gRPC Python ========= The Python facility of gRPC. Status ------- Alpha : Ready for early adopters PREREQUISITES ------------- - Python 2.7, virtualenv, pip - [homebrew][] on Mac OS X, [linuxbrew][] on Linux. These simplify the installation of the gRPC C core. INSTALLATION ------------- On Mac OS X, install [homebrew][]. On Linux, install [linuxbrew][]. Run the following command to install gRPC Python. ```sh $ curl -fsSL | bash -s python ``` This will download and run the [gRPC install script][], then install the latest version of the gRPC Python package. It also installs the Protocol Buffers compiler (_protoc_) and the gRPC _protoc_ plugin for python. EXAMPLES -------- Please read our online documentation for a [Quick Start][] and a [detailed example][] BUILDING FROM SOURCE --------------------- - Clone this repository - Build the gRPC core from the root of the [gRPC Git repository]( ``` $ make shared_c static_c ``` - Use to build the Python code and install it into a virtual environment ``` $ tools/run_tests/ ``` TESTING ------- - Use to run gRPC as it was installed into the virtual environment ``` $ tools/run_tests/ ``` PACKAGING --------- - Install packaging dependencies ``` $ pip install setuptools twine ``` - Push to PyPI ``` $ ../../tools/distrib/python/ ``` [homebrew]: [linuxbrew]: [gRPC install script]: [Quick Start]: [detailed example]: