class ServerStatus extends \Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message
* .grpc.testing.ServerStats stats = 1;
private $stats = null;
* the port bound by the server ** *
int32 port = 2;
private $port = 0;
* * Number of cores available to the server ** *
int32 cores = 3;
private $cores = 0;
public function __construct() {
* .grpc.testing.ServerStats stats = 1;
public function getStats()
return $this->stats;
* .grpc.testing.ServerStats stats = 1;
public function setStats(&$var)
GPBUtil::checkMessage($var, \Grpc\Testing\ServerStats::class);
$this->stats = $var;
* * the port bound by the server ** *
int32 port = 2;
public function getPort()
return $this->port;
* * the port bound by the server ** *
int32 port = 2;
public function setPort($var)
$this->port = $var;
* * Number of cores available to the server ** *
int32 cores = 3;
public function getCores()
return $this->cores;
* * Number of cores available to the server ** *
int32 cores = 3;
public function setCores($var)
$this->cores = $var;