer for the operation. Returns: An IngestionManager appropriate for back-side use. """ ingestion_manager = _IngestionManager( lock, pool, _BackConsumerCreator( servicer, operation_context, emission_consumer), interfaces.Outcome.SERVICER_FAILURE, termination_manager, transmission_manager) return ingestion_manager